Hey guys.
I managed the issue with ACPI in another way. I found a config.plist file for another Dell Laptop and got beyond the ACPI KP with it. All I had to do then was inject Nvidia and voila...
Now I have a working Yosemite with Clover and much more important a otb working iMessage. I love Clover... now!
I have still issues with sound. I can't adjust the volume. Any news regarding this issue?
I begin to hate Clover... though I liked the Cloverfield movie
Pluto I tried your smbios thing I think, am not sure if I did it correct... (Can you maybe upload your working Clover config.plist file)
and I tried your removals patel, removed AppleACPIPlatform.kext and IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext from /S/L/E and put the AppleACPIPlatform.kext from your ZIP in /E/C/K/10.10 Still ACPI stops like seen in the attached image:
Yo Patel.
As you know, have working Yosemite on my E6410 with Chameleon. But I want to test Clover. I played around a little bit with it but I can't get further than a KP "Unable to find driver for this platform: \"ACPI\".\n"@/SourceCache/xnu/xnu....."
Kexts like FakeSMC and NullCPUPowerManagement are placed in 10.10 Folder...
Do you have any hints or advices for me?
Yo patel4prez.
Yes I do!
By the way, the last I did regarding sound was to install the latest pkg from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/voodoohda/files/
had managed to update directly from from 10.9.5 with working sound to Yosemite before you brought your guide.
My sound is working. Not for 100% (e.g. i can't adjust the volume) but it is working.
I did. Working without any issues.
After the last updates, I always had to delete AppleHDA.kext from S/L/E and run myfix to get sound working again but this time I didn't need it. Maybe thats because I had installed newest VoodooHDA from their site in the time between 10.9.4 and 10.9.5.
Did you call the hotline?
I spent 4 days reading howto's and trying to fix iMessage and FaceTime.
Then I called the hotline, as iMessage suggests, and it took 5 minutes and everything was working!
But AppStore and iCloud were working out of the box though...
Call the Support Hotline of Apple. Answer their questions. If they cant find your SN, dont worry. Tell them you bought your MAC from eBay. They'll make your iMessage work again.
Did that a week ago. Took 3 minutes!