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Can't download from app store


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When I try to download from app store, I get the message: please try again later.

Have googled plenty and tried a few things - connected ethernet only, deleted connections, deleted com.apple.boot.plist.


errrr maybe I made it worse, as now I get 'An unknown error has occurred'

And then the machine chooses to ignore mouse clicks


Any suggestions please?






Latitude D630, BIOS A17, C2D T8300 @ 2.4GHz, 4GB DDR2-667, HD 120GB 5400RPM SATA-150, Intel GMA X3100, 1280x1024,XBench=75.4, GeekBench=3387, Snow Leopard 10.6.8, EDP v4rev12, BootPack Aug2012.

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If you think you deleted something by mistake (like your boot plist - not a good idea), I'd suggest you re-run EDP and re-install your model-specific kexts. That'll rebuild your /Extra folder + plists.

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Hi Hervé,


Thanks for the speedy response! OK I already downloaded and ran the latest EDP last night before trying app store again - no joy.


I also deleted two settings files, these were regenerated after reboot as they only contained details of my network devices(Ethernet and airport) - so no harm done there.


On my D630 with 10.6.8 should I expect some kind of trouble with app store?

I used this same apple account to buy snow leopard off web, so not sure how it could be broken.


I found some advice at this link which seems to agree with what some other forums said about network connection settings (I actually already tried some of this last week but will give it a go agian as these instructions look better):




So I'll try some of that on it tonight.

Will also try creating new apple account (again as I did that last week too).




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App Store now working B) Many thanks to you both!


Today I updated and installed EDP again (Recommended kexts for Model 7 in the menu), using Chameleon Wizard, I changed to macbookPro 5.1(Pre-made SMBIOS) and regenerated serial number. Then I followed the first two methods from the link:





I did NOT add the following:





(As Chameleon Wizard told me my PCIRoot=1)


Thanks again!



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