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OpenCore - Catalina -> Monterey Installation: Download MacOS Monterey / Big Sur / Catalina app Format a 16GB USB drive (GUID / Extended (Journaled)) Create USB Installer with createinstallmedia command Download attached folder and rename as EFI Mount EFI partition and add EFI folder Configure BIOS setting according to guide Boot with USB installer Complete installation Post Installation: Mount EFI partition of newly installed drive and copy EFI folder over Update / Change in Config.plist under PlatformID->Generic (use genSMBIOS or Hackintool.app) MLB, ROM, SystemSerialNumber and SystemUUID Note: Replace Config.plist with Config-IntelWifi.plist if you have an Intel combo card Special note: E7270 OC 0.7.4 includes Alps V7 kext by Skyrilhd that enables multitouch. Sorry, some E7270 has Alps V8, then it won't work. OC 0.7.8 includes latest Alps by SkyrilHD, supports Alps v7/8 Updated to 0.8.3 - Supports Monterey 12.5.1 E7270_OC_0.8.3.zip E7470_OC_0.8.3.zip E7270_OC_0.7.9.zip E7470_OC_0.7.9.zip E7270_OC_0.7.4.zip E7470_OC_0.7.4.zip E7270_OC_0.7.0.zip E7470_OC_0.7.0.zip E7270_OC_0.6.3.zip E7470_OC_0.6.3.zip16 points
OPENCORE Supports Mojave to Monterey Follow BIOS Configuration above Installation: Download macOS Monterey / Big Sur / Catalina / Mojave app Format a 16GB USB drive (GUID / Extended (Journaled)) Create USB Installer with createinstallmedia command Download attached folder and rename as EFI Mount EFI partition and add EFI folder Configure BIOS setting according to guide Boot with USB installer Complete installation Post Installation: Mount EFI partition of newly installed drive and copy EFI folder over Update / Change in Config.plist under PlatformID->Generic (use genSMBIOS or Hackintool.app) MLB, ROM, SystemSerialNumber and SystemUUID Resources: https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/ https://github.com/VoodooSMBus/VoodooRMI https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm https://github.com/cholonam/Sinetek-rtsx https://github.com/0xFireWolf/RealtekCardReader/releases Updated to OC 0.8.5 Note: Config is set for Broadcom DW1830 If you have Intel, rename Config-IntelWifi to Config.plist Multiboot from OC picker is also working! Note2: When using OC 0.7.4/0.7.6 bootpack, if disk is not detected Set in Config file under UEFI/APFS MinDate=20200306 and MinVersion=1412101001000000 for Catalina Set in Config file under UEFI/AFPS MinDate=20190820 and MinVersion=945275007000000 for Mojave For OC 0.7.6, if you're booting Catalina, you'll need to replace Lilu.kext with v1.5.7, v1.5.9 causes dependency for RealtekCardReaderFriend.kext HP840G3_OC_0.8.5.zip HP840G3_OC_0.7.9.zipHP840G3_OC_0.7.6.zipHP840G3_OC_0.7.4.zip HP840G3_OC_0.6.8.zip HP840G3_OC_0.6.3.zip15 points
Dell Latitude/Inspiron/Precision/Vostro/XPS - Clover Guide Up to Sierra Only High Sierra Guide below Mojave Guide Catalina Guide Warning: Follow guide at your own risk, I hold no responsibility if you brick your system or destroy all data during the process. If you're creating the installer from a real Mac, make sure you don't accidentally select the real Mac drive when installing Clover loader. It may cause your Mac to not boot again. You've been warned! BIOS: Set to Default, apply, then set SATA Operations to AHCI, set Boot List Option to UEFI Disable Secure Boot, Disable Wake on LAN/WWAN/WLAN, Disable TPM (optional) Enable Legacy Options ROMs for Broadwell system and below Requirements: 1. A downloaded OS X El Capitan / Sierra Application from the Mac App Store 2. USB flash drive (16GB minimum) 3. Clover Configurator (Included in Hack_Tools attached below - might not be the latest) 4. Clover Loader 5. ShowHiddenFiles.app (Included in Hack_Tools attached below) 6. A system running OS X to create the USB Installer 7. A supported Wireless card, Intel wireless are NOT supported Overview 1. Prepare a Bootable USB Drive (8GB minimum) 2. Install OS X El Capitan / Sierra 3. Post Installation 1: Prepare Bootable USB Drive This step extracts the OS X Installer contents, then installs Clover bootloader to the USB stick. 1. Insert the USB drive on a running OS X system 2. Open /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility 3. Highlight the USB drive in left column 4. Click on the Partition tab 5. Click Current and choose 1 Partition 6. Click Options... 7. Choose GUID Partition Table 8. Under Name: type USB (You can rename it later) 9. Under Format: choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) 10. Click Apply then Partition 11. Go to Applications, right click on Install OS X El Capitan / Sierra =>Show Package Contents=>Contents=> SharedSupport 12. Mount InstallESD.dmg 13. Launch ShowHiddenFiles and select Show Special Files ( app attached at the end of guide) 14. Mount BaseSystem.dmg (hidden) from OS X Install ESD 15. Use Disk Utility to restore OS X Base System to USB (see image below) 16. After restore is complete, USB is now renamed to OS X Base System. Go ahead and rename it to Install OS X El Capitan 17. Go to Install OS X El Capitan/ Sierra=>System=>Installation and delete the alias Packages 18. Copy Packages from root of OS X Install ESD to Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra=>System=>Installation 19. Copy BaseSystem.dmg and BaseSystem.chunklist (hidden files) from OS X Install ESD to root of Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra 20. Launch ShowHiddenFiles and select Hide Special Files 21. Download Clover 22. Launch Clover package installer 23. Hit Continue, Continue, Change Install Location... 25. Choose Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra 26. Hit Continue, then hit Customize. Select these items: Install for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP UEFI Drivers\Recommended Drivers ApfsDriverLoader AptioMemoryFix AudioDxe DataHubDxe FSInject HFSPlus SMCHelper (leave off if you have VirtualSMC.kext in bootpack) Additional drivers PartitionDxe Themes (Optional) Note: For non UEFI BIOS, see Note1 of post #2 27. Click Install 28. After installation of Clover, the hidden EFI Partition will appear on the Desktop 29. Download the Generic EFI + Bootpack for your model in post #2, replace the contents to the root of the EFI partition, replacing the existing folders ( Boot and Clover folders - not merge) Note: Make sure to check the Update section in Post #4 for updated file if any 30. You are now ready to install OS X El Capitan/Sierra Note: Make a directory in the USB Installer and copy Hack_Tools, Clover package and EFI folder to it for easy access in Step 3 2: Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra 1. Turn on the computer with the USB Installer connected 2. Press F2 to configure the BIOS Sata Operaton -> AHCI Secure Boot -> Disabled Boot List Option -> UEFI. Enable Legacy Option ROMs (Disabled for Skylake and above) Apply and Exit 3. Hit F12 during boot, choose under UEFI Boot: 4. When Clover boot screen appears, choose Install OS X El Capitan/Sierra 5. The system will then boot into the OS X Installer 6. Choose your language and hit -> to continue 7. For a new installation of OS X, you MUST erase and format the destination drive according to the following steps before continuing. *If you are upgrading from Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, or Yosemite and you want to keep your files and apps, skip steps a-i. a. From the menu bar, click Utilities -> Choose Disk Utility b. Highlight your target hard drive for the El Capitan installation in left column. c. Click Erase tab d. Under Scheme: GUID Partition Map e. Under Name: type Macintosh SSD (You can rename it later) f. Under Format: choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) g. Click Erase h. Click on Partition Tab to add more partition if you prefer i. Close Disk Utility 8. Click Continue, Continue, Agree 9. Select Macintosh SSD, or name of your existing drive, where you want to install El Capitan and click Continue 10. Upon completion, system will restart 11. Press the F12 to choose boot device 12. Choose under UEFI Boot: 13. When Clover boot screen appears, choose Macintosh SSD or name of your existing drive The system will boot into the new drive, and complete the installation: 14. Launch the terminal and enter the following command diskutil list Note: If you see the following, then follow steps in Post #3 Under Core Storage before proceeding /dev/disk1 (internal, virtual): 3: Post-Installation Install Clover loader to Macintosh SSD 1. Launch Clover package installer 2. Hit Continue, Continue, Change Install Location... 3. Choose Macintosh SSD 4. Hit Continue, then hit Customize. Select these items: Install for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP UEFI Drivers\Recommended Drivers ApfsDriverLoader AptioMemoryFix AudioDxe DataHubDxe FSInject HFSPlus SMCHelper (leave off if you have VirtualSMC.kext in bootpack) Additional drivers PartitionDxe Themes (Optional) Install Clover Preference Pane (Optional) Note: For non UEFI BIOS, see Note1 of post #2 5. Launch ESP Mounter Pro, select the disk you have OS X installed on (ie. disk0s1) - app in Hack_Tools 6. Copy the EFI folder from the USB installer to EFI partition of Macintosh SSD (replace not merge) 7. Copy kexts from /EFI/Clover/Kexts/Other/CopytoLE to /Library/Extensions of Macintosh SSD Note: Ignore warning/error messages and click OK, then run commands below. 8. Repair permission and rebuild cache. Run command from terminal (or run permission.sh found in Hack_Tools) sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo touch -f /L*/E* sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E* sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U / 9. Go to System Preferences Enable Clicking for Trackpad Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere for Security & Privacy (optional) Note: For Sierra and up, run this in terminal instead: sudo spctl --master-disable 10. Generate own SMBios and SSDT.aml (For Haswell and up, you can enable PluginType in Config instead) Launch /EFI/Clover/Config.plist with Clover Configurator (Included in Hack_Tools attached below) On the left, click on SMBIOS Click on the Up/Down arrow on the right Select the model most suited for your system or use same model included in bootpack, generate a new serial Close Clover Config and save the file. Execute ssdtPRGen.sh from terminal (Included in Hack_Tools attached below) Place generated SSDT.aml in /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched Please use beta version of ssdPRGen.sh to generate SSDT.aml for newer system 11. Make sure to disable hibernation as it's a prerequisite to get sleep & wake to work properly on a Hackintosh: sudo pmset hibernatemode 0 sudo rm -f /var/vm/sleepimage sudo pmset hibernatefile /dev/null 12. Congratulations! You are done! Hack_Tools.zip When posting for HELP, please include full system specs and attach debug files. If you're not able to start the installer, then attach the Clover folder and include screenshot(s) of the error / KP by booting with verbose + debug 0x100 mode Credits: All apps, kexts and DSDT patches used in creating this guide go to the developers that created them. I take no credit other than putting this guide and bootpacks together.15 points
Dec. 2010-Dec. 2020 It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years already! What a road since the early days of Snow Leopard on the Latitude D430! To celebrate this, we've undertaken a small forum clean-up, implemented some optimisation on the hosting server side, upgraded the community board and splashed out on a new forum Theme. We hope you'll all enjoy it and thank you for your loyalty to OSXLatitude. OSXL Crew12 points
Mojave Mojave Guide Bootpacks Replace into /EFI/Clover after you install Clover E7470_Mojave.zip FYI, kexts in bootpack is outdated Make sure to 1st upgrade kexts found under /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other if you encounter issue Common links for new kexts: https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/releases https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/blob/master/KnownPlugins.md https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/ Note: 1) Post Install: Copy kexts in /EFI/Clover/kexts/Other/CopyToLE to /Library/Extensions. Repair permissions and rebuild cache 2) Enable this patch in Config.plist under KextsToPatch if you have: LiteOn, Plextor, or Hynix NVMe Hynix NVMe patch 10.13.x (Bit swap block size 0x10) -Syscl UPDATES11 points
Last update: 17 Sep 2017 UPDATE: 17 - 09 - 2017 Just wanted to clear few things about my commitments to community, and development on my projects which has been going slow due to my personal life as I have been hit really hard since an year, and I am trying to sort out personal things still. So decided to take timeout on my commitments to my projects and put my attention on personal life first. Don't expect any regular updates on this project and others projects of mine till end of this year 2017. It does not mean I will not be working, and it is just that I won't post any update or respond to you all unless I have something worth to share. I know many of you are disappointed with me and some of my choices/decisions for the last one year, but believe me I had no other option and good reason for that. So your patience will be rewarded properly once I have started releasing updates as I have big plans and willing to commit myself to long term development, and I apologize for not keeping up with promises so far. In case I fail to keep up like I promised above, then I will give up and release all of my work to others to continue. Hope you understand and support me with beta tests when I need them Thanks Hi everyone, This is a multitouch driver for ELAN, FocalTech and Synaptics touchpad for Mac OS X based on the documentations available and some ideas from VoodooPS2, ApplePS2 and Linux open source code. I have successfully accomplished everything so far and added many new features to take advantage the touchpad completely to make it close to Apple touchpad in every way. Also my driver is implemented with my own universal logic for all the features, so it can be adapted to all touchpads easily and I'm still improving these to achieve even better results. My driver supports every hardware version of ELAN touchpads except version 1 (which is too old and can't find in existing notebooks will support that if i get some testers), mostly all available FocalTech touchpads and Synaptics touchpads (still experimental) with firmware version v7.5+. NOTE: For Synaptics, it was developed based on my touchpad hardware i have, so support is limited to touchpad with firmware version 7.5+ only, but will try to improve support other hardwares also if users interested in my features and help me with beta testing. FOR BUG REPORTING: Please read the below threads which explain the features after installing the driver, so you can understand and