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Dell Inspiron N5110: no internal mic after wake (High Sierra)


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Hi everyone. I'm trying to make a hackintosh on a Dell Inspiron 5110. Bios A11 (not UEFI). Installed High Sierra on SSD in GPT mode (2nd drive in caddy bay). Succesfully installed and booting from USB stick (Windows MBR on HDD #1 and High Sierra GPT on drive #2). Everything works (usb, power management, sleep, wake) but every time after wake internal mic doesn't work (with boot arg alcid=12). If I use alcid=13 no problem with internal mic but no way to use external jack (headphones and mic). Brightness and FN keys also are a secondary issues. Thanks

CLOVER (1).zip kextcache.zip MacBook Pro di Alessandra.zip output.zip

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Clover config looks alright to me, except the choice of MacBook8,1 SMBIOS as opposed to MacBookPro8,1 for this older Sandy Bridge laptop. There's an extensive thread about the N5110 at InsanelyMac. Did you check it?

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Thanks Hervé, I changed the SMBIOS as you suggested. I also checked the InsanelyMac thread, but I didn't find anything about the wake mic issue. By the way I'll ask there also, hoping somebody answer me (that thread is quite old). This is my updated kextcache. There's something wrong about CodecCommander.kext. I googled that warning, but I didn't find anything about it :(



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