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Everything posted by Trunyce

  1. That's possible that the Chameleon bootloader may not have been properly installed, therefore I will give it another go later on tonight. I tried with multible thumbdrives thinking it might've been an issue with the first one I used when they all did the same. The last one i tried acted as if it wanted to boot but just restarting the laptop. By the way, my D430 has GMA945 instead of GMA950 am I on the road for failure?
  2. +kudos Hervé for all your hard work and to everyone who has contributed to the development on getting Mac OS X to run on our Latitudes. I'm coming to you guys for help because I have no where else to run to. I've acquired a Dell Latitude D430 and I haven't been successful on getting Mountain Lion to be installed on it. I followed the written tutorial to the T and the installer doesn't even load.
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