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  1. Source code for Linux Noveau is here. Applies to the cards also listed here. Maybe the solution lies around here. http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames/#nvc0familyfermi
  2. And don't forget to contribute for Emlydinesh excelent work.
  3. I solved the mapping for the keys that work by using a application called Ukelele. It allows to switch the keys and save a keyboard layout definition. My problem is that that key is not mappable.
  4. EMlyDinEsh, OSXlatitude says you can't receive more messages.
  5. The Ukelele now correctly identifies my keyboard as PS2, but it stills says its ANSI instead of ISO. The big difference is the < key between the left Shift and the Z key. This post bellow says Apple did this, wich Dinesh confirmed me in PM. I would gladdly contribute with the patch if the source code for Dinesh kext was published: http://ipis-osx.wikidot.com/forum/t-110007/ps2-keyboard-as-iso I also experienced the absolutely no keyboard experience, but i believe it comes from some kind of configurations combination on the .plist. For me what happened was when i changed from disable "Right App key" from yes to NO (<false/>). All i did to solve was reinstall the kext changing the "Use ISO layout"from YES to NO. EDIT: Found more people with exactly the same problem at http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/40646-cant-set-ps2-keyboard-to-iso/. They suggest using a empty ADB (whatever that is) to map the <> key and latter change it with Ukelele.
  6. My right alt key also stoped working. Im using the alt key as Command Key and the Windows and Context key as Alt. Also i don't understand what went wrong with the ISO option. I might be doing something wrong since Ukelele (the keyboard mapping app im using to define my keyboard) doesn't see my keyboard as ISO.
  7. I'd like to say that Latin Europeans will be pleased with this feature. I'm very happy to have contributed to this via PayPal and will continue to do so. Thanks
  8. As instructed by EMlyDinEsH I sent my IOreg from [email protected] the DSDT and SSDT already patched, but with no sleep. Also my unpatched DSDT. I have a Asus k53sv with a Nvidia Optimus i know will never work properly, but at least sleep would be nice. Thanks in advance
  9. Did you stoped publishing the code at https://github.com/EMlyDinEsHMG/ElanTouchpad-Driver?
  10. An early development to fix multitouch for Elantech Trackpad was started at http://www.insanlynac.com/forum/ and needs programmers to help port the Linux driver. The project has the code on GitHub and picks up where ProjectOSX ALPS VoodooPS2 stopped. Cavendish is leading the development process. We are looking for programmers to look at the code. For now testers confirm the same output from Elantouchpad as there was from ALPS code.
  11. bigwiz


    Hello to all fellow hackint0shers. I'm from the internet but was borne and raised in Portugal. I've tried to hacked anything with a input device since I've seen my first ZX Spectrum and I've been hackint0shing since 2008 when I bought my first MBP. Once I learned I could manage a Mac OSX into a PC, and since Mac OSX its such and integrated experience, I've tried to install it in every PC at home. I'm a active user on some other forums and have learned how to hack around kexts by changing .plist, injecting hardware vendor ID in compiled code, editing DSDT (Not very good at this) and mainly trying to pull the most juice out of the boxes. I'm also a avid reader, so throw me anything from the ACPI's 900 pages document to a blog post and I'll read it. I hate the trial and error method most of us have to resort to in order to fix our hackint0shs, but just love the moment that thing that was broken starts to work. My work involves managing large complex software integrated systems and therefore I need to know many "languages" from Programmer to User. I mainly program for myself at work by using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to pull data from several sources and compile it in graphical presentations that tell me if things are running smoothly. I have some knowledge in the installation and hacking in operating systems or distributions like Windows, Slackware, Ubuntu and Mac OSX. I've long learned how to compile and patch my own Linux kernel, so anything related it's no problem for me. I blog under a different name and used to manage a World of Warcraft blog and forum when I played.
  12. Sorry for the noob question, but how do you get that information with the ID? From OSX Log Console?
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