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D830 acting strange.. Anybody have some insight?


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I have this D830 with a T9300 2.5GHz c2d and the 140M..

I had a good mavs install and just before the release of El Capitan I got antsy and took the plunge on my laptop to the gm release candidate. Install was tricky, I also figured out clover with the help of other threads and the bootpack combined through trial and error. Now I am running all the kexts from the mavs bootpack except for the few mentioned in the smc and performance tuning thread. I am using a dsdt from the same bootpack with edits to enable usb.

Needless to say this is how it was running the other day...



thats gotta be wrong?

and after a while the gpu clock stays at 400MHz.

I can't sleep the computer. It works but I don't have working wifi in it yet, so it will disconnect the lan after sleep.

Apple fed me an update to public beta 1 after the release candidate and I still have not seen an update in the store to the actual release out yesterday

Anybody have insight on these issues?

Also, today seems to be good. I booted it up and the fan stayed off for 5 minutes almost.. then slowly tuned up and up. The fan is almost never off on boot. Been almost an hour and gpu clock is switching states, and the CPU wasn't at 3.83 GHz

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What wifi card do you have?


Incorrect reported CPU speed could be due to the bus speed configured in your Clover config file. With a Penryn C2D, it should be set to 200000khz (200MHz, i.e. the base speed of the quad-pump FSB).


GPU sticking at 400MHz is clearly a lack of tuned AGPM. You can lookup the dedicated thread on the matter in the R&D ->Other research section. I've also posted details of the manner in which you can incorporate this particular tuning into FakeSMC, thereby removing the need to patch AGPM kext after each update or installation.


I'll have to check LAN status after wake since I hardly ever use it. I certianly don't recall experiencing loss of LAN after wake, yet I have virtualization enabled in BIOS; but I'll check this out on my D630 under EC.

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I have a D830, same exact specs. Mine runs fine. If you need any files from it (even if it's just a backup), I'd be more than willing to share.

I might look into SMBIOS configuration, that gave incorrect readings for my CPU, and when I had the wrong one for a while, it wouldn't read PCI devices.

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Problems with sleep, LAN & GPU throttling all sorted after tuning of FakeSMC + AGPM. FakeSMC kext replaced by a refined version that includes the SMC keys + AGPM tuning as detailed here and here. A copy of the kext is available in the D630 EC 10.11 pack posted here.


Wifi cards are unsupported Intel 3945ABG and Atheros AR5BXB6, so both have to be replaced.

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ok so first off i would like to thank the community for there support. A+

i have tried an enoch approach and for the life of me could not get usb injector to load.

I have also discovered that I can't even let display sleep without loosing gpu throttling.

I moved fakesmu to l/e and it wouldn't boot.

usb injector and fakesmu have to be in efi/clover/kexts for the thing to boot and have usb.. but its quicker than my 2008 2.0 unibody macbook.. and the legit one doesn't even get that nice black/white boot screen

i suspect m dsdt. what do i need to change on the d630n boot pack dsdt to fit the 830? anything but the 135m->140M?


I just tried 630 dsdt and same result. I don't want to blame clover config because i get same behaviour on enoch and i generated clover config using included command line

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Did you tried the complete set of files for Clover available here ? The only thing you'll have to edit is the model name in the provided DSDT which is really easy to do :

                                Buffer (0x17)
                                    "NVIDIA Quadro NVS 135M"

You just have to change it to :

                                Buffer (0x17)
                                    "NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M"
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