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Everything posted by arcaman6

  1. Guys Thanks for all the inputs. In the end I was pretty close to getting it sorted. While I was able to add the Dell remapped keyboard to the Library/Keyboard Layouts and add it to the list of keyboards I noticed that the little keyboard map beside the battery icon at the top of the screen was still showing the standard USA keyboard. Clicking that and selecting my Dell keyboard sorted the problem and all of the keys now work properly. I have attached the bundle in case it's of use to someone else. Thanks again. arcaman6
  2. Some laptops require the cmos battery to maintain the bios password. It's worth trying removing the battery for a couple of minutes and then plugging it back in to see if that clears the password. From memory the battery is a little coin cell underneath the keyboard with a little plug onto the motherboard. Do you get a prompt message which contains the service tag - something like 123545-1234?
  3. Hi Guys Have just completed installation of Yosemite on E6220 which was very successful apart from keyboard. My keyboard is UK ISO which mostly works except that @ and " are switched \ (beside Z key) returns § etc.. which is what I expect as the key mappings are different for UK keyboard. However I have tried using Ukelele to create a new keyboard to match my E6220 which seems to work in that I can map they keys and save as bundle, then move to Library/Keyboard Layouts. I can open and and select the new keyboard (which I labelled E6220_UK) in preferences and log out/log in, but it seems like the new layout is not being used as the keys like @, " and \ work as before, Should this work - or is this method in some way incompatible with the VoodooPS2Keyboard kext which I think is installed on my system? Hope you can help arcaman6
  4. Thanks Jake Now updated all the way to 10.10.2 and very pleased with the result - only one problem is that the UK keyboard does not seem to map well - will open a new ticket for this as it's a bit of thread. Your help is much appreciated. arcaman6
  5. Hi Guys I am installing Yosemite on an E6220 - standard configuration with HD3000 graphics and 4GB memory. Wifi card has been removed (as it is not supported). I am following this guide:- Dell Latitude Yosemite Install Guide Installation went very smoothly including post installation - Extra copied to root and kexts from Extra/Extensions/SLE installed using Kextwizzard - cache rebuild reported no errors. However on reboot laptop hangs. Attached picture shows the bootup screen - looks like it is about to start up the graphics screen. There are no kernel panics. If I boot in safe mode then bootup finishes and the laptop works very well. I have repeated the installation several times with the same result so I think I have followed the steps outlined correctly. Can anyone suggest what the issue may be? Thank's in advance arcaman6
  6. Hey Guys Thanks for the help. New bootpack ran a treat and able to update using EDP once it booted up. Appreciate the help
  7. Hi Guys As many users have successfully installed mavericks on D630 I'm sure I must be doing something wrong. I have D630 with Nvidia graphics running Lion without any issues. I am trying to upgrade to mavericks as follows:- replace disk drive - partition/erase as GUID build installer using myhack - no mbr - 10.9 bootpack installer works perfectly and completes installation reboot progresses to a point and then freezes - picture attached (sorry about the quality) Any help appreciated. arcaman6
  8. Now another little niggle. Every so often Maverick complains about a kext with a "Kernel extension is not from an identified developer" message and lists /System/Library/Extensions/myHack.kext/Contents/Plugins/FakeSMCKeyStore.kext as not from an identified developer - is there any way to stop this? [edit] Solved with following:- Go to System preferences - Security and privacy - Unlock (password needed) - Allow apps downloaded from: Choose: Anywhere arcaman6
  9. You guys pull the rabbit out of the hat again Setting screen resolution to 1440x900x24 did the trick. Maverick 10.9.4 up and running. Many thanks for you excellent work. arcaman6
  10. Many thanks. Yes it is 100HAL - I'm trying to read from a poor quality video as the text scrolls up too quickly to ready directly. My monitor is 1440x900 so I'll try that first.
