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Dell Inspiron 3521


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Is my dell compatible? 

If so please assist me.


Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit
System Model: Inspiron 3521
Processor: Intel® Pentium® CPU 2117U @ 1.80GHz (2 CPUs), ~1.8GHz
Memory: 4096MB RAM
Card name: Intel® HD Graphics 4000


I know there's a similar thread, but my specs are a bit different.

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I have a similar model. Its a 3520. Specs are:


Core i3 2.4Ghz

8Gb DDR 3

Intel HD 3000 (Dont see this anywhere in the boot packs, sadly)

Intel audio


Going to try getting something going on this machine. Anything out of other machine boot packs I can use?

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Difficult to say until you can actually compare hardware specs. And that goes beyond CPU, RAM and graphics chip.


Once comparison is feasible, you may re-use kexts, but not DSDT/SSDT, starting off with a Generic bootpack...

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Ok, so then I'll start with a myHack generic just to give it a shot. I've already got a Lion boot stick made, so I'll just stick with that and the generic /extra. I'm pretty confident that will at least get me booted.


I was looking at the boot packs, and none of them seem to support the Intel HD 3000. A cursory Google search shows that most users are able to get it to work, but with random success as to how much artifacting is shown and what resolution you end up with. 


Haven't looked into the Intel audio. 


Wifi is the 1704 Wifi+Bluetooth


Here are the specs of mine, in case it helps:



An extremely similar model to mine: Vostro 2520 (Can't get anything from Google about OS X on this machine either.)

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  On 9/26/2013 at 9:28 PM, Bronxteck said:

you can try reading up on the newer versions of chameleon there injecting HD graphics from the boot loader using flags.

I have looked into that. Most of the time, artifacts are experienced. I know the GMA 950 (What I am used to) also had artifacts, so that really isn't a big deal. But a lot of users are reporting heavy artifacts. (Screen unusable.) I'd like to avoid this.


Graphics and audio are the only thing stopping me from doing OS X on this machine. I'm not exactly sure how Intel audio works with OS X. 


I have heard that Maverick's is supposed to support the Intel HD 3000. Not sure if thats a DP, or includes native support. I'm hoping for native, as that would only mean that I have to inject ID's. Herve is saying that its supported natively with correct DSDT patches in previous OS X builds, but I've never been a DSDT person. Don't have any inclination to try either. Nor do I know which "patches" that includes. (For those of you willing, I will definitely give stock DSDT.aml file!)


I'm relatively positive that I can get OS X running on this machine. I'm also fairly positive that I can get 90% of this machine working just fine with OS X. My only concerns are the audio card and the graphics card. 


If I can get this supported, fully, can we submit this to EDP? I'm willing to go as far as possible to get this machine supported with EDP and fully documented. But I need some help. I can't do DSDT modifications. I need someone for that. (Don't know or care who, all I can do is use a default patcher to boot with DSDT. Example: DSDT patcher.)


I do know that the Vostro 2520/2420 are almost identical with slight version changes. (Both have i3, both have the same Wifi, both have same sound, as well as chipset.) But neither are very supported in OS X. I'd like to get these machine supported by OSXLatitude.

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