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  1. Ahhh gotchya! ------------------------------ Alright so I've definitely narrowed it down to an issue with CLOVER, as I created another partition and installed a fresh copy of Sierra to it, and booting to it failed terribly as well. I [at first] used my personal config.plist with my personal acpi/patched folder, that booted the new partition just as far as my error above. Next, I used a generic config.plist with no acpi/patched, and it booted far but didn't get anywhere. Attached you will find my EFI/CLOVER compressed with everything except the themes folder, and has debug.log at CLOVER/misc. debug.log is showing on the top half, a failed boot to my macOS Partition containing Sierra, and then a successful boot to my MacintoshHD partition containing El Capitan, which I am writing this post from. If you could take a look and tell me if you see anything wonky it'd be extremely appreciated! Current HDD setup: HDD1: [layout: Partition name + Recovery - current OS installed] Partition 1: MacintoshHD + Recovery - El Capitan Partition 2: macOS2 + recovery - Sierra partition in process of installation Partition 3: macOS + recovery - [once] working Sierra partition HDD2: Partition 1: Windows 10 CLOVER.zip
  2. Sorry, what do you mean by "you might have to replace the file in clover boot as well"
  3. Good afternoon all! I have a [basically] great working Sierra install that last night decided to quit out on me. booting takes me to a timeout error and I have no clue how I'm supposed to recover from this [see attached] I tried updating Clover by installing the newest build to a usb drive, copying the required files and then overwriting my /EFI/CLOVER partition but for some reason no matter how many times I replace /EFI/CLOVER it always reads the oldest build number [3599] I also to remove the troublesome kext but was left not knowing which was the actual culprit... any ideas as to this error? Thank you for any help!
  4. Just a heads up, Sierra is working perfectly with a new WiFi module - BT 4.0 and 5.0 GHz Wifi As well as sound et al
  5. Alright: So I Upgraded from Yosemite to the 10.12 Sierra Public Beta and *ALMOST* everything works folks: So it looks like when I try to rebuild the KextCache using RehabMan's method for the ALC982, this is the output at the end: Code (Text): kxld[org.tw.CodecCommander]: The following symbols are unresolved for this kext: kxld[org.tw.CodecCommander]: IOHIKeyboard::attachToChild(IORegistryEntry*, IORegistryPlane const*) kxld[org.tw.CodecCommander]: IOHIKeyboard::newUserClient(task*, void*, unsigned int, OSDictionary*, IOUserClient**) kxld[org.tw.CodecCommander]: IOHIKeyboard::detachFromChild(IORegistryEntry*, IORegistryPlane const*) kxld[org.tw.CodecCommander]: IORegistryEntry::_RESERVEDIORegistryEntry0() Link failed (error code 5). Prelink failed for org.tw.CodecCommander; omitting from prelinked kernel. KernelCache ID: 55899612A84DCCE2F11AE80AFF4C6DF5 symlink("/System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/prelinkedkernel", "/System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache") failed 17 (File exists) <createPrelinkedKernel 2795> Also: It appears that the VodooPS2Controller is failing: when I use F5, it is being recognized as B, and I can't edit the Trackpad settings in the Preferences yet Also 2: I can't disable the Screen Flashing in Accessibility > Audio > Flash the screen when an alert sound occurs - no matter how many time i toggle [onn/off] since it's off by default, the screen still flashes!
  6. can you explain to me this 'having them in the config file' I usually just patch them with KextUtility or KextWizard and go from there
  7. HAs anyone updated from 10.11.1 to 10.11.x ?? they just released the 10.11.4 beta 5 but I've been worried about going past 10.11.1 Is there anything I need to know about the update process - folders that will get overwritten or anything like that?
  8. Alright folks, I've successfully gotten an El Capitan upgrade working! If anyone needs help, feel free to pm me and I can try to offer any assistance I can - also: 2 questions I have -- 1] anyone else getting a kernel panic on external hdmi plugging in?> -and- 2] Does anybody else's [About My Mac] section not have a [Memory] tab??
  9. Alright, so I updated my config.plist to add your boot args, and already had the fakepciid kexts installed, but when i use my HDMI out, there is never an option to change the sound output to [HDMI Output] in sound preferences.... I've been trying to get this working for ages lol
  10. try hitting the [PrintScr] button - a couple times, that disables my trackpad!
  11. Has anyone attempted to update to El Capitan GM yet? I added rootless=0 and nv_disable=1 to my bootargs, but when i choose the osx install boot option, it hangs at the apple then shows me a circle with a line through it!
  12. Anyone test out El Capitan DP on the 5537 yet??
  13. @pokenguyen, have you been able to update a 5537 to 10.10.2+ and keep the graphics working, I've tried RehabMan's fix but for some reason it still glitched me out in chrome and during videos
  14. I only ask because 10.10.2 on my Inspiron 5537 booted me to a panic and I couldn't get out of the bootloader
  15. Has anyone attempted the 10.10.3 Developer or Public Beta??? Just want to know if it's safe to upgrade to before I hose my system...
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