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Everything posted by fwz.mhmd

  1. I dont have a config file in EFI/Clover.
  2. Hello, i have installed El Capitan using this guide, but i dont understand part 3 step 10, can anyone please help. thank you
  3. But you told me that USB 3.0 Wont work, i have 2x 3.0 USB ports and 1x 2.0 port
  4. It just wont stop, its totally annoying, especially when im working on it and it just shuts off. If i were to reinstall the OS would that fix the issue??
  5. Its still causing problems and rebooting itself
  6. How do i use the configurator to change the theme
  7. So far its not freezing. The version i have installed - current booted revision: 3354 last installed revision: 3354. And how would i change the clover theme?
  8. What do i do next, i booted from usb.
  9. I tried booting without cache, it still wont boot
  10. I did as you said now my laptop wont boot (keeps rebooting to the clover boot manager) and also has change the clover theme
  11. Yes now i selected the pref checkbox and it installed correctly For current booted revision its: 3021 for last installed revision its: 3354
  12. I dont have a clover pref panes in setting
  13. I downloaded this version https://sourceforge.net/projects/cloverefiboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded)/files/Installer/Clover_v2.3k_r3354.zip/download Isnt that the latest
  14. I still have problems, where it would reboot
  15. Thanks, ill report back if i have any issues
  16. I just rebooted, how do i rebuild the cache?
  17. Im just new to hackintosh but not to mac and also im getting there (baby steps first). So after replacing the kexts you provided to me, my laptop still crashes and reboots itself.
  18. How do i replace kexts, im scared to mess anything up
  19. Which version should i download, and how would i install it. Attached: EFI Partition
  20. I dont really know, some member from this community set everything for me.
  21. Any solutions, this keeps happening constantly now
  22. No, im not doing anything intensive. The fans cool
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