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  1. all right...yes, the issue was related to the high bios version. I downgraded to A12 -> no more graphic glitches ever since.
  2. Hi folks, I would like to use my quadro graphics card for the built-in display. Currently, the built-in is driven by HD4000. Last time I checked the quadro is active and working for an external monitor connected to HDMI port. Is that even possible to run the built-in display thru k3000m on my hack? Thanks for your help. PS: Optimus is enabled in Bios. VT is disabled in Bios. My config.plist has act​ive Inject NVidia, 0x01660004 for ig-platform-id and 4 for Video Ports. Currently on my m6700:
  3. Any luck with your m6700 yet? What BIOS version does your m6700 have? I have got m6700 with i7-3470qm + HD4000 + k3000M, BIOS A18. Unfortunately, having graphics glitches right now after updating the BIOS from A10 to A18. Shall I downgrade the BIOS? I am looking for a DDST that works with my hardware...
  4. @Herve: Do you mean to delete the NVRAM.plist from USB installer and re-boot the machine from it or re-install? Is it possible that the DSDT I am using is not 100% compatible with my system?? Also, I know for sure that the SSDT that I creat with ssdtPRGen by using default settings does not allow my processor running at different speeds. In fact, the processor seams to be is stuck at approximately 800Mhz. When I use the option " -lfmode 900" to set the lowest idle frequency to 900Mhz then my processor runs normally at different speeds. Another strange thing that I noticed is that according to my BIOS my processor is rated @2100Mhz nominal speed and @2600Mhz max speed, but ssdtPRGen sets max speed @3300Mhz. Not sure if it is something to be taken into account regarding the KP root cause, though.
  5. Thanks for your feedback and help. I figured that it has to be something wrong with my USB installer. Today I again re-did the whole procedure with a clean install - but still no change, I even noticed that the system reported the message with the KP actually before the first screen (Region selection) that pops up after the first system restart during installation. Here is the process that I do for putting together my boot pack for USB installer: (1) after clover installation on USB installer I replace the EFI folder by this one: (2) Then I copy-replace the files from 6430u_1366x786.zip file to /EFI/CLOVER/ on the USB installer (3) Then I copy-replace the DSDT.aml from 6430u_1600x900.zip to /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched/ and copy-replace config.plist to /EFI/CLOVER/ And here is what I currently have on my USB installer EFI partition: Am I missing something or doing wrong?? By the way: With these files the installation runs smoothly, but neither built-in keyboard nor touchpad are working which not an issue for me right not though. I am using USB keyboard and USB mouse. Here is what I see in the System Reports after rebooting 2 times.
  6. You would not believe me - at least I would not believe it...I reformatted my install USB trice. first as exFAT then FAT32 then GUID. Created the new install USB drive from scratch again. then reformatted the internal SSD, installed windows 10 on the SSD first, then reformatted, repartitioned the internal SSD and installed Sierra on it. The same KP and system message came up at the very first start...and it comes up after every restart... What am I doing wrong?
  7. Hey Guys, today I re-created the Install USB Drive for Sierra from scratch again and made a clean install using the EFI files for my 6430u 1600x900 IntelHD that I found in this forum under Clover Guide. The installation ran through smoothly, without any issues or messages. After the very first login (after setting up a user) I checked the console and found the same KP under System Reports. I mean I did not do any post-install actions yet, no other kexts were copied from anywhere, just the files and kexts that are provided along with the Clover Guide for my system. Any idea? Anybody out there running Sierra on 6430u without any KernelPanic report in the System Reports? Thanks for your help!
  8. Permissions repaired, cache rebuilt after moving the file to /L*/E*. Restarted. Same behaviour. Linked to PrefPanes??? What does that mean Fresh install is what I did a few times. The only thing that is not quite fresh is the fact that I imported my users from a TimeMachine backup during last installation. Is there a way to check/find where the system gets those rehabman voodoo kexts from?
  9. I just copied the shared VoodooPS2Controller.kext to /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other. My existing one was overwritten. Restarted. No change. Also, I did a test a few hours ago and deleted this .kext from the folder. After restart both the keyboard and trackpad were not working anymore, BUT the same KP popped up again. Looks like it is not this particular .kext causing the KP to me... How to find out which other kext has voodoo code from "rehabman"? (it is all a voodoo... )
  10. Meanwhile I installed Sierra on the internal SSD (not USB) but still get the same KP error message when booting and another window pops up saying there was a problem. sudo find / -name *oodoo*.kext -print 2>/dev/null When I execute the above stated code in the terminal I get some results. It returns for instance: /EFI-Backups/r4035/2017-08-27-02h51/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/VoodooPS2Controller.kext /EFI-Backups/r4035/2017-08-27-02h51/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext /EFI-Backups/r4035/2017-08-27-02h51/EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext A few other hits are located in my user folders where I store all my various documents. Could these .kexts located there be loaded by the system or the Clover Loader? Also, not sure if this is linked to my initial problem I noticed that the update for Thunderbolt does not get installed properly as the App Store keeps asking to install it again and again. See screenshot from the App Store Update section below. Thanks a lot for your help!
  11. I think I already did create USB installer manually twice, as clean as I could imagine. I followed Jake's clover guide. No other tools or files used except for those listed in the guide. For the last clean install I deactivated the internal SSD. The USB installer does not have the kexts files that seem to create problems. I don't know how else I could do the installer cleaner... I uploaded my EFi folder and the /S/L/E + /L/E folder contents here, see previous posts if you want to take a look. What does the KP report actually tell us? Does it mean that the kexts files are loaded during the boot or are those kexts like a fix part of the kernel? Is there a way to remove them from the kernel or something?
  12. Tried to downgrade, but either I did something wrong or it is just not working. I was not able to boot without cache option. Today I did another clean install using the latest source file downloaded from AppSt0re last night. Got the same exact panic report. EFI and DSDT found in this forum.
  13. Like I stated before - I followed the exact Clover Guide from Jake including the source file downloaded from Appstore. Really, I have no clue how the kexts are getting included in the installation or the boot process respectively. I am using Clover v2.4k r4035. Update: Not sure if this is important, but I created my USB installer on my OS X Mavericks which was a myhack install. Sierra installation was successful, Login is working. Checked the folders /S/L/E and /L/E after fresh re-install: as far as I can say there is no "3rd party" kext in there. At least none of those listed at the top of the kernel panic report.
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