learn how to use every feature. If anyone still have doubts/issues then PM me to get help from myself (or) post them in other thread about issues so others can help you. I will respond to you mostly during weekends only for some time. FEATURES DETAILS: (UPDATED FOR v4.6) Touchpad features: Click here to learn Keyboard features: Click here to learn Supports OS X version 10.6 or later (10.6 support is only from v4.4) For Prefpane, try to install the version from this link, and add the prefpane to start up items: http://www.hackintosh.zone/file/997-correct-preference-pane-trackpad-macos-sierra/ UPDATE: 06-06-17 Hi everyone, It has been long time since I have given you all an update on my development. The reason for this was I had a pretty rough personal life and busy time in my job last few months, so I was really under big stress and had busy days which did not allow me to do any progress on my projects. Good news is that I was able to sort some of my issues, and find some time to continue my projects again. I have already done some analysis on my project, and figured that I had to do some major code rewrite (most of the code was depending around work arounds which are not optimized well for the time being back then) in order to better support future hardwares and also improve features with ease. My plan is Setup a way to support and track bugs from users Setup a way to gather feedback from users Re-build the project from the scratch with good design for cross-platform support in mind, to support multiple touchpad vendors and interfaces (thinking about I2C) as universal driver Refactor the project code with as much clean code (so when I make it open others can understand) as possible of mine from the scratch Finish basic features (Keyboard and Mouse emulation) Integrate basic vendor specific features Develop and Integrate basic prefpane of mine Release first beta to test Integrate and implement my old driver features one by one for better stability Update prefpane for new features and release another beta Update and improve support for newer hardware based on linux and other sources Finish integrating all the features of old driver by reviewing each one with community feedback Add new features and improve it's stability and performance I have big list of TODO's, but I promise this time that I will try to finish each of them as soon as possible with a beta release happening very soon before the end of this month in best case. Understand your patience is really needed here, as I do not want to rush and have limited time of mine. Also, I am gonna give weekly update on my progress if possible when I have finished my milestones. I will try to respond to your PM during weekends, and if you want to be beta tester then send me your skype ids with GMT time via PM. One more thing, current version of my driver is deprecated and so will not be continuing this. But, I will try to give you some support if there is a need before I finish my new version of driver for any issues which are not big enough for time being. Thanks for your support and co-operation. PS: Sorry for those who want my project to be open sourced now, as I cannot do that until I finish above TODO's. Hope you understand, and support me as I really worked hard on this project. I have worries to get this open right now, and understand that with more people development can progress faster but opening this right now might create issues and end myself supporting to the development in the long run due to fragmentation. I would request you to go through plist editing for controlling the features (as I have a lot of them and its important users to know about those details, because it will allow the driver to be tweaked as you want and my default values are not going to be best for every touchpad or user) for now (will make my own prefpane very soon within 3 months, and its a promise). Going to update my thread which details the features every week one after another for keeping it updated with latest version. Version v4.7 beta 5 (10 - 12 - 2016) (work in progress, available to try from attachments). Added back feature multi finger drag due to users request (can be dragged using 1-3f, Note: This drag wont be as smooth as 1f because the data is not as good as 1f in 2-3f which is why I stopped working on this long time ago, but currently it works nicely and usable in my touchpad. So its usage varies to each touchpad). You have to hold fingers for 2-3 sec at fixed position and move to trigger drag. Improved support for Sierra Support for new style prefpane (most of the features wont control my feature, but I will fix them by next weekend to match them) [Drag, scroll, double click speed can be controlled inside Accessibility Settings->Mouse & Trackpad] [Experimental] USB mouse can now stop trackpad if you enable Accessibility setting of Ignore Trackpad [Works only in 10.10 or lower (?). Will find a way for new OS X versions asp] Improved scroll inertia with more control options in Plist to choose Fixed Sierra Caps Lock bug using a workaround Fixed a bug with some new ELAN touchpads which have issues with virtual buttons acting weird if pointing was enabled at button area, so added option to diable/enable this in plist Fixed sierra OS X functions like Launchpad, Dashboard, Mission control etc., which are not working by redirecting to new keyboard shortcuts. (Needs to be configured at Keyboard shortcuts) Updated support for Asus keyboard backlight with two levels Several minor bug fixes and improvements And more to come as am still looking at improving others things that are buggy and also using feedback from users Version v4.6.5 Released Major code optimizations Updated support for 10.12 (Still some Fn keys wont work, will try to fix close to release) Added plist options to control Apple Trackpad prefpane values for 10.12 Several bug fixes and improvements Version v4.6 Fixed CapsLock key change plist option Fixed a firmware bug in ELAN v3 hardware Updated driver to accept new revisions of ELAN Touchpad to be recognized as Version 4 Added plist option to disable the touchpad when LID id closed (Enable back auto when its opened)) which will stop strange behavior from touchpad when using HDMI in some systems. Pointer acceleration enhancements (new plist options to control) Partial support for the extra buttons and track point from Synaptics trackpad Improved support for synaptics Updated documentation for features Several minor bug fixes and optimizations Version v4.5 Added new plist option to control touchpad edges dead zone Added plist option to change 2f and 3f tap default actions Added option to tweak pointing acceleration Added 4f pinch gesture and plist option (ELAN and Focaltech) Updated plist options to better organize Improved 2f dragging in clickpads Improved edge swipes Fixed synaptic touchpad sleep issue seen in some systems Fixed some keyboard bugs Several improvements, minor bug fixes and optimizations Version v4.4.5 : Improved support for Synaptics touchpads (Clickpad working fine now) Updated support for new ELAN touchpads Improved edge swipes Fixed a bug with Karabiner app to allow mapping Several bug fixes and optimizations Version v4.4 : Released (For Asus keyboard backlight auto off, use updated DSDT patch and v2.5 Fn keys kext) Improved support for Synaptics touchpad (Clickpad still have some issues so i need beta testers) Improved support for some new ELAN and Focaltech touchpads Improved pointer acceleration Reworked scrolling Improved Swipes, Zoom and Rotations Added more plist options to tweak the gestures and option to control delay after sleep Added GIGABYTE Fn key mode layout Added support for 10.6 (32bit build) Fixed several bugs in both keyboard and Touchpad Optimizations Version v4.3 : Added support for Synaptics touchpads (Firmware v7.5+) found in new laptops but still its experimental for others as it has not been tested on many laptops. (Tested only on Lenovo Z50-70 and G400) Added support for unsupported touchpads to work in enhanced mouse mode without multi touch Improved support for Focaltech and ELAN touchpad (especially ELAN v2) Improved pointing and scroll with new smoothing features and other improvements which can be controlled in plist Improvements and optimizations for all features Added plist option for keyboard to make Num Lock into clear instead of soft controlled num lock mode Added Fn keys mode layout for Lenovo Added support for ACPI brightness controls from EC calls (You have to use DSDT patch) Fixed many bugs For the complete change log of all the updates follow this thread: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1966-elan-touchpad-driver-issues/ FEATURES OF ELAN v4 HARDWARE, FOCALTECH and SYNAPTICS: (Supports up to five fingers touch) Mouse mode with Virtual Buttons Left, Right and Middle Tapping - Up to 5 fingers Clicking - Up to 5 fingers Dragging : Tap to release and Finger Lift ⃠Left Button Drag, Double Tap Drag, Single Tap Drag and Click Drag Corner Tapping Scrolling - Single finger Edge and Two Fingers swipe Continuous, Linear, Sling and Inertial scroll effects Finger Press - Up to 5 fingers Swiping - Edge, Three and Four Fingers Zoom - Two fingers pinch zoom, OSX Zoom with Keyboard 4 (Elan, Focaltech) & 5 fingers Pinch gesture Rotations - Arc and Swipe Rotations Accidental Input/Palm check when typing Fn Keys Mode Features Toggle Full customization FEATURES OF ELAN v2 and v3 HARDWARE: (Supports up to three fingers touch) Mouse mode with Buttons Left, Right and Virtual Middle Tapping - Up to 3 fingers Dragging - Tap to release and Finger Lift ⃠Left Button Drag, Double Tap Drag and Single Tap Drag Corner Tapping Scrolling - Edge Scroll and Two Fingers Continuous, Linear, Sling, Circular and Inertial scroll effects Finger Press - Up to 3 fingers Swiping - Edge and Three Fingers Zoom - Two fingers pinch zoom, OSX Zoom with Keyboard Rotations - Arc, Circular and Swipe Rotations Accidental Input/Palm check when typing Fn Keys Mode Features Toggle Full customization HOW TO INSTALL: Remove any existing "ApplePS2Controller, VoodooPS2Controller, AppleACPIPS2Nub, ApplePS2Keyboard and old Elan Touchpad" kexts if you have already installed from the HDD '/System/Library/Extensions ', '/Extra/Extensions', and '/System/Extensions/Library/myHack.kext/Contents/Plugins/' (if you used myHack USB installer for OSX). If you use USB installer to boot (used to install OSX), then you have to remove the above kexts from USB '/Extra/Extensions'. Install the Kexts (Recommended to use Kext utility for installing) inside the attached zip file using any kext installing methods (In clover, some systems may have problems with kext injection, so try to install them to System/Library/Extensions in that case). 
 ​ NOTE: From v3.3, there is only one kext as my driver in the attached zip file. For Support PM me or POST here . I may respond slowly sometimes due to busy life. NOTE: Please don't mirror my files at other places, let the people know about this thread for the latest version and support. NOTE: I've worked very hard on this driver (especially ELAN v2, 4 and Focaltech without hardware) and will try to continue support in future. I do the development everyday with some time dedicated to this and many other projects. But i need your support so i can get more time to spend on these projects for improvements. Also we maintain this website without ads for all of you and it costs a bit for us to host. IF POSSIBLE PLEASE MAKE A DONATION BY CLICKING BELOW PAYPAL DONATE BUTTON FOR ME Paypal: FOR WEBSITE DONATE HERE: http://www.osxlatitude.com/donate/ THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT I would like to thank following people for beta testing the driver and providing valuable feedback: Leon, Ramalxlama, Shin zon, Sherlocks, Dragon, Ðнтошка, Thomas benhamou,68x, Eli and many others. SOURCE: Project source code: https://github.com/E...Touchpad-Driver I am still doing some major work with beta testers to improve the features and stability, so I cannot update my git until its done, because it may allow others to modify and distribute their own version which can miss my changes and also worried about something else too which I do not want to mention here. I want to support this project for very long time and did spend hundreds of hours so far with testers (without hardware) and implemented many of the features myself from the scratch. So, I deserve and have rights to not to update my project source until I feel confident. The base of the Apple PS2 open sources I have used for my project are pretty much same which you find in the source from my above git link and rest of the changes from that are based on documentation and my own ideas. CREDITS: ELAN - Arjan Opmeer for ELAN linux documentation/source FocalTech - mgottschlag (github) for linux source Synaptics - Synaptics official documentation and linux source I would like to thank the VoodooPS2 team (Slice, King, rehabman and many others who contributed to the VoodooPS2) for ideas, Apple for their PS2 open sources which i've used as base for my driver and linux sources for the touchpad initialization and packet info. SmoothMouse 1.0.5.zip mouseaccelerationpref11d.zip Apple Keyboard Layout ID.rtf ElanTouchpad_v2.8.3.zip ELAN_v3.8.5_Final_Upd.zip ELAN_v4.0.5.zip SmartTouchPad_v4.2_Final.zip SmartTouchPad_v4.3_Final.zip SmartTouchPad_v4.4_Final_64bit.zip SmartTouchPad_v4.4_Final_32_64bit.zip SmartTouchpad_v4.4.5_32_64bit.zip SmartTouchpad_v4.4.5_64bit.zip SmartTouchPad_v4.5_Final_64bit.zip SmartTouchPad_v4.6.zip SmartTouchPad_v4.6.5.zip SmartTouchPad_v4.7 beta 3.zip SmartTouchpad v4.7 beta 5.zip10 points
OpenCore Working: HD 4400 Full QE/CI DP/HDMI Video / Audio Webcam Sleep / Wake USB 2.0 / 3.0 ( not tested for speed) Speakers / Headphone SD Card Reader Fn+Up and Down Arrow for Brightness Control Audio control buttons Installation: Download macOS Monterey / Big Sur / Catalina app Format a 16GB USB drive (GUID / Extended (Journaled)) Create USB Installer with createinstallmedia command Download attached folder and rename as EFI Mount EFI partition and add EFI folder Configure BIOS setting according to guide Boot with USB installer Complete installation Post Installation: Mount EFI partition of newly installed drive and copy EFI folder over Update / Change in Config.plist under PlatformID->Generic (use genSMBIOS or Hackintool.app) MLB, ROM, SystemSerialNumber and SystemUUID Download alc_fix_BS.zip Open terminal and run the following commands: sudo spctl --master-disable cd ~/Downloads/alc_fix sudo ./install Note: Replace Config.plist with Config-IntelWifi.plist if you have an Intel combo card Boot Chime: I don't really care for it, but for those that like to have it, here's what you need. 1) AudioDxe.efi in /EFI/OC/Drivers; make sure it's added in Config file under UEFI/Drivers 2) OCEFIAudio_VoiceOver_Boot.wav in /EFI/OC/Resources/Audio //attached below OCEFIAudio_VoiceOver_Boot.wav.zip 3) In config file under UEFI->Audio, set the following settings That's it, reboot and you should hear a loud chime when you boot to the OC Picker! Updated to 0.8.3 - Supports Monterey 12.5.1 - to enable chime during boot, change in config file under UEFI/Audio >AudioSupport = Yes >PlayChime = Enabled Updated to 0.8.0 - to support Monterey 12.4 - to enable chime during boot, change in config file under UEFI/Audio >AudioSupport = Yes >PlayChime = Enabled Updated to 0.7.8 - Supports Montery 12.2.1 and Big Sur Updated to 0.7.4 If you're upgrading from older OC version, you might have to delete OpenCore from BIOS Boot Option and create a new one pointing to /EFI/OC/OpenCore.efi I've include 3 different versions of kexts for touchpad, disable / enable one that works for your system in the Config file Tested on MacOS 11.6 and 12.2.1 E7440_OC_0.8.4.zipE7440_OC_0.8.0.zip E7440_OC_0.7.8.zip E7440_OC_0.7.4.zip E7440_OC_0.6.9.zip E7440_OC_0.6.6.zip E7440_OC_0.6.3.zip HeliPort.app.zip alc_fix_BS.zip10 points
