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    macOS Sonoma 14.5 update is out

    Released May 13th, 2024.
    Build 23F79
    Enhancements, bug fixes ans security updates. Safe to install on our Hackintosh platforms.
    No changes compared to Sonoma 14.4 (see dedicated update article), i.e. no kexts update for wireless services required this time.

    Also released at the same time:
    macOS Ventura Security Update 13.6.7 (Build 22G720) macOS Monterey Security Update 12.7.5 (Build 21H1222)

    macOS Sonoma 14.4 update is out

    Released Mar 7th, 2024.
    Build 23E214
    Enhancements, bug fixes ans security updates. Safe to install on our Hackintosh platforms.
    Note that it's important to update wireless kexts IO80211FamilyLegacy + IOSkywalkFamily to new versions tuned for Sonoma 14.4 (kexts used up to 14.3 no longer work). No wifi without those revised kexts. All details are available here in our dedicated thread on the matter.

    Also released at the same time:
    macOS Ventura Security Update 13.6.5 (build 22G621) macOS Monterey Security Update 12.7.4 (build 21H1123)

    macOS Sonoma is out

    Released Sep 26th, 2023 as announced.
    Version 14.0, build 23A344 (same as RC2 published Sep 21st).



    Sonoma drops official support for Kaby Lake platforms that remained supported in Ventura, Apple raising minimal requirements to Amber Lake and Coffee Lake platforms (with the exception of iMacPro1,1 as in Ventura). However, support for Kaby Lake graphics remain provided with all KBL kexts still present, this in order to ensure support for Amber Lake MacBookAir8,1. By extension, this means that graphics support for Skylake iGPUs can also be retained using those same KBL settings as used in Ventura. For other iGPUs, patches are available through OCLP tool to regain graphics acceleration.
    Officially supported Intel platforms are now limited to :
    iMac19,x (8th gen. Coffee Lake)
    iMacPro1,1 (Skylake Xeon)
    MacBookAir8,1 (8th gen. Amber Lake)
    MacBookPro15,x (8th gen. Coffee Lake)
    Macmini8,1 (8th gen Coffee Lake)
    MacPro7,1 (Cacade Lake)
    With Sonoma, Apple also dropped official support for what they call "legacy" Broadcom cards that remained supported up to Ventura. These include cards based on Broadcom BCM4350, BCM4360 or BCM43602 chipsets. If Bluetooth remains natively supported on such legacy cards, native Wifi support is now limited to those Apple proprietary Broadcom SOCs that have been fitted to the above Mac models. Support for "legacy" Broadcom cards can however be recovered with specific patching using OpenCore bootloader, kexts blocking and OCLP patches.
    Officially supported Broadcom SOCs include:
    BCM4355 (802.11ac): pci14e4,43dc (iMacPro1,1 + MacBookAir8,x) BCM4364 (802.11ac): pci14e4,4464 (Mac mini8,1 + MacBookPro15,x + MacBookPro16,x + iMac19,x + iMac20,x + MacPro7,1) BCM4377b (802.11ac): pci14e4,4488 (MacBookAir9,1) BCM4378 (802.11ax): Apple Silicon Mac models BCM4387 (802.11ax): Apple Silicon Mac models BCM4388 (802.11ax): Apple Silicon Mac models  
    NB: macOS Big Sur is now officially unsupported.
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