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Everything posted by Trunyce

  1. I ordered the adapters and they worked wonderfully, thanks for the input Jake Lo.
  2. I've got my E6400 working beautifully with the help of the OP, thanks for his guide his bootpack. My dell Latitude E6400 specs: Bios A28 Intel Core 2 Duo P9600 2.53ghz Nvidia quadro 160M 256mb 4gb DDR2 800Mhz Ram 128GB Hynix msata to 2.5'' Enclosure adapter=SSD boots in 11.36 seconds The only thing I've to do is getting FaceTime, iMessage to work. Any input would be very appreciated.
  3. This is where my knowledge is limited. I'm not even using a DSDT at the moment, but I'd love to get that sorted sooner than later. I also purchased the wifi card but have yet to install it due to my busy schedule.
  4. Thanks Jake, you're always clutch with the replies. I will order ASAP.
  5. I apologize in advance if this isn't the right place to post this, but I'm looking for a way to add a second hard drive in my Dell Optiplex 745-755 SFF machines. The power supply lacks sata power connectors as they only come with 2, one for the hard drive and one for the DVD/RW rom. I've been looking for some sort of an adapter to make this possible, could anyone point me to the right direction? Would this be the solution i'm looking for? http://www.ebay.com/itm/291391142055?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  6. I installed the ACPIBatteryManager kext and it didn't do anything. I even had it originally from the previous install and no battery was showing. I tried other touchpad kexts and none worked either.
  7. It's been a busy couple of weeks for me experimenting with clover and I think I've got the gist of it now. Well for the most part.. I managed to install Yosemite on my Optiplex 745 and clover bootloader to work as i wished so I'm very happy about that. I'll be doing the same for the dell Optiplex 755 soon and so on. My biggest challenge is trying to figure out how to have clover to recognize my windows partition on the same hard drive. Any one willing to shed some light, feel free to do and it'd be greatly appreciated.
  8. Thanks for the info Jake but wouldn't I need to be running windows in order for me to know what manufacture the synaptics are made by? Also, i'm not using any DSDT right now, so I'm a bit hesitant on trying out the ACPIBatteryManager.kext.
  9. I'm not sure, but i can't remember the command for terminal that shows everything. But as far as wifi, i ordered the Atheros AR5BHB92 and it should be coming next week. that would be all I'd need in order to get this thing completed along with windows 8.1 pro.
  10. I discovered that AppleIntelCPUPM patched needs to be checked. I've checked with sleep/wake and they work just fine even with closing lid and open after. Now what's left is trackpad, the battery indicator, brightness and wifi. Any wifi card you'd recommend? I believe this one is the half sized one.
  11. Yes, that's what I went with and did the installation. I used clover bootloader but for some strange reason, it keeps rebooting on me. Not sure what that's all about.
  12. So after some thinking I made sure to go back into system info on the bios to find out the exact model i have, and as it turns out that my G7 model is the 1260US with the i3 2330m cpu. I wonder if that's the reason why i was having such a hard time getting things sorted out because I don't have certain features within my bios like the dual gp like amd radeon + intel hd 3000 gpu like others. Last night i took it out the laptop from my closet and attempted to install Yosemite on it, I managed to get to the installation screen by booting with cpus=1 and -x -v, but i can't do anything after that because my mouse/trackpad isn't working. I really think a dsdt maybe what i just need in order to get passed this issue. Any ideas?
  13. After extensive research, i've come to find out that this board works perfectly without the need of a dsdt. I managed to install Yosemite 10.10.5 on it by manually creating the USB installer and then install clover bootloader to the USB. I then copied Lan kext, FakeSMC kext to kext/10.10 folder. Everything works, wake/sleep works as it should which is what really wanted. I do admit that clover took me a long time to get the hang of, somewhat. My problem is trying to get clover to detect my Windows partition on the same drive. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Lol, ok Herve I will do another install from scratch and so that way I could pin point where the culprits are coming from.
  15. I've tried multiple times all day today and still no go. I'm not sure if it's because the hard drive has different partitions on it with different Mac OS versions, but every time i instal clover on the partition, chameleon boot loader always seems to be the one to load up and I keep facing the still waiting for root device whenever i boot with chameleon. But when i have the usb installer plugged, i just boot up fine with just -v under boot args.
  16. Alright, I'll give it a shot and report back.
  17. Is there a recommended version of clover you'd suggest because the one I use is the one from Yosemite HD that chris11 made out of that USB creator/installer. I'm going to go back to the Optiplex now and test it because i was following Eric_Dell's suggestion on creating the 1gb partition to install clover on but that doesn't seem to be working for me.
  18. I managed to get Yosemite to run on my Optiplex 755 by following Eric_Dell's instructions, even though it wasn't as clear as i think it should've been. The only problem i'm having is getting the clover partition part to work properly. I can't boot into the system without having the thumbdrive plugged in.
  19. You didn't specify when you're within disk utility if you created both the 1gb CLOVER partition and the INSTALLER partition for YOSEMITE. Which version of clover did you use?
  20. I've got one of those Dell 745s and I'd like to get yosemite installed on mine. Some assistance would be greatly appreciated..
  21. I will be trying this hack tomorrow when i get the chance.. I've got quite a few machines i'm trying to set up to donate to a couple people. I've got 2 Optiplex 755 SFF, 1 Optiplex 745 SFF which should be arriving in the mail today and 2 vostro 200 SFF. One issue i keep facing dealing with the Vostro 200's is that for some reason, the usb ports don't wanna work. Maybe i've got to check within bios to see if they're enabled . I'd like to get them all to run Yosemite 10.10.4.
  22. I managed to get it to work, I had to set the power management to s3 from s1 and it was good to go along with removing NullCpupowermanagement.kext. This is another Vostro 220 my cousin gave me to work on it for him. I had swapped out the motherboard with another one because it had bad caps and wouldn't boot. Thaks for the replies guys..
  23. Could anyone tell me how to get this machine to go to sleep? I'm running Yosemite 10.10.4.
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