First post, please forgive me for any errors of omission.
I currently have a Inspiron 1420/Vostro 1400 with Nvidia graphics running Mavericks 10.9.4. It's totally stable with no kernel panics, but there's one hitch: I don't get any sound from my onboard speakers. If I plug in my headphones, I hear everything loud and clear. I'm reluctant to tinker when everything is so stable, but I also don't want to stop when I'm 99% of the way there.
Here's the steps/specifics of my install:
I created a bootable USB using the most recent version of myHack, a copy of the 10.9.4 installation app, and the D630 Nvidia Bootpack. The installation went smoothly, but slowly. Since I had some time on my hands, I came back here and stumbled across Axel-Erfurt's amazing thread for D630's with Nvidia graphics. I didn't want to stop an installation that seemed to be proceeding smoothly, so I copied the Extra folder from his D630 Installer and his to a second USB Drive. After the installation was completed and I was at the desktop, I plugged in the second USB and ran myHack -> install extra, and used the Extra File copied from the D630 Installer. Ran the & restarted. Post restart, I found that I had everything except for sound. So, I downloaded and installed the VoodooHDA_V286_MAV.pkg from sourceforge. It's currently in S/L/E. That got me sound through the headphone jack, but still nothing from speakers.
I've thought about copying the VoodooHDA.kext from the D630 Installer into S/L/E, but because it's stable I didn't want to tinker without knowing what would happen.