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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/18 in all areas

  1. an option could be to use clovers kext to patch feature of find and replace and edit something in the binary to cause it not to load..... like maybe replace the word apple in the binary with something else like axxle the replacement has to have the same amount of characters as the find find so in hex apple is 6170706c65 in base 64 apple is YXBwbGU= replace and the word axxle is 6178786c65 in base 64 apple is YXh4bGU= the kexts you want to modify are as follows com.apple.driver.AppleHPM com.apple.driver.AppleIntelLpssI2C AppleIntelLpssI2CController use the same find and replace patch pattern for all 3 kexts. for comment you can put patch to not load applei2c
    1 point
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