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Tweak fonts for easier legibility under ML D630?


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Has anyone tweaked their fonts under ML on the D630 1280 x 800 to make an improvement to legibility? They appear a little blurred throughout the system and it's quite hard work to use for long periods on the built in screen. Assume optimised for retina screens?


It's hard to explain but I find the font kind of soft and blurry and a bit too heavy rather than crisp and sharp as it is when I boot into Windows 8. It's almost like when the cleartype settings under Windows 8 are set incorrectly.


I know there is Tinker tool - been playing with that but can't seem to settle on a good configuration. Any recommendations for this or other methods?


Not sure if this is a ML thing or related to the hackintosh scene, more likely the former I assume.



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You can turn on/off font smoothing through the "General" preference panel if you want to experiment; though I can't say it makes much of a difference. This being said, I've never found the font to be a problem in terms of legibility on any screen. If anything, I'd like it a tad smaller in fact!

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Thanks, have tried with font smoothing off but it doesn't look great. Assume Lucida Grande is optimised for Mac screens under OSX. if I could just make text appear as it does under Windows it would be ideal.


Size isn't the issue, it's the way the font is presented, just seems a little soft. Perhaps it is just a case of getting used to it as suggested.

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