Last update: 28th Jan 2020 Dell DW1820A: Ok Ok Ok DW1820A is a pretty good combo card providing 2.4/5GHz 802.11ac wireless at 867Mbps + Bluetooth 4.1. As stated at Wikidevi, there appears to be a few different models of the card. Whilst they all carry the same Broadcom id 14e4:43a3, they each carry a different subsystem id/part #: 1028:0021 (part # CN-0VW3T3) -> 100% Ok with ASPM disabled (originally tested 100% Ok on my Latitude 7490 without ASPM tuning) 1028:0021 (part # CN-096JNT) -> 100% Ok with APSM disabled 1028:0022 (part # CN-096JNT) -> 100% Ok with APSM disabled 1028:0023 (part # CN-0VW3T3) -> 100% Ok with APSM disabled 1028:0023 (part # CN-08PKF4) -> 100% Ok with APSM disabled I acquired a Dell DW1820A a few months ago and was able to play with that card on a Latitude 7490 laptop (fitted with an M.2 2230 Key A+E WLAN slot) that I targeted for Mojave. The model I received was CN-0VW3T3. Before it was later established that not all DW1820A were equal, I purchased a 2nd one and, as it turned out to be, was lucky to receive another 0VW3T3 model. /!\ The 1st thing I want to report is that I encountered difficulties booting my Mojave USB installer and installing macOS with the card plugged in. I had to disable wireless in BIOS to be able to install Mojave. Once it was installed, booting Mojave with wireless enabled in BIOS would cause quite severe lag and performance degradation once at the desktop, as if the card just clogged up CPU ressources. This was because I had not applied any particular tuning for the card and, of course, this was resolved once I implemented the necessary fix detailed below. /!\ Searching through the Web for that DW1820A/BCM4350, I came accross a few forum posts/threads that mentionned: rolling back the Yosemite IO80211Family kext to get the card to work, although with instability and regular KPs removing AirPortBrcmNIC plugin kext from IO80211Family kext, patching AirPortBrcm4360 plugin kext with the id of the DW1820A and installing AirportBrcmFixup kext with a couple of parameters (Credits to Hugotai, cf. his post @Voldemort's place, 2nd Dec 2018) Whilst I did not really contemplate doing the 1st thing, I did envisage the 2nd one and started to look at the differences between Yosemite's version of IO80211Family kext and Mojave's. The main difference I had already noticed was that device id 14e4:43a3 was handled by AirPortBrcm4360 up to Sierra 10.12 and by AirPortBrcmNIC since High Sierra 10.13. Further reading and experimenting showed me that AirPortBrcmNIC kext was the root cause of the problem. Building on Hugotai's success, I seeked to work out an easier solution to bypassing AirPortBrcmNIC kext that would not require kext removal and Info.plist patching but, instead, something that could be implemented through hardware properties injection, either through DSDT/SSDT patching or bootloader (Clover or OpenCore) configuration. Once Hugotai's solution was verified and confirmed, I worked out the following Clover-based solution (because that's what I was using) for HighSierra/Mojave: identify the IOReg/ACPI device to which the DW1820A card is attached (use IORegistryExplorer app to that effect). Eg: RP0n@xx,yy->PXSX@0. in the absence of individual ACPI device entry under the PCI bridge for the card, select "FixAirport" ACPI Fix in Clover. That'll create a device "ARPT" @0 under the bridge and that's what you'll inject properties to. This may also require to select "AddDTGP" ACPI Clover fix if your DSDT does not possess any DTGP method. If running with Clover, use Clover Configurator app to that effect. inject the following properties either in DSDT or through bootloader config (latter recommended): compatibility of the card with Broadcom chips 14e4:4353 or 14e4:4331 that are handled by IO80211Family's PlugIn kext AirPortBrcm4360 ASPM disabling (required for most cards to avoid CPU clogging and system freeze) optionally, add SysProfiler's cosmetic info such as PCIe Slot, card's make and model, etc. and that's it ! Nothing to do to IO80211Family kext or its PlugIns which all remain untouched/unmodified/full vanilla in /S/L/E. It really could not be simpler... NB: if your card's country code absolutely requires to be changed, say for full 5GHz/80MHz operations, add the following steps: install AirportBrcmFixup kext in /L/E + repair permissions + rebuild your cache or inject it through Clover's EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other add boot argument brcmfx-country=XX (where XX is the target value, eg: US, FR, #a, etc.) to the Boot section of your Clover config but, beware, I found that using AirportBrcmFixup (v1.1.9 at time of writing) with country code other than default's US setting of the card impacted my wireless performance (fluctuating and reduced RX/TX rate). For instance, with country code set to FR (for France), I would not connect at 80MHz on my 5GHz Wireless network, only at 40MHz which resulted in a local wireless connection limited to 400Mbps (vs. 867Mbps) and reduced my overall Internet RX rate by about 60% and TX rate by about 10%: with country code set to #a (to get full 80MHz connection), I could not obtain DFS channel mode to my local router and I noticed fluctuating/unstable RX/TX rates: without AirportBrmfixup, my wireless connection runs solid at 867Mbps and SpeedTest returns a solid TX and RX rates at 300Mbps (i.e. the maximum speed of my Internet connection). Properties injection through DSDT: On my laptop, the DW1820A was found attached to device RP03.PXSX located at IO address 0x001C0002, i.e. 1C,2. The DSDT patch required to inject properties could look like this (devices names will differ from one computer to another of course!): Device (RP03) // PCIe Root Bridge { name (_ADR, 0x001C0002) [...] [...] [...] Device (PXSX) // DW1820A card attached to this device (FixAirport Clover ACPI fix required if such device is missing) { Name (_ADR, Zero) [...] [...] [...] Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // _DSM: Device-Specific Method { If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero)) { Return (Buffer (One) { 0x03 }) } Return (Package () { "AAPL,slot-name", // Optional Buffer () { "WLAN" }, "device_type", // Optional Buffer () { "Airport Extreme" }, "name", // Optional Buffer () { "Airport" }, "model", // Optional Buffer () { "Dell DW1820A 802.11ac wireless" }, "compatible", // Mandatory Buffer () { "pci14e4,4353" // Declares compatibility with BCM43224; "pci14e4:4331" for BCM94331 may also be used }, "pci-aspm-default", // Mandatory for most cards Buffer (One) { 0x00 // Disables ASPM for PCIe device } }) } } } Properties injection through bootloader config: An easier alternative is to inject those properties in bootloader config (for Clover via Clover Configurator app for instance). This can be done within the Devices properties section by injecting the desired properties in the Properties sub-section: In the left part, add the PCIe address of the targeted device in the form PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(<root device address>)/Pci(<actual device address>) In the right part, add the above properties in single lines and with the right types (String, Data, Number) For instance, in the case of my laptop booting with Clover, the target device will be PciRoot (0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x02)/Pci(0x0,0x0) for PCI0@0->RP03@1C,2->PXSX@0. Then, properties will be injected as lines of keys of 3 x possible types: strings, hex data blocks or numbers. For instance, to declare compatibility with 14e4:4353, the line will consist of Property Key set to compatible, Key Value set to pci14e4,4353 and Key Type set to STRING. The complete properties injection will be: Device = PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1c,0x02)/Pci(0x0,0x0) Key = compatible | Value = pci14e4,4353 | Type = STRING Key = pci-aspm-default | Value = 0 | Type = NUMBER Key = AAPL,slot-name | Value = WLAN | Type = STRING (optional) Key = device_type | Value = Airport Extreme | Type = STRING (optional) Key = name | Value = Airport | Type = STRING (optional) Key = model | Value = Dell DW1820 (BCM4350) 802.11ac wireless | Type = STRING (optional) Once the device properties are injected in bootloader config or DSDT, there's nothing left to do but reboot the computer. The DW1820A card will then be fully active and able to connect to 2.4/5GHz networks at full speed. Results: On the Bluetooth side, once the usual Broadcom firmware patching kexts are installed (eg: Rehabman's BrcmFirmwareRepo + BrcmPatchRAM2 for instance), the BT4.1 module will be fully operational and capable of supporting AirDrop and Handoff! Links: Clover Configurator app Rehabman's Broadcom Firmware patching kexts Acidanthera AirportBrcmFixup kext - - - - - - - - - - Edit: 06 Jan 2020 Updated with freshly found ASPM disabling property injection that fixes all outstanding stability issues. DW1820A #096JNT and Foxconn T77H649 now tested 100% Ok. DW1820A #08PKF4 should be just the same. - - - - - - - - - - Edit: 28 Jan 2020 Finally got to test a DW1820A #08PKF4 and it's also 100% Ok with ASPM disabled.10 points
OpenCore Installation: Download MacOS Monterey / Big Sur / Catalina app Format a 16GB USB drive (GUID / Extended (Journaled)) Create USB Installer with createinstallmedia command Download attached folder and rename as EFI Mount EFI partition and add EFI folder Configure BIOS setting according to guide Boot with USB installer Complete installation Post Installation: Mount EFI partition of newly installed drive and copy EFI folder over Update / Change in Config.plist under PlatformID->Generic (use genSMBIOS or Hackintool.app) MLB, ROM, SystemSerialNumber and SystemUUID Note: Config is set for Broadcom DW1560 If you have Intel Wifi, rename Config-IntelWifi to Config.plist Updated to OC 0.6.9 If keyboard/touchpad does not work, replace VoodooPS2Controller-Alps with VoodooPS2Controller-R6 (not included, you should be able to find in forum) Multiboot from OC picker is also working! Updated to OC 0.7.5 Supports Monterey Special note: Added PS2 kext by SkyrilHD that supports multi gestures Updated to OC 0.7.9 Support Monterey 12.3.1 Updated to OC 0.8.7 Add IntelBTPatcher Replaced SkyrilHD's voodoo with Dortania's VoodooPS2Controller which has SkyrilHD's code added E7450_OC_0.8.7.zip E7450_OC_0.7.9.zip E7450_OC_0.7.5.zip E7450_OC_0.6.9.zip E7450_OC_0.6.6.zip E7450_OC_0.6.4.zip E7450_OC_0.6.3.zip9 points
Hello everyone Thank you very much for your wonderful and useful forum I want share with you after long search and fixes my final EFI Partition for Dell Precision WS M6800 & M4800 and will work 99 % on any similar Model All files , Kexts , ACPI , Guide are all included in zip file linked below This my final EFI with alots of fixes and tweaks works for both High Sierra and Mojave only you will need Nvidia web drivers and Cuda to get fully working machine for graphic designing , video editing and 3D ... - Fully working everything , audio , Bluetooth, Brightness slider , card reader , mSata , ethernet , Wifi , Camera ,all USB 3 Ports and many more you will explore it yourself ...... - Bios Reset issue fixed - Optimus Graphic enabled - Use Intel HD only or Intel HD + Nvidia (if you want Nvidia only then disable Optimus in bios) - External Monitor use Nvidia - No black Screen when external monitor is connected - What is missing and doesn't work !!!! You will tell me - all fixes files and instructions are included ************************* UPDATED 30 JUN 2019 ************************ - Alots of Tweaks has been added to ACPI , config.plist and IntelFrameBuffer - USB 3 all ports fixed natively - KEXTS has been updated -Clover bootloader has been updated - Fans has been adapted by ACPIPoller.kexts and SSDT for more cooling and less noise - CPU and RAM Tweaks - No more Kernel Panic with release or security update - Clean DSDT , SSDT , plist - Alots of work, search and tests to get this result with this Laptop - Ready for Catalina ( wait for the official release and Hacks developers final fixes to be ready ) All Updated Files are here ( 50 MB) ; https://drive.google.com/file/d/107_34arPRYoiObJUCH9l7TG_tZsK2FOD/view Thank You ********************* 30 Nov 2018 Fix OLD .zip If you need any help or have any questions or issue please let me know in the Support section of the forum and I will reply as soon as possible Cheers9 points
In case the above Google link becomes unavailable... Dell_Precision-M6800_Jul2019.zip8 points
