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EDP 1.5 - Release Candidate 4 released


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Hey Everybody,


Today we release EDP 1.5 - Release candidate 4.


So please give this a GOOD test and report all bugs....


Changelog since 1.4



02.12-2010 Leon Replaced standard kexts with 10.6.5 versions from /s/l/e - removed a lot of errors during boot

02.12-2010 Leon Added support for D830 and D630 by changing the build script into models like d4x0, d6x0 etc.

02.12-2010 Leon Introduced new build model with kext packs, user can now configure how he want he's build to work and what drivers to load

02.12-2010 Leon Added support for a custom kexts package

02.12-2010 Leon Renamed the build script to "rebuild.command" and gave it a new icon (Suggestion by Mariusz)

02.12-2010 Leon Replaced audio kexts with newer versions, Resolved some errors we get during boot

02.12-2010 Mariusz Changed comment in powerpack from Yes: to Y: and No: to N:

02.12-2010 Leon Updated dsdt.aml and com.apple.boot.plist in Models/d4x0 with the new dsdt with VGA fix for intel cards

02.12-2010 Leon Added new build script with support for PCMCIA driver and refactored build rutine..

02.12-2010 Leon Added new kept package "pcmcia"

03.12-2010 Leon Updated build script so that we run "touch /System/Library/Extensions" on every build

03.12-2010 Mariusz Replaced letters A B C to lower case and dots to brackets (in case someone wants to type Shift + A ;)

03.12-2010 Mariusz Replaced dsdt.aml in main folder it is safe to use it on all GMA950 Latitudes



06.12-2010 Leon Added support for D6x0 and D8x0 models by separating them into d6x0-intel and so on…

06.12-2010 Leon Added basic first level support for Dell XPS m1330

06.12-2010 Leon Replaced kept for nvidia models with the save dsdt.aml from 1.4


1.5rc3 / 1.5rc4

07.12-2010 Mariusz Changed activity-log by adding bunch of ZERO's ;)

07.12-2010 Mariusz Added iasl and dsdt.sh script for future debugging support

07.12-2010 Mariusz Updated dsdt.aml for Nvidia in D6x0 and D8x0

08.12-2010 Mariusz News Hardware/Software collector script. (merged spec.sh and dsdt.sh scripts and named it support.sh)

08.12-2010 Mariusz Added ioreg dump to support.sh (just in case)

09.12-2010 Leon Renamed the .bl.. script to _edprbs (EDP Re-Build Script)

09.12-2010 Leon Did a refractor of _edprbs and added support for D520

09.12-2010 Leon Updated rebuild.command script to use _edprbs

11.12-2010 Mariusz Builded and upgraded FakeSMC.kext to newest build (this one has support for Plugins) - this one fixes "FakeSMC: key info not found" so expec cleaner boot

11.12-2010 Mariusz Builded IntelThermal.kext Plugin for FakeSMC (Temeperature for CPU works)

11.12-2010 Mariusz Changed Icon for rebuild.command

11.12-2010 Leon Updated com.apple.boot.plist for all intel model, removed GraphicsEnabler - only needed by nVidia models

12.12-2010 Mariusz Added bdmesg in /Extra/bin (updated the support.sh to include bdmesg output)

12.12.2010 Leon Removed rebuild.command, and replaced it with edptools.command, it now includes a menu to start the different scripts

12.12.2010 Leon Renamed _edprbs to /Extra/bin/rebuild.sh and introduced /Extra/bin/fixme.sh

13.12.2010 Leon Updated the dsdt.aml in Models/d6x0-nvidia to the one that is used with the cps

13.12.2010 Leon Updated com.apple.boot.plist in Models/d6x0-nvidia to stable one

13.12.2010 Leon Added new AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext for d6x0-nvidia laptops with BCM5775M network cards

13.12.2010 Leon Updated rebuild.sh to allow overwrite of kexts coming from Models/$model/Extentions

15.12.2010 Mariusz FakeSMC regression: Pathed good old FakeSMC for cleaner boot.

16.12.2010 Mariusz Addeed Ethernet Injection in com.apple.boot.plist for D4x0

16.12.2010 Mariusz Updated rebuild.sh to include "chown root:admin /" this fixes long boot time "Waiting fo DSMOS"

18.12.2010 Leon Changed wait time in com.apple.boot.plist for d4x0 to 2 sec. i think we should make that a standard to minimize boot time

18.12.2010 Leon Added AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext for D6x0-intel models (from thunder) also updated the dsdt.aml

18.12.2010 Leon Added AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext to Models/standard/extentions and moved voodoobattery.kext to Models/other-kexts

19.12.2010 Mariusz Added kextstat output to support.sh

19.12.2010 Mariusz Updated com.apple.boot.plist to include SystemType=2 for all models

20.12.2010 Mariusz Updated dsdt.aml for D4x0

20.12.2010 Leon Did model separation and rebuild structure for D620-intels…



Extra.zipFetching info...

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Downloaded rc4 and installed tonight. So far no issues to report, everything working as expected. Maxxed the ram to 2.5gb today so hard to tell if the update has any speed benefit as the machine is running faster now anyway. Will report back if anything untoward crops up but so far looking good. Thanks guys.

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Hey guys


Nice work on the build script, seems to do a great job of building the /extra folder for my D820. The only thing I've noticed so far is that the DVD drive is still not being picked up by the OS. I presume that this requires a small change to the dsdt? :-)


Will do more testing and report any other issues I find.


Keep up the good work!


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Couple of things that may be worth flagging up since installing rc4.


The menu bar battery info shows power source as adaptor even when not plugged in. Not sure if this was an issue before, I don't remember seeing it.


Since the update the computer seems to be running very hot. Currently the cores are 72/69, it used to be in the mid to high 50's. I have Coolbook installed and set to 50 but it seems to have no effect. The only app running right now is Safari and no flash.

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Sinjon, could you upgrade your bios to the latest version ?


Heating, did you choose the "power package" durring build ?


Another bug seems to be related to speedstep.. when you unplug the power cord and replug it, it steps down in speed.. but not back up....

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  On 12/23/2010 at 7:45 PM, Leon said:

Sinjon, could you upgrade your bios to the latest version ?


Heating, did you choose the "power package" durring build ?


Another bug seems to be related to speedstep.. when you unplug the power cord and replug it, it steps down in speed.. but not back up....


Hi Leon


I've been putting off the BIOS upgrade for ages as everything seemed ok but it looks like I need to bite the bullet. I'll do it over the next few days and let you know the outcome. Any recommendation for best method? I have the Dell double USB DVD drive if that's needed.


I'm pretty sure I chose the "power package" but I'll run it again to make sure



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1. Use unetbootin from windows to create a boot able usb _freedos_ pen

2. download the bios update and put it on then

3. stick the pen in the dell, boot on it, choose fail save boot

4. type: c: [enter]

5. "filename of update".exe [enter]


there you go.. 5 mins. work and still time left to finish your beer :D

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Just want to thank Leon for this great site, had problems with D620 not recognizing the DVD drive in Snow 10.6.4. Installed this package and voila! Unfortunately however, I've lost audio...any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks again.

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  On 12/24/2010 at 2:59 PM, ssprod said:

Just want to thank Leon for this great site, had problems with D620 not recognizing the DVD drive in Snow 10.6.4. Installed this package and voila! Unfortunately however, I've lost audio...any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks again.

my bad....forgot to repair permissions and clear cache. all is good, thanks very much! ssprod

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