  11. Thanks. Will try it both ways just for fun. I looked at the boot up more closely and realised I had missed a few lines at the end. They are probably not relevant but here goes anyway:- SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode NVDAStartup: Official GeForceSensors: still waiting for accelerator to start ... NVDAGF188HAL Loaded and Registered {AGPM Controller] unknownPlatform DSMOS has arrived [iOBluetoothHCIController [start] -- completed arcaman6
  12. Hey Guys I am trying to upgrade my Vostro 200 to Maverick but not having any luck. System is Vostro 200 with Nvidia GT610 2GB video card. System is currently running fully updated Lion without any issues using the Lion-Mav boot pack I downloaded some time ago (no boot packs for V200 currently downloadable from site). I tried to use the Apple update to Maverick by downloading from Apple store which downloaded fine. When ran it said it was preparing for upgrade for around 1 minute and then said it was going to reboot the machine - which it did but came back up into Lion again without making any changes. I am thinking that maybe this is not how to do it. So I created an installer from the downloaded Maverick update file and MyHack 3.3.1 with the boot pack mentioned in the famous post 9. Built no problem. When I boot from it (F12 on power up) the startup seems to fine until the stage where the language selection would appear - system hangs with no video output. Last output on screen is SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode NVIDIAStartup: Official GeForceSensors: still waiting for accelerator to start ... Starting with -x -v made no difference Starting with GraphicsEnabler=No made no difference PCI settings for card are 10DE:104A This might indicate issues with video card but since it is working OK with Lion I hesitate to suspect it. Any ideas? arcaman6
  13. Cheers R-N-D Manager. That seems to have done the trick. Takes quite a while to complete EDP but worth the wait
  14. Hey Guys Have Dell D630 with Lion. Recently updated Lion with Software Updater which resulted in combi update to OS - now says it is at 10.7.5 (11G63) . After it completes the update it immediately reboots and can't come back up because some OS things have changed. Booted with MyHack USB and installed D630 bootpack on OS on hard disk - reboot and system starts up fine using the D630 bootpack Extra. Now run EDP (r762) and select D630 default settings - everything completes normally (see log attached). When I reboot the system it starts to boot up and then hangs just after - ACPI: System State [s0 S3 S4 S5] PFM64 (36 CPU) 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000 [PCI Configuration Begins] D630 is standard NVidia machine with Dell DW1390 Airport Wifi card. Hope you can point me in the right direction. arcaman6 edplog.txt
  15. Thanks again. Will try over the next few days. I presume updating using the EDP 5 web tool will also update the Chameleon bootloader to the latest version?
  16. That's fantastic - many thanks for your help.
  17. Many thanks for the feedback and I will report back what happens. Regarding Azimutz's Cham files I am having difficulty locating them. Is there a download location for this branch or do you have to check out from the repo and create them from scratch? Cheers.
  18. Hi Guys Thanks for the very helpful guide. However I'm stuck and wondering if you can help. I've installed under SL and Lion. Lion works fine but there is no QE/CI support so will not provide functionality I require - so need to get SL working properly. Have created install USB using MyHack and installed Extra from EDP/10.6. Installation works fine except when reboot to run newly installed SL system boot gets as far as first configuration screen (where you select the country I think) but it is actually black/dark grey and you can not see any graphics - except pointer which moves under mouse control (so OSX seems to be running). Stuck at this point. Have tried connecting monitor to each VGA port in turn - same result. Maybe relevant but need to use GraphicsEnabler=No to get boot process going (otherwise the boot sequence will hang after 6 or 7 lines). System is pretty much the same as the example - I have a fan-less ATI X1300 card. Thanks in advance
  19. Thanks for the feedback. Just double checking as compatibility chart lists D620 nVidia as working on VGA and it looks like this is not the case.
  20. Thanks once again. Using external monitor is fairly important to me - can you make a recommendation on a suitable laptop model which will run Lion (or Snow Leopard at a pinch) and properly implements the following:- WiFi, LAN, USB, Speaker, Audio_I/O, QE/CI, VGA, Trackpad, Sleep, Battery.
  21. Thanks for the feedback - very useful. Grey screen on wake up from sleep I can live with - will external monitor work if I install 10.6.3 on same machine? Can you confirm it works with Intel graphics card? Thanks again for the help.
  22. Hi Guys Just completed installation of 10.7 Lion on D620. Everything sweet except that I am unable to get external monitor working. Have plugged into VGA port but OSX does no recognise that there is a second display - clicking on Detect Displays in System Preferences->Displays has no effect and no secondary displays detected. Clicking Fn-F8 causes OSX to freeze and need to power down to restart. Hardware is working - on booting up with Ubuntu Live CD external monitor works with no problem. Install was done through EDP - only additional work was installation of IO802.11Family.kext and IONetworkingFamily.kext to fix Wifi not working issue. 2GB memory and 2GHz processor - Nvidia graphics card. Can anyone suggest a fix? Many thanks for your help.
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