30-06-2019 Update Attached Files in First Post ( Google Drive Link 50 MB ) This instructions is for Dell Precision m6800 (and similar Dell Precision Models - Experimental) Before you start Please note that : I am using Dell Precision m6800 with these SPEC : Intel I7 4900MQ 2.8 Mhz - Intel HD Haswell 4600 32 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro K3100M 4GB Samsung EVO 250 GB Dell DW 1560 WiFi and BT Adapter BIOS A25 ( Latest 30 Oct 2018 ) This Process has been successfully tested with High Sierra and Mojave 10.14.5 Both IGPU and DGPU are Working Together Correctly like a Desktop No Bios reset issue when reboot , Works with Dual Boot ( Win + OSX ) ******* Step By Step ******** 1- Reset BIOS to its default and Update it to A25 2- Modify BIOS setting ( Press F12 to see Options ) * Advanced Boot Options = Enable Legacy * Integrated NIC = Enable * Parallel Ports = AT * Serial Ports = Disabled ( If you are using Dock station then Enable it - Expermental ) * Sata Operation = AHCI * Drivers = Check all * Switchable Graphics = Enable Switchable Graphics * Secure Boot = Disabled * Virtualization = Disable 3- Create your OSX Installation USB ( Search How , its not my Topic ) * Then I recommend to install Clover bootloader to create EFI Folder on your USB (UEFI Method) 4- Once you create OSX Installation USB ; mount USB EFI PARTITION and DELETE EFI Folder 5- Decompress my attached files 6- On my attched files ; Find ( install Folder ) Copy EFI Folder and Paste it in your USB EFI PARTITION ( instead of deleted one in step 4) 7- Now you are ready to Install OSX for Dell Precision M6800 * Power On your PC * Press F12 to see Options * Select BOOT from ( your USB ) * Start Installation Process ( it will reboot several time during installation so press F12 each time to boot from your USB ) - search Youtube videos to see the installation process 8- Once installation done and you reach your OSX desktop *Copy my attached files to your Desktop and Eject USB * Mount your OSX Drive EFI PARTITION and delete ( EFI Folder if existed ) * On my attached files Find ( Boot Disk EFI ); copy EFI Folder and Paste it in your Drive EFI PARTITION instead of deleted one "same as step 6" 9- Now the last step ( very Important ) - on my attached files Find (L/E Folder) - use any method or tool to install ALL KEXTS to Library/Extensions - Rebuild kextcache and repair permissions - I recommend using Hackintool by @headkaze to install kexts and rebuild kextcache 10- Reboot your PC and check everything is working correctly ( Audio , Bluetooth , WiFi , Internet , USB 3 , Trim ... ) IF you are using Mojave ; No Cuda drivers available till now but Nvidia GPU works with 4k External Monitor via DP Fully Accelerated Qi-Ci , also you can Disable Bios graphics Optimus to disable Intel HD GPU and use only Nvidia GPU - The same thing with High Sierra except that Nvidia Web Drivers are available and Cuda are ready - I use this PC all time with 4k external monitor while laptop led screen is closen using external mouse and Keyboard for Graphic design and video editing; H264 with hardware acceleration is working but no H265 hardware acceleration I think due to Haswell limitation - also I've found useful app to disable CPU turbo boost . I use it sometimes to reduce CPU temp ( search google ) Note : in case you have booting troubles ; Try to change SMBIOS in config.plist to diffrent model as MacbookPro 10.1, MacBookPro 11.2, MacBookPro 13.1 also you can try iMac 14.2 ( works nicely with me I don't know why ) Little Tweak for CPU and RAM : go to CPU section in config.plist using clover configurator and add values to this sections according to your CPU frequency (Be careful) For example: - Add 2800 to "frequency mhz" if your CPU base is 2.8 mhz ( 2700 if 2.7 and 2100 if 2.1 , ...) - Add 99790 to "Bus speed khz" - Add 47 to "TDP" ( Look intel CPU spec page for your model to know more info about your CPU and TDP value for your CPU ) For example in my case https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/75131/intel-core-i7-4900mq-processor-8m-cache-up-to-3-80-ghz.html GPU Power Management: Delete my dAGPM.kext from clover/Kexts/Others and make your own Kext according to your SMBios ID to get the correct power management There is a tool developed by @pavo to generate your Kext and another method by @toleda search forum and google to know more about that Disable Nvidia GPU: If you want to disable dGPU and use only Intel HD 4600 drop SSDT-4600.aml to clover/ACPI/Patched . But in this case no external monitor will be working only internal Disable Intel HD GPU : If you like to use only Nvidia GPU so disable Optimus Graphics in Bios and you can use internal and external monitor USB 3 Ports Fixes : Please Modify The Info.Plist inside USBPorts.Kext to Match Your SMBIOS Find and change this text (iMac 14.2) change to (Your Model) every where in plist For Example (iMac 14.2) To (MacBookPro 11.2) Now All Your USB 3 Ports And Camera Will Work Correctly Have Fun Franckenstien 30 Jun 2019 SSDT-4600.aml.zip8 points
Last update: 17 Jun 2020 Target macOS release: Mojave 10.14.x This is a Clover-based installation using the well-known/well documented vanilla method detailed below: Working: full graphics acceleration on Intel UHD620 iGPU, including brightness control (with Lilu v1.3.5 + WEG v1.2.7) multi-display with HDMI OOB, including HDMI-to-DVI adaptation (HDMI-to-VGA not successful) and VGA/DP over USB Type-C audio, including HDMI, microphone input and headset output (with AppleALC v1.3.6 & layout 11 + CodecCommander v2.7.1) GigEthernet LAN connection (with IntelMausiEthernet 2.4.0 kext) wireless and bluetooth with any compatible card (a DW1820A in my case) left and right USB ports (with Hackintool-generated USBPorts), including USB Type-C integrated webcam (OOB) CPU power management sleep (Lid, Energy Saver settings, Apple menu, Fn-Insert, PWR button) & wake (Lid, PWR button) battery management (with ACPIBatteryManager v1.90.1) keyboard (with VoodooPS2Controller v1.9.2) touchpad (with VoodooI2C v2.1.4 + VoodooI2CHID v1.0), including tap-to-click (mandatory in PrefPane settings), scroll & zoom, rotate or other multi-finger gestures. On occasions, won't work until system is rebooted one or several times. Not working: Touchpad buttons TrackPoint Not tested: RTS525a microSD card reader with Cholonam's revised sinetek-rtsx kext GeekBench v2.4.3 (32bit) gives a 14200+ rating: 1) 10.14 USB installer creation Using a USB key of 8GB minimum, create a Mojave USB installer through the following Terminal command: sudo <path>/Install\ macOS\ Mojave.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/<USB key> where: <path> = location of Mojave installation package (eg: /Applications if freshly downloaded) <USB key> = name of formatted USB volume (eg: USB_8GB) The process will take several minutes. Once completed: install Clover bootloader on the USB installer with the following customised settings: Clover for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP UEFI Drivers AudioDxe-64 DataHubDxe-64 FSInject-64 SMCHelper-64 ApfsDriverLoader-64 AppleImageLoader-64 AptioMemoryFix-64 Fat-64 HFSPlus NvmExpressDxe-64 PartitionDxe-64 Ps2MouseDxe-64 UsbKbDxe-64 UsbMouseDxe-64 Themes (optional) Install Clover Preference Pane (optional) you may use version r4919 attached below: Clover_v2.4k_r4919.pkg.zip once Clover is installed, launch Clover Configurator app and mount the freshly created EFI partition of the USB installer Clover_Configurator.zip open this EFI partition and transfer/copy the files & folders from the Latitude 7490 Mojave Clover pack below to the EFI/Clover folder: Clover_Pack_7490.zip Clover_Pack_7490_#2.zip Clover_Pack_7490_#3.zip Clover_Pack_7490_#4.zip Clover_Pack_7490_#5.zip Clover_Pack_7490_#6.zip Clover_Pack_7490_#7.zip Clover_Pack_7490_#8.zip 7490_Mojave_Clover_Pack_#9.zip 2) 10.14 installation boot the Mojave USB installer at the Clover main menu, select the "Install macOS Mojave" partition (but don't press [ENTER]) press [SPACE], select -v verbose option in the menu, then choose to boot with the selected options proceed with installation, creating & formatting the target Mojave installation through Disk Utility as/if required on 1st reboot, boot off the USB installer and select the freshly created "macOS install from <target Mojave partition>" repeat this until this partition is no longer offered and only the target Mojave partition is left to boot Reboot the target Mojave partition via your USB installer 3) Post-installation tuning Once the target Mojave partition has booted, complete the 1st boot configuration tuning Once at the desktop, install Clover bootloader on the Mojave partition/disk with the customised settings listed above Once Clover is installed, launch Clover Configurator app and mount the freshly created EFI partition of the Mojave partition/disk Open this EFI partition and transfer the files & folders from the above Latitude 7490 Mojave Clover pack to the EFI/Clover folder You may then reboot and verify that Mojave boots off your disk through Clover Edit: 16 Apr 2019 - - - - - - - - - - - - Tuned-up Clover pack #2: removed unnecessary SSDTs removed unnecessary patches removed unnecessary settings added NoTouchID kext to fix authentication lag when making changes to /LE and/or /S/L/E replaced I2C kexts to fix TouchPad laggy/jumpy movement Edit: 31 Jul 2019: - - - - - - - - - - - - Revised Clover pack #4: patched DSDT added to inject support for Fn-F11/Fn-F12 brightness keys. Edit: 09 Aug 2019: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revised Clover pack #5: fixed mistake in patched DSDT affecting _PWR resources which killed Sleep when laptop running on mains. Edit: 15 aug 2019: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revised Clover pack #6: Adjusted Clover config to add "DellSMBIOSPatch" in order to avoid truncated Mac model name in "About This Mac". Edit: 08 Sep 2019: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revised Clover pack #7: Patched DSDT of pack #6 was causing system reset. Re-patched raw DSDT from BIOS 1.11.0 to inject support for Fn-F11/Fn-F12 brightness keys (no other patch) and all seems Ok. Edit: 05 Oct 2019: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revised Clover pack #8: Injected HDMI connector type to iGPU FB@1 to recover from a picture issue (like yellow veil) with HDMI output + loss of HDMI audio, all due to default DP connector type on the framebuffer. This worked OOB initially (certainly did with my initial 10.14.4 build) but clearly not any more with subsequent Mojave versions, at least 10.14.6. Edit: 20 Apr 2020: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Added a note about Realtek RTS525a SD card reader. Edit: 17 Jun 2020: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revised Clover pack #9: Moved patched DSDT out of ACPI/patched folder since it's causing KP for most people. It was only patched to support brightness control through Fn-F11/Fn-F12. Jake Lo has provided SSDT alternatives in other guides/threads so it's best to use that. I'll try them asap on the 7490 and update accordingly.8 points
Last update: 16 Sep 2020 Specifications: BIOS v1.8.0 v1.9.3 v1.10.0 v1.11.0 v1.12.2 v1.13.1 v1.14.0 v1.15.1 v1.16.0 (needs SATA in AHCI mode, not RAID or disk won't be seen) Intel 8th gen Kaby Lake R quad-core i7-8650U 1.9GHz CPU (Turbo boost up to 3.9GHz for 3 & 4 cores and up 4.2GHz for 1 & 2 cores) integrated Intel UHD620 GPU 300-1150MHz (PCI ven id 0x8086, dev id 0x5917) 14" 1920x1080 FHD non-touch LCD 16Go DDR4-2400 RAM M.2 2280 512GB SATA SSD (in Key M slot) Intel i219-LM Gigabit Ethernet (PCI ven id 0x8086, dev id 0x15d7) Realtek ALC256 (ALC3246) High Def audio (PCI ven id 0x10ec, dev id 0x0256) Dell DW1820A M.2 802.11ac combo wireless card (PCI ven id 0x14e4, dev id 0x43a3) + Bluetooth 4.1 (PCI ven id 0x0a5c, dev id 0x6412) integrated Realtek HD webcam (USB internal, PCI ven id 0x0bda, dev id 0x5650) integrated Realtek RTS525A microSD 4.0 card reader (PCI ven id 0x10ec, dev id 0x525a) Alps I2C HID Multi-Touch Touchpad (PCI ven id 0x1028, dev id 0x081c) Alps I2C HID TrackPoint (PCI ven id 0x044e: dev id 0x1212) 1 x M.2 2230 WLAN slot (Key A for Key A/E cards) 1 x M.2 2242 WWAN slot (Key B for Key B & Key M/B cards) 1 x 3.5mm universal jack (combo audio) 3 x USB 3.1 gen1 Type-A (right port with PowerShare) 1 x HDMI v1.4 1 x DisplayPort on USB Type-c Lat7490:~ admin$ lspci -nn 00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v6/7th Gen Core Processor Host Bridge/DRAM Registers [8086:5914] (rev 08) 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation UHD Graphics 620 [8086:5917] (rev 07) 00:04.0 Signal processing controller [1180]: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v5/E3-1500 v5/6th Gen Core Processor Thermal Subsystem [8086:1903] (rev 08) 00:14.0 USB controller [0c03]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP USB 3.0 xHCI Controller [8086:9d2f] (rev 21) 00:14.2 Signal processing controller [1180]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP Thermal subsystem [8086:9d31] (rev 21) 00:15.0 Signal processing controller [1180]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP Serial IO I2C Controller #0 [8086:9d60] (rev 21) 00:15.1 Signal processing controller [1180]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP Serial IO I2C Controller #1 [8086:9d61] (rev 21) 00:15.2 Signal processing controller [1180]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP Serial IO I2C Controller #2 [8086:9d62] (rev 21) 00:15.3 Signal processing controller [1180]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP Serial IO I2C Controller #3 [8086:9d63] (rev 21) 00:16.0 Communication controller [0780]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP CSME HECI #1 [8086:9d3a] (rev 21) 00:16.3 Serial controller [0700]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP Active Management Technology - SOL [8086:9d3d] (rev 21) 00:17.0 SATA controller [0106]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP SATA Controller [AHCI mode] [8086:9d03] (rev 21) 00:1c.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP PCI Express Root Port #1 [8086:9d10] (rev f1) 00:1c.2 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP PCI Express Root Port #3 [8086:9d12] (rev f1) 00:1f.0 ISA bridge [0601]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point LPC Controller/eSPI Controller [8086:9d4e] (rev 21) 00:1f.2 Memory controller [0580]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP PMC [8086:9d21] (rev 21) 00:1f.3 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP HD Audio [8086:9d71] (rev 21) 00:1f.4 SMBus [0c05]: Intel Corporation Sunrise Point-LP SMBus [8086:9d23] (rev 21) 00:1f.6 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (4) I219-LM [8086:15d7] (rev 21) 01:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS525A PCI Express Card Reader [10ec:525a] (rev 01) 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM4350 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter [14e4:43a3] (rev 08) For recommended BIOS settings, see here. NB: The E7490 is able to boot from microSD card.7 points
