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  1. Greeting all, is there any kext suitable for my hp dv2000 which has an alps touchpad? According to the mac os log, my device id is E7=0x73 0x02 0x0a, EC=0x10 0x00 0x64 . I tried the kexts from the refined alps thread and the kexts from the first post and it doesn't work. Thank you very much for the help.
  2. Hi Dr. Hurt, this kext works for my laptop dv2500 which has a alps E7=0x73 0x02 0x0a, EC=0x10 0x00 0x64. But there are some problems, first is when i tap the touchpad for clicking, it just hold the item I'm clicking. Like i tap on safari to open but it turns into hold as it show open, show recents and etc. second is I'm using a usb mouse to navigate and whenever i click on something it just doesn't open. Its not just your kext, i tried others like rehab man, slice and some i forgot and it just doesn't click. Normally i have to click a lot of times to open. Third is I'm currently using this laptop to type this post and i use the mouse to highlight a word to delete and it scrolls down! Why does that so? Thanks!
  3. Hi Dr Hurt, i tried your kext and it doesn't work. Even the keyboard doesn't work too! My device id according to windows is ACPI\AUI1500. Thank you very much Laptop is dv2000. **Edit** Dr hurt I managed to make it work! Its not really great as i feel that it can be better. Anyway i managed to make it work but editing the info.plist inside the voodoops2 in the HPQOEM under the alpsglidepoint by copying one of the probook and paste it after that changed the value to mine which is 1500. Looking forward for you new kext!
  4. Hi my laptop is asus s400. Its equipped with a élan touchpad. I remember back in mavericks, i used your kext and the two finger scrolling works and left/right edge swapping but other gestures such as pinching the touchpad to launch launchpad doesn't work. Now with your this kext the pinching gesture works, double tap too but the two finger scrolling, left/right edge doesn't. I tried your latest kext to no avail. Thank you very much.
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