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Everything posted by fwz.mhmd

  1. This is a bit confusing. Im using HD 4400 and running El Capitan. As for now im going to skip trying to fix the HDMI cause its no longer important
  2. My sound and youtube videos wont play properly, i get black flickers
  3. Thank you soooo much. That worked Do i need to do anything else?
  4. No installed another os on a partition. And it does boot what doesnt work is when i pass the clover screen the screen just blacks out. If i boot without caches and injected kexts it gets stuck on this last line '**** [iOBluetoothFamily][searchForTransportEventTimeOutHandler] -- Missing Bluetooth Controller Trasnport! I can also boot into safe mode but cant access my efi partition
  5. I have accessed my partition, but the I change the plist in my usb config so i dont knownhow it will work
  6. Plz help. I havent used my laptop in 2 days now
  7. What is the soluttion then. I have data on my hard drive, i cant lose it.
  8. The only thing hat corrupted it was the plist that was sent to me. It was working perfectly fine
  9. I dont understand. Now my other mac install wont boot with the usb, it just blacks out
  10. I also booted into safe mode succefully but the efi partition wont mount
  11. I just made another partition and installed os x and copied the plist to my usb and it still wont boot, it blcks out
  12. I dont have another mac. So what could be causig the issues. I also have nosleep (app) but i dont see how that affects it
  13. I didnt change anything, i was given a config.plist and thats all i changed
  14. I already did that. My screen blacks out on me
  15. Help? Anything else i can do to get it on
  16. Oh, thats what i was doing but the screen would turn black
  17. I rebooted without cache but im unable to see because the screen blacks out in the middle of it
  18. Whenever I try to use HDMI cable, I get black screen and the whole laptop freezes, i cant do anything unless i force shutdown. Im using Dell E5440, Core i5, 8GB Ram, 500HDD & Intel HD 4400
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