Last update: 17 Jun 2020 Target macOS release: Catalina 10.15.x This is a Clover-based installation using the well-known/well documented vanilla method detailed below: Working: full graphics acceleration on Intel UHD620 iGPU, including brightness control (with Lilu v1.3.8 + WEG v1.3.2) multi-display with HDMI OOB, including HDMI-to-DVI adaptation (HDMI-to-VGA not successful) and VGA/DP over USB Type-C audio, including HDMI, microphone input and headset output (with AppleALC v1.3.9 & layout 11 + CodecCommander v2.7.1) GigEthernet LAN connection (with IntelMausiEthernet 2.4.0 kext) wireless and bluetooth with any compatible card (a DW1820A in my case) left and right USB ports (with Hackintool-generated USBPorts), including USB Type-C integrated webcam (OOB) CPU power management sleep (Lid, Energy Saver settings, Apple menu, Fn-Insert, PWR button) & wake (Lid, PWR button) battery management (with ACPIBatteryManager v1.90.1) keyboard (with VoodooPS2Controller v1.9.2) touchpad (with VoodooI2C v2.1.4 + VoodooI2CHID v1.0), including tap-to-click (mandatory in PrefPane settings), scroll & zoom, rotate or other multi-finger gestures. On occasions, won't work until system is rebooted one or several times. RTS525a microSD card reader (Performance limited to 5MB/s) Not working: Touchpad buttons TrackPoint 1) 10.15 USB installer creation Using a USB key of 8GB minimum, create a Catalina USB installer through the following Terminal command: sudo <path>/Install\ macOS\ Catalina.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/<USB key> where: <path> = location of Catalina installation package (eg: /Applications if freshly downloaded) <USB key> = name of formatted USB volume (eg: USB_8GB) The process will take several minutes. Once completed: install Clover bootloader on the USB installer with the following customised settings: Clover for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP UEFI Drivers Recommended drivers ApfsDriverLoader AptioMemoryFix AudioDxe DataHubDxe FSInject HFSPlus SMCHelper Human Interface Devices Ps2MouseDxe UsbMoueDxe File system Drivers Fat Additional Drivers NvmExpressDxe PartitionDxe Themes (optional) Install Clover Preference Pane (optional) you may use version r5093 attached below: Clover_v2.5k_r5093.pkg.zip once Clover is installed, launch Clover Configurator app and mount the freshly created EFI partition of the USB installer Clover Configurator.zip open this EFI partition and transfer/copy the files & folders from the Latitude 7490 Catalina Clover pack below to the EFI/Clover folder: 7490_Catalina_Clover_Pack.zip 7490_Catalina_Clover_Pack_#2.zip 7490_Catalina_Clover_Pack_#3.zip 2) 10.15 installation boot the Catalina USB installer at the Clover main menu, select the "Install macOS Catalina" partition (but don't press [ENTER]) press [SPACE], select -v verbose option in the menu, then choose to boot with the selected options proceed with installation, creating & formatting the target Catalina installation through Disk Utility as/if required on 1st reboot, boot off the USB installer and select the freshly created "macOS install from <target Catalina partition>" repeat this until this partition is no longer offered and only the target Catalina partition is left to boot Reboot the target Catalina partition via your USB installer 3) Post-installation tuning Once the target Catalina partition has booted, complete the 1st boot configuration tuning Once at the desktop, install Clover bootloader on the Catalina partition/disk with the customised settings listed above Once Clover is installed, launch Clover Configurator app and mount the freshly created EFI partition of the Catalina partition/disk Open this EFI partition and transfer the files & folders from the above Latitude 7490 Catalina Clover pack to the EFI/Clover folder You may then reboot and verify that Catalina boots off your disk through Clover Edit: 02 Nov 2019: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revised Clover pack #2: DW1820A properties injection commented out (only required for those who have such a card, in which case, remove the # character) Edit: 20 Apr 2020: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Added a note about solution for Realtek RTS525a SD card reader. Edit: 17 Jun 2020: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Revised Clover pack #3: Moved patched DSDT out of ACPI/patched folder since it's causing KP for most people. It was only patched to support brightness control through Fn-F11/Fn-F12. Jake Lo has provided SSDT alternatives in other guides/threads so it's best to use that. I'll try them asap on the 7490 and update accordingly.7 points
Mojave Mojave Guide Bootpacks - HD5500 Only Add this to /EFI/Clover replacing the old Exx50_Mojave.zip FYI, kexts in bootpack is outdated Make sure to 1st upgrade kexts found under /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other if you encounter issue Common links for new kexts: https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/releases https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/blob/master/KnownPlugins.md https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/ - For Discrete Model Also add this to /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched SSDT-Disable-DGPU.aml.zip Follow Post Install above under Sierra Guide UPDATES7 points
CLOVER Specifications: Intel 6th generation Core i5-6200U 2.3 GHz, up to 2.8 GHz with Intel Turbo Boost Technology, 3 MB cache, 2 cores Integrated Intel HD Graphics 520 Non touch 35.6 cm (14 in) diagonal LED backlight FHD Slim eDP SVA Anti-glare (1920 x 1080) with camera System can be configured with a hard drive and M.2 SSD drive / NVMe 8192 MB total system memory (8192 MB x 1) Up to 32 GB - DDR4 PC4-17000 (Transfer rates up to 2133 MT/s) Intel Wireless-AC 3165 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac (1 x 1) WiFi and Bluetooth 4.0 combo (non-vPro) HP Module with NXP NFC Controller NPC100 Intel Ethernet Connection I219-V 10/100/1000 Ethernet Synaptics Touchpad Audiio Conexant CX20724 - VendorID: 0x14f150f4 Integrated HD Webcam (1) USB 3.1 Gen 1 charging (1) USB 3.1 Gen 1 (1) USB Basic Type-C (1) DisplayPort (1) VGA (1) RJ-45/Ethernet (1) Docking connector (1) Headphone/microphone combo (1) AC (1) External SIM (1) SD media card reader, supports SD, SDHC, SDXC Working: full graphics acceleration on Intel HD520 iGPU, including brightness control (F5 and F6) multi-display with DisplayPort OOB, VGA audio, microphone input and headset output (F8 and F9) - Mute button not working GigEthernet LAN connection wireless and bluetooth with any compatible card (a DW1560 in my case, no Whitelisting) left and right USB ports including USB Type-C integrated webcam (OOB) CPU power management sleep (Lid, Energy Saver settings, Apple menu, PWR button) & wake (Lid, PWR button) battery management (with SMCBatteryManager v1.0) keyboard and touchpad (with VoodooPS2Controller v1.9.2) keyboard backlight (Fn + F3) touchpad including tap-to-click, scrolling, mouse buttons (can be disable with prt scr key) Partially working: RTS522a microSD card reader (read-only mode) - after sleep, need to eject and reinsert New updated kext allow read and write Not working: TrackStick Finger Print reader Wifi button Mute button (grayed out) Fixed with AppleALC version 1.6.1 by Human7900 BIOS Settings: Installation: Follow the standard UEFI Clover guide Replace contents to /EFI/Clover after installing Clover HP840_G3.zip Updates: Added VoodooSMBUS for better touchpad experience, most gestures work! HP840G3_BetterTouchpad.zip Add HPFanReset.efi to /EFI/Clover/drivers/UEFI HPFanReset.efi.zip Post install: Install CsmVideoDxe.efi to fix stretched Clover boot screen using Clover Configurator. The version from Clover installer does not work. Change BIOS settings for Secure Boot Configuration Configure Legacy Support and Secure Boot = Legacy Support Disable and Secure Boot Disable Note: Files tested on Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, El Capitan ( Just need to add boot arg -no_compat_check) Credits: Rehabman for hot patched files Sinetek /Cholonam for Sinetek-rtsx (SD Card reader) Leo-laps / 1Revenger1 for VoodooSMBUS & VoodooRMI6 points
OPENCORE - Ventura Supports Ventura Follow BIOS Configuration above Working: full graphics acceleration on Intel HD520 iGPU, including brightness control (F5 and F6) multi-display with DisplayPort (Video & Audio) audio, microphone input and headset output (F8 and F9) Mute button IS working by Human7900 GigEthernet LAN connection wireless and bluetooth with any compatible card (a DW1560 in my case, no Whitelisting) left and right USB ports including USB Type-C integrated webcam CPU power management sleep (Lid, Energy Saver settings, Apple menu, PWR button) & wake (Lid, PWR button) battery management keyboard and touchpad keyboard backlight (Fn + F3) touchpad with gestures, mouse buttons (can be disable with PrtScr key) RTS522a microSD card reader Not working: Trackpoint and mouse buttons Finger Print reader Wifi button Installation: Download macOS Ventura app Format a 16GB USB drive (GUID / Extended (Journaled)) Create USB Installer with createinstallmedia command Download attached folder and rename as EFI Mount EFI partition and add EFI folder Configure BIOS setting according to guide Boot with USB installer Complete installation Post Installation: Mount EFI partition of newly installed drive and copy EFI folder over Update / Change in Config.plist under PlatformID->Generic (use genSMBIOS or Hackintool.app) MLB, ROM, SystemSerialNumber and SystemUUID Resources: https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/ https://github.com/VoodooSMBus/VoodooRMI https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm https://github.com/cholonam/Sinetek-rtsx https://github.com/0xFireWolf/RealtekCardReader/releases Updated to OC 0.9.5 Note: Config is set for Broadcom DW1830 If you have Intel, rename Config-IntelWifi to Config.plist Multiboot from OC picker is also working! HP840G3_OC_0.9.5.zip HP840G3_OC_0.8.5_Ventura.zip6 points
/!\ Refreshed Jan 2023 /!\ Target macOS release: Big Sur 11.x This is a Clover-based installation using the standard vanilla method detailed below: Working: full graphics acceleration on Intel HD4000 graphics (with Lilu v1.6.x + WEG v1.6.x) multi-display with HDMI OOB audio, including jack microphone input and headset output (with AppleALC v1.6.x & layout 12 + CodecCommander v2.7.x) HDMI audio (with Capri Framebuffer properties injection) built-in GigEthernet LAN connection (with AppleIntelE1000e v3.1.0 or latest IntelMausiEthernet kext) wireless and bluetooth with any compatible card integrated webcam (OOB) full CPU power management, including Turbo boost (with CPU-specific generated ssdt) sleep (Lid, Energy Saver settings, Apple menu, Fn-F1, PWR button) & wake (Lid, PWR button) battery management (with ACPIBatteryManager v1.90.1) SD card reader (with DSDT patch or property injection, for compatibility with Apple's default card reader) keyboard (with Dr Hurt's VoodooPS2Controller R6 + DSDT patch for brightness control) touchpad including tap-to-click (with Dr Hurt's VoodooPS2Controller R6) left combo eSATA/USB2.0 + right USB3.0 ports (with Hackintool's generated USBPorts; optional FakePCIID kexts for multiplexing) ExpressCard slot OOB Not working: VGA output unsupported Not tested: SmartCard reader fingerprint scanner GeekBench v4.4.x (64bit) results: 1) 11.x USB installer creation Using a USB key of 16GB minimum, create a Big Sur USB installer through the following Terminal command: sudo <path>/Install\ macOS\ Big\ Sur.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/<USB key> where: <path> = location of Big Sur installation package (eg: /Applications if freshly downloaded) <USB key> = name of formatted USB volume (eg: USB_16GB) The process will take several minutes. Once completed: install Clover boot loader on the USB installer with the following customised settings: Clover for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP UEFI drivers Recommended drivers FSInject SMCHelper Human Interface Devices (optional) PS2MouseDxe USBMouseDxe FileSystem Drivers ApfsDriverLoader Memory fix drivers OpenRuntime Additional Drivers (optional) PartitionDxe Themes (optional) Install Clover Preference Pane (optional) you may use version r5144 attached below Clover_r5144.pkg.zip once Clover is installed, launch Clover Configurator app and mount the freshly created EFI partition of the USB installer Clover Configurator.zip add the (unzipped) HFSPlus driver attached below to the EFI/CLOVER/drivers/UEFI folder HFSPlus.efi.zip open the EFI partition and transfer the files and folders from the Latitude E6230 Big Sur Clover pack below to the EFI/CLOVER folder Clover_Pack_E6230_BigSur.zip /!\ If your E6230 is fitted with a different CPU than the i7-3540M, please remove the Power Management SSDT of the pack until you replace it by one applicable to your model (whether an existing SSDT or your own generated one) in the post-install phase. 2) 11.x installation boot the Big Sur USB installer at the Clover main menu, go to the "Options->configs" menu and select the "config_MBP11,1" config file. This is required to install (and later update as/when required) Big Sur on a supported Mac model. Press [ESC] twice to return to Clover main menu. at the Clover main menu, select the "Install macOS Big Sur" partition and press [ENTER] at Big Sur main installation screen, select Disk Utility to create & format APFS the target Big Sur disk/partition/volume. Note that installation won't work if target disk/partition/volume is formatted HFS+ exit DU and return to Big Sur main installation screen, then proceed with installation the installation process will reboot a temporary macOS installer partition to complete the installation. repeat this until the temporary partition is replaced by a final <Big Sur partition name> on Preboot entry. Each time, reboot via your USB installer and make sure to select the "config_MBP11,1" config file. when the partition <Big Sur partition name> on Preboot is displayed at Clover main menu, no need to call on the "config_MBP11,1" config file, the default one will do (MBP10,2 SMBIOS + -no_compat_check boot arg). 3) Post-installation tuning Once the finalised Big Sur installation has booted, complete the 1st boot configuration tuning Once at the desktop, mount the EFI partition of your Big Sur disk Copy the EFI folder of the E6230 Big Sur Clover pack to the mounted EFI partition You may then modify your SMBIOS info using Clover Configurator app and ensure you have unique numbers or unique combination of numbers (MLB, ROM, SystemSerialNumber and SystemUUID). Please note that, with MBP10,2 SMBIOS, Big Sur will not offer any updates because it'll be running on an unsupported platform. You'll only get updated offered if you boot with the MBP11,1 config file, MacBookPro11,1 being a supported model.6 points
