With my old EFI the wifi works
Software Versions:
CoreWLAN: 16.0 (1657)
CoreWLANKit: 16.0 (1657)
Menu Extra: 17.0 (1728)
System Information: 15.0 (1502)
IO80211 Family: 12.0 (1200.13.0)
Diagnostics: 11.0 (1163)
AirPort Utility: 6.3.9 (639.21)
Card Type: Wi-Fi (0x8086, 0x150)
Firmware Version: itlwm: 2.2.0_ee56708 fw: 36.ca7b901d.0
MAC Address: d0:ab:d5:f3:a8:77
Locale: FCC
Country Code: ZZ
Supported PHY Modes: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
I tried resetting NVRAM but wifi didn’t work.