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  1. Sorry, Hervé. Didn't even realise I was using quote. Ok, will try to pay more attention to that. Thanks for pointing it out and editing to remove those quotes. @theawesomerb, in my experience, no, it's not. I mean, usually, at least for desktops, there are very few changes to make to the config (if any), from one version of MacOS to the other. And from Mojave to Catalina for example I don't think I had to change anything in the config. So no, it's not really common, at least on desktops. Could be be pretty common for laptops though.
  2. :)) Told you it's probably easier this way. Well, at least in my opinion, it is. Stuck at that point, usually (at least in my experience) signifies an issue with FakeSMC/VirtualSMC. For as far as I can see, you chose to use VirtualSMC.kext. No problem with that (unless for some reason your laptop prefers FakeSMC.kext instead), but I think, for this case, you might also need the VirtualSMC.efi drier in drivers/UEFI. Seems to be missing in your case. Now, of course, I could be wrong and this might be an entirely different issue. Just sharing my own experience in case it helps.
  3. Did you try gibMacOS? It has versions for both Windows and Mac. You just need the Windows version, of course. For editing the config.plist, you can use ProperTree. If you don't want to use gibMac to add Clover to the USB drive, you can use cvad's BDU instead. So, you can use gibMacOS to make the installer and BDU to add the bootloader. ProperTree if you need to edit the config.plist. Unfortunately I don't have much experience with laptops. And I don't have a Dell Latitude 3350. But the process should be pretty much the same. At least to get you booting. For Wifi, BT, trackpad, brightness control and other wonders, you might need extra kexts or SSDTs. But the idea is to get you booting first. To me, it's still easier to do it from MacOS itself (even if it's virtualised) than Windows. But that's probably just me. So, to make the USB drive, you don't actually need the latest and greatest MacOS. So...you can try to download an already made vmdk with let's say Sierra or something (again, it doesn't need to be the latest version). You can try this one just as an example. If that doesn't work, you can try to google virtual disk image macos. One of them should work. After that, you have a lot of options for creating and managing the USB installer. You can either download the installer App directly from the App Store, or use dosdude1's Catalina Patcher (you don't actually need the "patcher" part of it, just to download you the installer). After that you can use the Terminal to format the USB drive and put the installer onto it using Apple's own createinstallmedia method. I mean, the possibilities are endless. And for the Clover part of the USB drive, since you're on MacOS environment, you can use Clover Configurator to both download Clover and manage the config.plist file So, as you wish. You've got a lot of options.
  4. For what i know, it's downloading the original image from Apple. So that's good. And it should also offer the possibility to add Clover or OC to it. Give it try.
  5. If you're doing this from Windows (which I assume you do), but also if you have another MacOS installation or VM, you can use this little tool to download and create a bootable drive for MacOS. Just make sure you get the one marked as "full install". Also, if you have Clover on a USB drive and you can boot with it, you can also check its version by pressing A when reaching the GUI, to access the About menu.
  6. I'm sure you did, and I have a guess as to where you might have seen them. Having all the kexts in EFI/Clover/kexts/Other is easier to manage, and you can keep the system intact. Also, if I'm not mistaken, during the update, you rely entirely on the EFI partition. So...if you don't have your mandatory kexts there, you can't boot. Easy as that. Update: I don't know, man. I never had any issues having all the kexts in Clover/kexts/Other. Also, because of that, I have no such errors when I try to rebuild caches. And I don't wanna keep VirtualSMC/FakeSMC in EFI and everything else in other places. It's just not organised this way. And I tend to forget which kexts I have where. So I just have them all in one place. Easier this way.
  7. Yes, my recommendation would be to always keep your kexts in Clover/kexts/Other, not L/E or S/L/E, unless there's really no other way around it (usually, there is). The errors are normal when you put your kexts in L/E or S/L/E. However, that doesn't look like an update issue. Is this from the installer log or something? The errors you get are from the commands above.
  8. I don't know how moving kexts from Clover/kexts/10.15 into Clover/kexts/Other (not all in /kexts) would cause that error...but ok. :)) Anyway, I've never seen that disk issue in my entire life. It doesn't recognise any drives. Not just NVME. There's no EFI partition, nothing. Can you post a screen of your Disk Utility window? I'm guessing you're trying to boot off of the USB now?
  9. Could you post the output of diskutil list here? You still haven't renamed your drivers (for example NvmExpressDxe-64.efi to NvmExtressDxe.efi), and you still have kexts in both 10.15 and Other. Also, can you boot without those patched SSDTs? Cause what I would do is first remove them all, see if I can boot, then only add the ones I absolutely know I need.