Heya! After a lot of playing around with ASUS acpi tables I have finally come up with a SSDT that will work nearly on all ASUS laptops (Haswell or above) for reading FAN RPM, CPU TEMP and also Custom Controlling FAN. I do not have hardware below Haswell so can't test. If someone get's it working using this SSDT on machines prior to haswell. Let me and others know. Background Info: The system FAN is generally controlled by the embedded controller (EC) but there are methods in ACPI that can let you read and control your system FAN. As you might know, ASUS machines are the best for hackintosh as they have the best written ACPI code. Like, if it was HP instead of ASUS you would have to acquire a mutex object. Write a value to the EC and then release the object. But in ASUS machines there is a method that takes arguments and does this job automatically. Still. There are multiple methods in our DSDT that allow us to read and control system FAN. For example to read FAN speed, there are two ways. If you observe, the FAN speed is at offset 0x93 of EC (Use RWEverything to find out) So, when we search for Offset 0x93 in the DSDT we get a result like this: Offset (0x93), TAH0, 16, // TAH0 stands for FAN1 TAH1, 16, // TAH1 stands for FAN2 (in case your laptop has 2 fans) TSTP, 16, // TSTP stores current fan value in some bytes Note: Instead of using RWEverything if you have a look at method TACH you can see that it stores the values in TAH0 and TAH1 depending upon the Args supplied. So, searching for TAH0 or TAH1 we can see that they are located at offset 0x93 So, now we can read the value from these registers in some units and then we will have to use some formula to convert that unit to RPM. In order to find that formula, if you have a look at Method TACH in dsdt, you will see: Method (TACH, 1, Serialized) { Name (_T_0, Zero) If (ECAV ()) { While (One) { _T_0 = Arg0 If ((_T_0 == Zero)) { Local0 = TAH0 Break } ElseIf ((_T_0 == One)) { Local0 = TAH1 Break } Else { Return (Ones) } Break } Local0 *= 0x02 If ((Local0 != Zero)) { Divide (0x0041CDB4, Local0, Local1, Local0) Return (Local0) } Else { Return (Ones) } } Else { Return (Ones) } } So, we know that we have to store the value from TAH0 or TAH1 (depends on Arg0) and then we have to multiply it by 2 and then we have to divide it by 0x0041CDB4 (4312500) to get the value in RPMs. Once we know that, we could write a simple ACPI code to return the value in RPMs like: // GRPM means get RPM Method (GRPM, 0) { // Store value in Local0 Local0 = \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TAH0 // If local0 is not equal to 0 If (Local0 != 0){ // Multiply by 2 Local0 = Local0 * 2 // Divide by 4312500 Divide (0x0041CDB4, Local0, Local1, Local0) } // Return the value Return (Local0) } As you can see this is very expensive method. But what we learned here is, If we execute method TACH with Arg0 as 0 (Zero) it will give us the speed in RPM of FAN 1. Similarly, if we use Arg0 as 1 (One) it will return the value in RPM for FAN 2 My laptop only has one FAN so, I can execute method TACH like, \SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TACH(0) // Using Arg0 as Zero for FAN 1 And it will give me FANs RPM, so, instead of reading from EC and converting bits to RPM this is more preferable. Also, EC bytes may change while patching DSDT so it is a good idea to use dynamic methods so that a single SSDT could work for all machines. One such example is, If you use ACPIBatteryManager then you will have to convert 16bits registers to 8bits. And then, to use that "reading RPM from EC method you will have to create a new method to combine 2 8 bits registers to 1 16 bit like, // JEBR = Join 8 bit registers Method (JEBR, 2) { Return ((Arg0 | (Arg1 << 8))) // Arg0 and Arg1 will be 8Bit register 1 and 2 respectively (AH00, AH01) } Now moving to FAN control, If you have a look at method QMOD in DSDT: Method (QMOD, 1, NotSerialized) { If ((Arg0 == Zero)) { Return (Zero) // If arg0 is Zero. Terminate by returning 0 } If ((Arg0 == One)) { ^^PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ST98 (QFAN) // Hmm, ST98 is somewhat related to FAN control } If ((Arg0 == 0x02)) { ^^PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ST98 (0xFF) // Okay, ST98 again.. Something is interesting } Return (One) } Now, if you look at ST98 you can see: Method (ST98, 1, Serialized) { If (ECAV ()) // Checked if EC is available, will you write to it? { Acquire (MU4T, 0xFFFF) // Oh! So you are acquiring a mutex object CMD = 0xFF EDA1 = 0x98 EDA2 = Arg0 // Oh, so you did write Arg0 in EDA2 (Located in EC01 OperationRegion) ECAC () Release (MU4T) // Released it here, you did write something to the EC for sure Return (Zero) } Return (Ones) } Now, we can understand that, method QMOD (Quiet Mode?) Takes 1 argument that could be (0, 1 or 2). We can eliminate 0 as when we pass Arg0 as 0 it simply returns. Interesting are args 1 and 2 When using 1 it passes Arg0 to ST98 as QFAN's value (Hmm.. What is this QFAN) When using 2 it passes Arg0 to ST98 as 0xFF (255) (Oh wait! according to ACPI spec, 255 is max allowed FAN value.) Gotcha! We can use ST98 and pass it an arg ranging between 0x0 (0) to 0xFF (255) where 0 is for FAN off and 255 is for Max allowed or auto. But, why is there a QMOD method then? There might be some good reason for that. So, we will not invoke ST98 directly but will use the modus operandi of method QMOD Like, we will first store that max allowed FAN value in QFAN Then, we will invoke QMOD with Arg0 as 1 (One). Which will invoke ST98 for us hence, setting the max allowed speed for FAN. So, the ACPI code for this would be: Method (SETR, 0) { QFAN = 200 // Suppose we want to use max allowed value as 200 // Now we can call QMOD with Arg0 as 1 QMOD (1) } Now we know what to do. We now just need to write a method that can calculate the CPU temperature and then set FAN RPM accordingly. This is when you will use my SSDT-FAN How to implement: Requirements: FakeSMC kext along with sensors installed at /L/E or /S/L/E (DO NOT INJECT USING CLOVER) ACPIPoller.kext HWMonitor for monitoring CPU Temp and FANS My SSDT-FAN.aml Installation: Place SSDT-FAN.aml to /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched (If using sorted order make sure you add SSDT-FAN to it) Install ACPIPoller to /L/E or /S/L/E (not both and definitely do not inject using CLOVER) Configuration: You can set "Name (UCFC, One)" to "Name (UCFC, Zero)" in my SSDT-FAN in case you want to use default FAN control method as provided by your OEM. My SSDT will only provide FAN RPM reading and CPU Temp reading.Achievements: Default scaling that ASUS provided was from 2200RPM to 2900RPM (Fan spinning fast without use) I managed to bring scale it from 255RPM to 5026RPM (Fan turns off if temp Temp rarely goes above 53˚C (Went up to 68 earlier) Technicalities: As we know know how to implement custom fan control using various methods in our DSDT we can't really use them as is in real life scenarios as FAN will literally be dancing. You might have observed that temperature keeps fluctuating a few degrees every second while you are working on something. Moreover, we need an automated method that can read and set FAN RPM. So, my SSDT calculates average temperature and then also waits for 2 seconds (to handle fluctuation) before increasing the RPM and waits for 5 seconds (to let CPU cool) before lowering RPM. You can edit this timeout by editing "Name (FCTU, 2)" for FanControlTimeoutUp and "Name (FCTD, 5)" for FanControlTimeoutDown. Method to calculate average accredited to RehabMan as he wrote the code first. There is only one known way to calculate average in maths. LOL. If you want to know how it is implemented, read this code: Note: This code is a part of my single optimizer SSDT project for ASUS laptops (Means, I am working on a single SSDT that you could place in your CLOVER/ACPI/patched and will have everything working without patching DSDT. You can customize SSDT using Device ANKD (A Nick's Device) like you can configure this SSDT to use custom FAN control or not). You can have a look at WIP code here // SSDT for FAN readings and custom FAN control for ASUS laptops // Copyright, black.dragon74 <www.osxlatitude.com> // Please configure the options in Device ANKD before compiling this SSDT DefinitionBlock("SSDT-FAN", "SSDT", 2, "Nick", "AsusFan", 0) { // Declare externals External (\_SB.QFAN, FieldUnitObj) External (\_SB.ATKD.QMOD, MethodObj) External (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ECAV, MethodObj) External (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ECPU, FieldUnitObj) External (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ST83, MethodObj) External (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ST98, MethodObj) External (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TACH, MethodObj) // Create a Nick's device to take care of this SSDT's configurations Device (ANKD) { Name (_HID, "ANKD0000") // Required. DO NOT change Name (UCFC, 1) // Set this to 0 if you don't wanna use my custom FAN control } // Create devices required by FakeSMC_ACPISensors Device (SMCD) { Name (_HID, "FAN0000") // Required, DO NOT change // Add tachometer Name (TACH, Package() { "System FAN", "FAN0" }) // Add CPU heatsink Name (TEMP, Package() { "CPU Heatsink", "TCPU" }) // Method to read FAN RPM (tachometer) Method (FAN0, 0) { // Check is EC is ready If (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ECAV()) { // Continue Local0 = \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ST83(0) // Method ST83 acquires mutex and writes value to EC. O stands for FAN 1, Use 1 for FAN 2 If (Local0 == 255) { // If ST83 is 0xFF (Max fan speed) terminate by returning FAN RPM Return (Local0) } // Else, Get RPM and store it in Local0 Local0 = \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.TACH(0) // Method TACH in DSDT returns current FAN RPM in 100s, Arg0 as 0 is for FAN 1, for FAN 2, use Arg0 as 1 } Else { // Terminate, return Zero Local0 = 0 } // Return 255, 0 or Fan RPM based on conditionals above Return (Local0) } // Method to read CPU temp (CPU Heatsink) Method (TCPU, 0) { // Check if EC is ready If (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ECAV()) { // Then Local0 = \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ECPU // EC Field storing current CPU temp Local1 = 60 // From DSDT If (Local0 < 128) { Local1 = Local0 } } Else { // Terminate, return Zero Local1 = 0 } // Return final CPU temp. ACPISensors take care of unit conversion. Return (Local1) } // Custom FAN table by black.dragon74 for ASUS laptops based on RehabMan's idea // Quietest fan operation yet coolest CPU. // Scaling from values as low as 255 RPM to values as high as 5026 RPM (That's great!) // Scaling that ASUS provided was from 2200 RPM to 2900 RPM (Duh!) // Temperatures. 0xFF means if temp is above 52C, let bios take control of things(auto). Name(FTA1, Package() { 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 0xFF, }) // Fan speeds. 255(0xFF) is max/auto, 0(0x00) is for fan off Name(FTA2, Package() { 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 160, 185, 205, 225, 245, 250, 255 }) // Time out values Name (FCTU, 2) // RPM Up Name (FCTD, 5) // RPM Down // Table to keep track of past temperatures (to track average) Name (FHST, Buffer() { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }) // Size should match the count of above FTA1 and FTA2 package Name (FIDX, 0) // current index in buffer above Name (FNUM, 0) // number of entries in above buffer to count in avg Name (FSUM, 0) // current sum of entries in buffer // Keeps track of last fan speed set, and counter to set new one Name (FLST, 0xFF) // last index for fan control Name (FCNT, 0) // count of times it has been "wrong", 0 means no counter // Method to control FAN wrt TEMP // Name in ACPIPoller.kext's Info.plist should be FCPU with HID FAN0000 Method (FCPU, 0) { // If UCFC is set to 0, terminate If (\ANKD.UCFC == 0) { Return (0) } // If EC is not ready, terminate If (!\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ECAV()) { Return (0) } Local5 = \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ECPU // Current temperature of the CPU Heatsink If (Local5 < 128) { Local0 = Local5 // Store temperature in Local0 } Else { Local0 = 60 // As per BIOS } // calculate average temperature Local1 = Local0 + FSUM Local2 = FIDX Local1 -= DerefOf(FHST[Local2]) FHST[Local2] = Local0 FSUM = Local1 // Local1 is new sum // adjust current index into temperature history table Local2++ if (Local2 >= SizeOf(FHST)) { Local2 = 0 } FIDX = Local2 // adjust total items collected in temp table Local2 = FNUM if (Local2 != SizeOf(FHST)) { Local2++ FNUM = Local2 } // Local1 is new sum, Local2 is number of entries in sum Local0 = Local1 / Local2 // Local0 is now average temp // table based search (use avg temperature to search) if (Local0 > 255) { Local0 = 255 } Local2 = Match(FTA1, MGE, Local0, MTR, 0, 0) // calculate difference between current and found index if (Local2 > FLST) { Local1 = Local2 - FLST Local4 = FCTU } else { Local1 = FLST - Local2 Local4 = FCTD } // set new fan speed, if necessary if (!Local1) { // no difference, so leave current fan speed and reset count FCNT = 0 } else { // there is a difference, start/continue process of changing fan Local3 = FCNT FCNT++ // how long to wait depends on how big the difference // 20 secs if diff is 2, 5 secs if diff is 4, etc. Local1 = Local4 / Local1 if (Local3 >= Local1) { // timeout expired, so start setting new fan speed FLST = Local2 // Method 1 (Recommended) // Store custom fan value from table in Local5 Local5 = DerefOf(FTA2[Local2]) // Set QFAN value to that of Local5 \_SB.QFAN = Local5 // Execute QMOD with Arg0 as 1(One) to set FAN's max allowed speed to that of \_SB.QFAN \_SB.ATKD.QMOD(1) // End Method 1 // Method 2 (Works but not recommended) Uncomment the line below to use this (remember to comment lines in method 1) // \_SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ST98 (DerefOf(FTA2[Local2])) // End Method 2 // Reset FAN count (Required in either methods) FCNT = 0 } } Return (1) // Return something as this is a requirement of a ACPI Method } } } Moment of joy: Problem Reporting: Attach proper problem reporting files. See How to generate proper problem reporting files Note: If you see FAN RPM = 255 and hear a lot of noise from FAN it means your FAN is running at it's maximum speed. Regards ACPIPoller.zip SSDT-FAN.zip6 points
Catalina Catalina Guide Bootpack Replace into /EFI/Clover after you install Clover E7470_Catalina.zip E7270_Catalina.zip - For Discrete Model Also add this to /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched SSDT-Disable-DGPU.aml FYI, kexts in bootpack might be outdated Make sure to 1st upgrade kexts found under /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other if you encounter issue Common links for new kexts: https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/releases https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/blob/master/KnownPlugins.md https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/ Note: 1) Post Install: Copy kexts in /EFI/Clover/kexts/Other/CopyToLE to /Library/Extensions. Repair permissions and rebuild cache 2) Enable this patch in Config.plist under KextsToPatch if you have: LiteOn, Plextor, or Hynix NVMe Hynix NVMe patch 10.13.x (Bit swap block size 0x10) -Syscl Finally we have support for SD Card reader (Realtek RTS525a). See here for more info and link to kext UPDATES6 points
Hi all, have been playing around with the driver to see if I can get firmware upload in Mojave to work on my dw1820a without needing windows to upload the firmware. It seems to be working ok , but am still testing to see if it works consistently. Attaching the kexts if anyone else would like to try with their dw1820a. These need to be uploaded to /EFI/CLOVER/Kexts/Other. Make sure you don't have any equivalent kexts in /L/E or /S/L/E. Let me know if you have any success. BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext.zip BrcmFirmwareData.kext.zip BrcmPatchRAM2.kext.zip6 points