  10. Yeah, so, if I'm not mistaken, Clover will first look into your specific folders. For example, if you're using Catalina, it will look under 10.15. The problem is, all your important kexts are in Other. Now, the point of the multiple folders for each version is to allow you to separate your kexts for different versions of MacOS. But if you don't need different kexts for different versions, there's no point to keep them separated. That's why, when you use the same kexts for all versions, you put them in the Other folder (and remove them from the dedicated folder). Also, if I'm not mistaken (I honestly don't know if this is accurate, so apologies if it isn't), if you use the custom folders (in this case 10.15) the Other folder (which you actually want in this case) will be ignored. So that's why I said either one or the other, not both. Cause I'm not sure if Clover will actually get to the Other folder if you already have kexts in 10.15. Or anyway, I think one of them will not be used. Again, I could be wrong. As for NVMe, as much as I would love to help you, I can't, cause I don't have an NVMe drive... I'm sorry. The only thing I was suggesting is maybe...if you don't need both (which it could happen for some kexts) to maybe try only one or the other, in case they create conflicts.
  11. @komand Any reason why you have kexts in both /10.15 and /Other folders? Why not have them all in the same place (in /Other)? Or remove the ones from 10.15 if you already have them in /Other. Having them in both places is not a good idea. It's either one or the other. Not both. Also, are all those SSDTs in ACPI/patched really patched? You have a TON of them. I doubt you actually need all of them. Also, you should only have AML versions of those. Not sure if DSLs actually affect it in any way...but..you don't need those. :)) The files are decompiled anyway when you open them in MaciASL. So no need to keep both AML and DSL. Also, you're using a driver (NvmExpressDxe) and a kext (NVMeFix) for NVME... I don't have an NVMe drive, but...is that intended? I'm just wondering whether or not it creates conflicts. Also, doesn't Catalina come with built-in support for NVME? Or is it just for specific models? I thought I read something about this somewhere else. But it was probably only for some specific models. Anyway, if it doesn't show your NVMe drive in Disk Utility, that's probably a driver issue. So first the drive should be visible there, then we can worry about formatting it as APFS/HFS+. Try without the driver in drivers/UEFI, ooor without the "Nvmefix" in /kexts. See if maybe they're conflicting with each other. And see if using any of them actually makes that drive show up in Disk Utility. Also, not sure which Clover that is, but you don't need the "-64" suffix for your drivers anymore. Since Clover only comes in 64-bit by default. Actually, I would rename all of them just to be sure.
  12. Forget about the laptop, have you seen the view? How can I get a house in the trees? I'd love that! I love nature. Anyway, yeah, congrats on the build. Looking good!
  13. Good question. The point of the empty folders is to allow you to separate your kexts for each version of MacOS, in case you need different kexts for different versions. If you use the same ones, obviously there's no need for those and you can put all your kexts in the /Other folder. As for the other question, that's why it would have been a lot easier to just compare your config to the one that Jake linked on the previous page. For as far as I can tell, it's the same laptop model. So...chances are it might work without any modifications. Same for ACPI files. The kext miight need a bit of dusting off. :)) But...again, I think it would still be easier than trying to fiddle around with that menu. I took some time to update the EFI folder from the archive on the thread Jake suggested before. You should now have updated Clover, kexts, drivers. Config and patched SSDT and DSDT have been kept the same. See if you can boot with this one. Also, the config doesn't change as much as you might think between versions. So it's not like you need a separate config for each version. And yes, that menu is just for testing different stuff. The changes won't be saved. EFI.zip
  14. Hey! I don't have that laptop. Just an idea. Have you tried using Lilu + WEG + correct ig-platform-id instead? Here's the list of all available ig-platform-ids. Try to use some of the default ones. Make a separate config for testing only Mojave, and select it from Clover GUI (I think it's under Options). This way you can always boot back to El Cap. If you need to replace/update kexts, my recommendation would be to work on a USB drive, where you can test whatever you need, instead of your main partition. Also, you might want to uncheck Inject Intel in Clover config and do your configuration from Devices -> Properties. Here all you need is to add your iGPU device address (usually PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) ) on the left, and on the right, "AAPL,ig-platform-id" as the key, and the value need to be in reversed bytes depending on your actual framebuffer. Type DATA. For example, for HD4000, you could try one of these: 0x01660003 (default), 0x01660009, 0x01660004. And the way you add them in config is, for example for 0x01660003 -> 03006601 (no "0x"). Read from right to left, in pairs of two. As I said, I don't have that laptop, aaand I know it's usually not an easy task to get a laptop to run macos, buuut...I think it might be doable. Especially if you already have a working system. All you have to do is get your graphics fixed. So if you have old kexts like IntelGraphicsFixup or whatever the name was, you might wanna remove that and use Lilu + Whatevergreen instead. Make sure they're also updated. You can use Clover Configurator for that. Wish you good luck!
  15. All empty folders except /Other is intended. You can even remove those folders if you want. But...you don't see a need for kexts? :)) Unfortunately, you will need a couple of those if you want to boot. The log mentions something about unsupported CPU. So I'm guessing, some of the things in config, or maybe one of the kexts, could help with that. If you want, you can remove information from smbios and upload your EFI to take a closer look. There's not much you can do from that menu.
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