Mojave Clover Guide Warning: Follow guide at your own risk, I hold no responsibility if you brick your system or destroy all data during the process. If you're creating the installer from a real Mac, make sure you don't accidentally select the real Mac drive when installing Clover loader. It may cause your Mac to not boot again. You've been warned! New Installation BIOS: Set to Default, apply, then set SATA Operations to AHCI, set Boot List Option to UEFI, Disable Secure Boot Note: By default, upgrading or new Install of Mojave on an SSD drive, it'll automatically convert to APFS format. (1) Create the USB installer via Terminal with "createinstallmedia" (a minimum of 16GB UFD is needed or an external USB drive) sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Mojave.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/"target_USB" --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Mojave.app --nointeraction Note: target_USB = name of the USB drive you're writing to. When done, USB Drive will automatically renamed to "Install MacOS Mojave" (2) Install Clover with following config, add appropriate Bootpack to /EFI/Clover UEFI: Install for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP UEFI Drivers\Recommended Drivers ApfsDriverLoader AptioMemoryFix AudioDxe DataHubDxe FSInject HFSPlus SMCHelper (leave off if you have VirtualSMC.kext in bootpack) Additional drivers PartitionDxe Themes (Optional) (3) Boot with the USB installer, start Disk Utility and initialize your SSD as an APFS drive, name it "Mojave". You can partition drive now if preferred. Close Disk Utility, select Install MacOS. (4) System will auto reboot after files has been copied (5) Boot with USB installer, select "Boot macOS Install from Mojave". Installation will continue installing and reboot (Might have to do this rebooting a couple of times) (6) Boot with USB installer, finish the customization (7) Follow post install steps from Post # 1 Upgrading to Mojave Before upgrading, do the following: (1) Update to latest Clover (2) Upgrade kexts you're currently using found under /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/ and kexts you have installed to /L/E or /S/L/E Common links for new kexts: https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/releases https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/blob/master/KnownPlugins.md https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/ (3) Make sure it's still bootable with the above 2 updates (4) Follow this guide to update Config file and generate USBPort kext Note: Mojave, Lilu + WhateverGreen You cannot use the Clover's KextsToPatch for framebuffer patching in Mojave for Skylake and above MacOS 10.14.1+ does not work with the USB port limit patch, so best to create the USBPort kext in HS Some Mojave bootpack links: E7x70 (Skylake), might work on similar Skylake systems with some tweaks https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/9179-dell-latitude-e7x70-clover-uefi-only/?do=findComment&comment=86790 E7x50 (Broadwell), might work on similar Broadwell system with some tweaks https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/8514-dell-latitude-e7450-clover-uefi-only/?do=findComment&comment=86791 E7x40 (Haswell), might work on similar Haswell system with some tweaks https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/6472-dell-latitude-e7240e7440/?do=findComment&comment=86943 /!\ When posting for HELP, please include full system specs and attach debug files. If you're not able to start the installer, then attach the Clover folder and include screenshot(s) of the error / KP by booting with verbose + debug 0x100 mode6 points
Last update: 6th Jan 2020 Questions around this Broadcom BCM4350 chipset (in particular the Dell DW1820A) have resurfaced again so I digged into the matter since most people reported it did not work. Outside the model fitted to Apple MacBooks (subsystem id 106b:0131, rev. 05), Wikidevi lists a few cards cards for this chipset, including: Dell DW1820A (several models with different part numbers) Foxconn T77H649.00 (Lenovo part number 00JT494) Lite-on WCBN808B (Lenovo part number 00JT493) All those cards carry PCI id 14e4:43a3 and normally offer high speed 802.11ac wireless + Bluetooth 4.1 services. Broadcom BCM4350 chipset is supported since Yosemite 10.10 and its hardware id is listed in the Info.plist file of IO80211Family's PlugIn kext AirPortBrcm4360 up to macOS Sierra 10.12, then AirPortBrcmNIC since macOS High Sierra 10.13: <key>Broadcom 802.11 PCI</key> <dict> <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key> <string>com.apple.driver.AirPort.BrcmNIC</string> <key>IOClass</key> <string>AirPort_BrcmNIC</string> <key>IOMatchCategory</key> <string>IODefaultMatchCategory</string> <key>IONameMatch</key> <array> <string>pci14e4,43ba</string> <string>pci14e4,43a3</string> <string>pci14e4,43a0</string> </array> <key>IOProbeScore</key> <integer>1241</integer> <key>IOProviderClass</key> <string>IOPCIDevice</string> <key>TruePowerOff</key> <true/> </dict> - - - - - - - - - - Edit: 06 Jan 2020 Removed the warning about DW1820/BCM4350 cards following tests confirming that disabling ASPM does fix the stability issues previously encountered by most users.5 points
NB: This is a revival of the article I had initially published at InsanelyMac to answer recurring questions that had been raised in the Opencore thread that lives there. Posted October 2, 2021 The Dortania documentation refers to the DVMT pre-allocated memory or "stolen memory" when they mention "memory reserved for the iGPU". Years ago, @Firewolf described in details the relationship between stolen memory and DVMT pre-allocated memory on his blog: https://www.firewolf.science/2015/04/guide-intel-hd-graphics-5500-on-os-x-yosemite-10-10-3/ There's a more recent thread from him here: https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/345377-surface-pro-patch-the-framebuffer-properly-to-get-rid-of-the-dvmt-assertion-patch/ It can be difficult to understand and differentiate DVMT pre-allocated memory, stolen memory, framebuffer memory, cursor memory, framebuffer size, cursor bytes, etc. And all of these have got nothing to do with VRAM of course... Some of us are familiar with the information provided by @Pike R Alpha many moons ago, the WhateverGreen User Manual or the Hackintool app though none of those clearly define what the various memory instances are. Several years ago, @Rehabman also attempted to explain this and his writings somehow collided with most people's comprehension of things. For instance, when @Pike, WhateverGreen or Hackintool refer to stolenmem and fbmem, @Rehabman spoke of framebuffer memory size and cursor bytes. In the case of the Haswell Azul framebuffer layouts, @Rehabman also spoke of the DVMT pre-alloc requirements when the others speak of stolenmem. Inevitably, this can lead to confusion... Definitions: See wikipedia and Google searches. VRAM = Video RAM. Common definition is that it stores the pixels and other graphics data rendered on a computer screen. DVMT = Dynamic Video Memory Technology. A technology used by Intel to dynamically allocate system memory to use as video memory to handle graphics. DVMT pre-allocated memory is the minimum amount, in multiples of 32MB, that will be allocated to the iGPU for handling graphics. By far and large, manufacturers set this to 32MB by default in BIOS (or certainly used to). Framebuffer = a memory buffer held in RAM and containing a bitmap of a video frame, i.e. all the data related to the pixels of an image to be displayed on screen (eg: colours, resolution, etc.). Stolen memory = basically, this is the same as the DVMT pre-allocated memory. As far as Apple's framebuffer drivers/kexts are concerned: framebuffer size (aka stolenmem for WhateverGreen*) = the size, in bytes, of a framebuffer layout (it may change according to image characteristics), as defined in the driver/kext. cursor bytes (aka fbmem for WhateverGreen*) = the size, in bytes, of a framebuffer layout's overlay used for handling mouse cursor (without modifying the framebuffer's data), as defined in the driver/kext. framebuffer VRAM (aka unifiedmem for WhateverGreen) = the max. amount, in bytes, of VRAM allocated by a framebuffer layout, as defined in the driver/kext (since Haswell and Yosemite, this usually is 1536MB). * As stated above, I believe that Whatevergreen only got it right for Haswell Azul framebuffer layouts with which stolenmem, fbmem and cursormem match their target. Thereafter, I'm of the opinion that WhateverGreen used incorrect names where stolenmem means the actual framebuffer size and fbmem means the actual cursor bytes (size), as stated by @Rehabman. Mac OS X/OS X/macOS graphics framebuffers: Let's start by looking at a few examples as illustrated in the WhateverGreen User Manual. 1) Haswell Azul mobile framebuffer 0x0a260006 (used for HD4200/HD4400/HD4600 iGPUs on laptops): ID: 0A260006, STOLEN: 32 MB, FBMEM: 19 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000000F TOTAL STOLEN: 52 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 116 MB, MAX OVERALL: 117 MB (123219968 bytes) Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 2777 Hz, FreqMax: 2777 Hz Mobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3 [0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000030 - ConnectorLVDS [1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP [2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000087 - ConnectorDP 00000800 02000000 30000000 01050900 00040000 87000000 02040900 00040000 87000000 If we look inside the binary code of the Haswell Azul framebuffer kext, we'll find: 0600260A 01030303 00000002 00003001 00006000 00000060 D90A0000 D90A0000 00000000 00000000 00000800 02000000 30000000 01050900 00040000 87000000 02040900 00040000 87000000 FF000000 01000000 40000000 0F000000 01010000 04000000 00000000 0E000000 00000000 which translates to: 0600260A -> layout id (AAPL,ig-platform-id) 01 -> mobile type (framebuffer-mobile) 03 -> 3 x pipes (framebuffer-pipecount) 03 -> 3 x ports (framebuffer-portcount) 03 -> 3 x memories (framebuffer-memorycount) 00000002 -> 32MB stolen mem (framebuffer-stolenmem) // Rehabman's DVMT-prealloc requirement 00003001 -> 19MB FB mem (framebuffer-fbmem) // Rehabman's framebuffer size 00006000 -> 6MB Cursor mem (framebuffer-cursormem) // Rehabman's cursor bytes 00000060 -> 1536MB VRAM (framebuffer-unifiedmem) D90A0000 -> Backlight freq 2777MHz D90A0000 -> Max. backlight freq 2777MHz 00000000 00000000 00000800 02000000 30000000 -> port #1/FB@0: index 00, busid 00, pipe 0800, type 02000000=LVDS/eDP (framebuffer-con0-type), flags 30020000 01050900 00040000 87000000 -> port #2/FB@1: index 01, busid 05, pipe 0900, type 00040000=DP (framebuffer-con1-type), flags 87000000 02040900 00040000 87000000 -> port #3/FB@2: index 02, busid 04, pipe 0900, type 00040000=DP (framebuffer-con2-type), flags 87000000 FF000000 01000000 40000000 0F000000 01010000 04000000 00000000 0E000000 00000000 2) Broadwell BDW mobile framebuffer 0x1626006 (used for HD5300/HD5500/HD5600 iGPUs on laptops): ID: 16260006, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x00000B0B TOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes) Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 2777 Hz, FreqMax: 2777 Hz Mobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3 [0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000230 - ConnectorLVDS [1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP [2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 11, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000507 - ConnectorDP 00000800 02000000 30020000 01050B00 00040000 07050000 02040B00 00040000 07050000 If we look inside the binary code of the Broadwell BDW framebuffer kext, we'll find: 06002616 01030303 00002002 00005001 00000060 D90A0000 D90A0000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000800 02000000 30020000 01050B00 00040000 07050000 02040B00 00040000 07050000 FF000000 01000000 40000000 0B0B0000 01010500 00000000 05000000 00000000 04000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 C8000000 which translates to: 06002616 -> layout id (AAPL,ig-platform-id) 01 -> mobile type (framebuffer-mobile) 03 -> 3 x pipes (framebuffer-pipecount) 03 -> 3 x ports (framebuffer-portcount) 03 -> 3 x memories (framebuffer-memorycount) 00002002 -> 34MB stolen mem (framebuffer-stolenmem) // Rehabman's framebuffer size 00005001 -> 21MB FB mem (framebuffer-fbmem) // Rehabman's cursor bytes 00000060 -> 1536MB VRAM (framebuffer-unifiedmem) D90A0000 -> Backlight freq 2777MHz D90A0000 -> Max. backlight freq 2777MHz 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000800 02000000 30020000 -> port #1/FB@0: index 00, busid 00, pipe 0800, type 02000000=LVDS/eDP (framebuffer-con0-type), flags 30020000 01050B00 00040000 07050000 -> port #2/FB@1: index 01, busid 05, pipe 0B00, type 00040000=DP (framebuffer-con1-type), flags 07050000 02040B00 00040000 07050000 -> port #3/FB@2: index 02, busid 04, pipe 0B00, type 00040000=DP (framebuffer-con2-type), flags 07050000 FF000000 01000000 40000000 0B0B0000 01010500 00000000 05000000 00000000 04000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 C8000000 3) Skylake SKL mobile framebuffer 0x19160000 (used for HD520/HD530/HD540 iGPU on laptops): ID: 19160000, STOLEN: 34 MB, FBMEM: 21 MB, VRAM: 1536 MB, Flags: 0x0000090F TOTAL STOLEN: 56 MB, TOTAL CURSOR: 1 MB (1572864 bytes), MAX STOLEN: 124 MB, MAX OVERALL: 125 MB (131608576 bytes) Model name: Intel HD Graphics SKL CRB Camellia: CamelliaDisabled (0), Freq: 1388 Hz, FreqMax: 1388 Hz Mobile: 1, PipeCount: 3, PortCount: 3, FBMemoryCount: 3 [0] busId: 0x00, pipe: 8, type: 0x00000002, flags: 0x00000098 - ConnectorLVDS [1] busId: 0x05, pipe: 9, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP [2] busId: 0x04, pipe: 10, type: 0x00000400, flags: 0x00000187 - ConnectorDP 00000800 02000000 98000000 01050900 00040000 87010000 02040A00 00040000 87010000 We can't look at the binary code of the Skylake SKL framebuffer because Apple changed the way things are coded inside but it basically translates as follows: 00001619 -> layout id (AAPL,ig-platform-id) 01 -> mobile type (framebuffer-mobile) 03 -> 3 x pipes (framebuffer-pipecount) 03 -> 3 x ports (framebuffer-portcount) 03 -> 3 x memories (framebuffer-memorycount) 00002002 -> 34MB stolen mem (framebuffer-stolenmem) // Rehabman's framebuffer size 00005001 -> 21MB FB mem (framebuffer-fbmem) // Rehabman's cursor bytes 00000060 -> 1536MB VRAM (framebuffer-unifiedmem) 6C050000 -> Backlight freq 1388MHz 6C050000 -> Max. backlight freq 1388MHz 00000800 02000000 98000000 -> port #1/FB@0: index 00, busid 00, pipe 0800, type 02000000=LVDS/eDP (framebuffer-con0-type), flags 98000000 01050900 00040000 87010000 -> port #2/FB@1: index 01, busid 05, pipe 0900, type 00040000=DP (framebuffer-con1-type), flags 87010000 02040a00 00040000 87010000 -> port #3/FB@2: index 02, busid 04, pipe 0a00, type 00040000=DP (framebuffer-con2-type), flags 87010000 With the exception of the Haswell Azul framebuffer, we can see that Broadwell BDW and Skylake SKL framebuffers define framebuffer size (WEG's stolenmem) and cursor bytes (WEG's fbmem) characteristics and no DVMT pre-allocated memory (i.e. proper stolen memory). This extends to Kaby Lake KBL framebuffers and later. In my opinion, it's fair to say that @Rehabman's description and wording are the most appropriate/best ones when the WEG view of things got somehow misled by following through on the Haswell framebuffer decoding. To me, there was some mixup, leading to confusion and the said confusion has remained ever since... Confusion... why? Because of several things: 1) the observation that the Haswell Azul framebuffers used on Hacks (0x0D220003 for desktops and 0x0A260006 for laptops) defined: a DVMT pre-allocated memory (= Stolen memory) size of 32MB a framebuffer size of 19MB a cursor bytes of 0MB (desktops) and 6MB (laptops; required to be increased to 9MB to fix a minor graphics glitch on some systems) 2) the observation that the Broadwell BDW framebuffers used on Hacks (0x16220007 for desktops and 0x16160006 for laptops) defined: no DVMT pre-allocated memory requirement at all framebuffer sizes of 38MB and 34MB respectively cursor bytes of 38MB and 21MB respectively 3) the observation that the sum of framebuffer size + cursor bytes must be lower than the size of the DVMT pre-allocated memory, failing which a KP occurs at graphics initialisation during startup/boot. 4) In the case of the Haswell Azul framebuffers: DVMT pre-allocated memory requirement is set at 32MB framebuffer size + cursor bytes = 19+0 | 19+6 (or 19+9) = 19MB | 25MB (or 28MB) which is lower than DVMT pre-allocated memory 32MB -> All is Ok by default. 5) In the case of the Broadwell BDW framebuffers: framebuffer size + cursor bytes for desktops = 38+38 = 76MB which is greater than the usual/default 32MB DVMT pre-allocated memory of most desktops, unless adjusted in BIOS framebuffer size + cursor bytes for laptops = 34+21 = 55MB which is greater than the usual/default 32MB DVMT pre-allocated memory of most laptops, unless adjusted in BIOS -> Not Ok by default, Kernel Panic (KP) encountered. 6) And the story is the same with subsequent Skylake, Kaby Lake, etc. framebuffers. Solution: 2 x solutions were engineered to address the issue of KP at graphics initialisation. increase the DVMT pre-allocated memory set in BIOS. Could be complicated and tricky for PCs that do not offer this in BIOS Setup but made easy with Grub Shell if DVMT pre-allocated memory can be identified in BIOS. This method is usually required to gain 4K output. patch the Broadwell, Skylake, Kaby Lake, etc. framebuffer layouts to reduce framebuffer size and cursor bytes so that the sum of them totals less than the usual default DVMT pre-allocated memory of 32MB. This solution does not usually support 4K output. Although some people do opt for the 1st solution, most people just adopt the 2nd one. How were the framebuffer patches derived? If we look at the framebuffer patches that are commonly and generally used, we can observe that they set: WEG's framebuffer-stolenmem property , i.e. framebuffer size to 0x01300000 = 19MB (DATA type set to 00003001) WEG's framebuffer-fbmem property, i.e. cursor bytes to 0x00900000 = 9MB (DATA type set to 00009000) i.e. the values typically used on laptops with Haswell iGPUs, this simply because 19+9=28MB which is < 32MB. This is where it all appears to come from. Is this correct? By far and large, it is. But the need to apply such framebuffer patches depends entirely on the host PC's default DVMT pre-allocated memory. On desktop and laptop PCs where DVMT pre-allocated memory can be adjusted in BIOS setup, the patches are unnecessary as long as the DVMT value that is set exceeds the total of the framebuffer size + cursor bytes of the selected/target graphics framebuffer. Typically, a value of 64MB or 96MB takes care of things perfectly, including 4K. Of course, those PCs manufactured with default DVMT pre-allocated memory set to 64MB or more are unlikely to encounter any issue at all. The framebuffer patches are also unnecessary if the default DVMT pre-allocated memory is increased either though BIOS binmod (difficult and risky) or through Grub shell mod (easy and quickly reversible). This is well illustrated on @Firewolf's blog, linked above (there are other places too such as @Jake Lo's FAQ item here). To give an example, on some Dell laptops (eg. Broadwell Latitude E7x50 or Skylake Latitude E7x70), DVMT pre-allocated memory can be increased by booting a Grub shell and entering the following command: setup_var 0x432 0x3 This sets DVMT pre-allocated memory parameter located at offset 0x432 to 96MB (0x1 for 32MB, 0x2 for 64MB, 0x3 for 96MB, etc.), the default setting for the laptop in this example being 32MB. This setting will remain valid/in place until BIOS is reset to default settings. It's required to obtain 4K output out of DP/HDMI. Of course, different computers will have different locations/offsets for DVMT pre-allocated memory. What should I do then? As stated above, the framebuffer patches apply to most if not all cases. But not for 4K output. Those who feel adventurous or who are computing-literate may opt for the BIOS adjustment alternative. In all cases, the 1st thing to do is to look at the default framebuffer size and cursor bytes settings of the targeted graphics framebuffer, then decide if the sum of them both fits or not in 32MB or any other value set in BIOS for DVMT pre-allocated memory. Can I use different values? Absolutely! As long as the golden rule is respected: framebuffer size + cursor bytes < DVMT pre-alloc mem or, in WEG's conventions, stolenmem + fbmem < DVMT pre-alloc mem. To give a practical example, I experimented on my Skylake/HD520 Dell Latitude E7270 Hackintosh laptop: default DVMT pre-allocated memory value set in BIOS: 32MB target SKL framebuffer layout: 0x19160000 default framebuffer size: 34MB default cursor bytes: 21MB sum of framebuffer size + cursor bytes: 55MB (i.e. > 32MB) Booting with default DVMT pre-alloc mem + no framebuffer patches -> KP/freeze Booting with default DVMT pre-alloc mem + framebuffer size 20MB + cursor bytes 12MB -> KP Booting with default DVMT pre-alloc mem + framebuffer size 19MB + cursor bytes 9MB -> Ok, full graphics acceleration, no 4K output Booting with default DVMT pre-alloc mem + framebuffer size 20MB + cursor bytes 10MB -> Ok, full graphics acceleration, no 4K output Booting with DVMT pre-alloc mem set to 64MB (Grub shell) + no framebuffer patches -> Ok, full graphics acceleration + 4K output Booting with DVMT pre-alloc mem set to 96MB (Grub shell) + no framebuffer patches -> Ok, full graphics acceleration + 4K output5 points
Ventura - OpenCore Installation: Download MacOS Ventura app Format a 16GB USB drive (GUID / Extended (Journaled)) Create USB Installer with createinstallmedia command Download attached folder and rename as EFI Mount EFI partition and add EFI folder Configure BIOS setting according to guide Boot with USB installer Complete installation Post Installation: Mount EFI partition of newly installed drive and copy EFI folder over Update / Change in Config.plist under PlatformID->Generic (use genSMBIOS or Hackintool.app) MLB, ROM, SystemSerialNumber and SystemUUID Note: Replace Config.plist with Config-IntelWifi.plist if you have an Intel combo card (not tested) SMBIOS, ig-platform-id, device-id, USBPorts kext set to MacBookPro14,1 to support Ventura OC 0.8.5 includes latest Alps by SkyrilHD, supports Alps v7/8 for multi touch Updated to 0.8.5 - Supports Ventura only, won't boot for Monterey and below E7270_OC_0.8.5.zip E7470_OC_0.8.5.zip5 points
I thought long about making a post about an unfinished driver. But here we go. This ALPS driver is a more updated version from Dr. Hurt's kext. It allows using VoodooInput which is a Magic Trackpad II emulator. This means one can use all native gestures in macOS. I've never had a MacBook with multitouch support, so the gesture thing was a new thing to me. But after using these gestures, I cannot tell how impressed I am. Since Dr. Hurt's last contribution was around the beginning of 2017, I decided to port VoodooInput to ALPS, as the driver is, at this point, very out of date and the calculation in the kext is not the best (I always had weird issues with it). The reason is also that I want to learn C++. After trial-and-erroring, I managed to get VoodooInput to work (thanks to usr-sse2) on my E7250 with V7. This was mainly done as a "proof of concept" to show that it was possible. But doing so, I learned so much that I decided to maintain the kext for a while. This is the beginning of the driver. There is still more to be done. Since the kext is very old, the VoodooPS2Controller kext lacks the improvements that are available in the acidanthera repo. I will try merging the VoodooPS2 improvements from acidanthera with the ALPS driver and go on from there. But the limitation comes with an inexperienced C++ developer :P. Any developer is welcome to improve the driver even more. V1-V6 have partial support and need testing. Any contribution to the project would be great! Current plans: - As I said, I want to merge the VoodooPS2 kext from acidanthera with the current driver and after the driver is finished merge it again with acidanthera to make it more uniform. - I want to support more trackpads (Currently I'm trying to get V8 working as it never worked with Dr. Hurt's kext). Features: - supports V1, V2 and V6 as a normal mouse - supports V3, V4 and V5 (not tested yet) - supports V7 (Everything works, three finger drag is a bit unstable though) - supports V8 - supports all native gestures - synced with the latest acidanthera VoodooPS2 repo - compatible from 10.11 Other versions: For other unsupported versions of ALPS, I've published a kext that has improved scrolling (thanks to 1Revenger1 and icedman): https://github.com/SkyrilHD/VoodooPS2-ALPS/releases/tag/1.0.0 Source code: https://github.com/SkyrilHD/VoodooPS2-ALPS Latest release: https://github.com/SkyrilHD/VoodooPS2-ALPS/releases Credits: - Dr. Hurt (for the initial driver) - 1Revenger1 (for updating VoodooPS2-ALPS) - usr-sse2 (for the Synaptics code which the ALPS driver uses) - acidanthera team (for further improvements to the driver) Hopefully, I did not forget anything to mention.5 points
Hi All, I am happy to be writing you to say thank you from my newest machine, Monterey 12.2.1 built on a Dell Latitude 7490 booting with Opencore 0.78. I recently learned about Hackintoshes and it has been fun and frustrating to learn about. I referred to so many pages on this site that I wanted to offer a general thank you--seriously thank you! I also just wanted to say that I am happy to share with anyone with this setup (or one similar) access to the EFI and/or other configuration files. I am not sure about the protocol for this forum, but if anyone is interested, please let me know. In the meantime, best of luck! With sincere thanks, Jake5 points
5 points
So according to @Hervé's guidance, I was able to use my DW1820A. My configs were posted here. After some research, I'm able to use Auto Unlock function now, and still no freeze, after 1 hour of usage. A. Some research. Model Typical Devices Device ID Auto Unlock Supports BCM94331CSAX MBP 2012 14e4:4331 NO BCM943224PCIEBT2 MBA 2011 14e4:4353 NO BCM94360CS MBP 2013 14e4:43a0 YES BCM94360CS2 MBA 2013 14e4:43a0 YES It looks like by faking dw1820a(bcm4350) into 14e4:4353 will make it looks like an 2011 mba card, and won't get Auto Unlock function. BCM433x can't use auto unlock, BCM436x can. DW1820A was BCM4350, in between of 433X and 436X. B. The new config. So instead of faking the card into 14e4:4353, and setting brcmfx-driver=1, I tried 14e4,43a0 and set brcmfx-driver=2. And that's it, nothing else changed, everything's working, including Apple Watch Auto Unlock. (It didn't work in the first place, but worked after disabling and enabling the feature again). C. Some screenshots and terminal outputs. a. kextstat|grep -y brcm b. SysInf Wi-Fi. (firmware version changed, and the Auto Unlock line comes out) c. SysInf BLE.( firmware version changed) D. Some problems. I heard some noise, maybe coil whine, after booting into the system with this new config. The noise disappeared after several minutes. I never noticed such noise before switch to this config.5 points
I got to test the Dell WD15 USB Type-c docking station today. Supported OOB: HDMI, mini-DP and VGA outputs GigEthernet RJ45 port (Realtek RTL8153 USB3-to-Ethernet converter, 0x0bda:0x8153) Rear USB2.0 ports Rear USB3.0 port Front USB3.0 port Front headset jack Unsupported: Rear line-out jack (tried various layouts to no effect) Regarding VGA output: VGA worked OOB as single connected display, laptop booted lid closed. VGA worked as 2nd display only if connected at startup (it's quite usual for VGA not to work if connected after system has started). VGA worked alongside DP and/or HDMI but only in clone mode, not as 2nd or 3rd display. This is something apparently done at docking station level. Dell manual states it's the expected mode in 3 x displays setup but, in my case, this was experienced only with DP connected, laptop's lid closed. Front headset output: VGA output (lid closed): DP/HDMI output (lid closed, with or without VGA): Dual display, built-in LCD + VGA: Dual display, built-in LCD + DP or built-in LCD + HDMI:5 points
I initially installed Mojave on an external USB3.0 HDD in order to avoid messing with the Win10 installation that's on the built-in M.2 SATA SSD. Given that the Latitude 7490 can boot from microSD card (needs Legacy boot enabled in BIOS), I installed Clover and the 7490 pack on an old 2GB microSD card I had lying around. Card was initially reformatted FAT32. I now use it to boot Mojave from a freshly created partition on the SSD without having had to mess around with the Win10 Boot (EFI) partition. It works great.5 points
High Sierra Clover Guide Warning: Follow guide at your own risk, I hold no responsibility if you brick your system or destroy all data during the process. If you're creating the installer from a real Mac, make sure you don't accidentally select the real Mac drive when installing Clover loader. It may cause your Mac to not boot again. You've been warned! New Installation Note: By default, upgrading or new Install of HS on an SSD drive, it'll automatically convert to APFS format. If you want to use APFS format, skip step 4 (1) Create the USB installer via Terminal with "createinstallmedia" (a minimum of 16GB UFD is needed or an external USB drive) sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ Sierra.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/"target_USB" --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ Sierra.app --nointeraction Note: target_USB = name of the USB drive you're writing to (2) Install Clover with following config, add appropriate Sierra bootpacks Only + Generic EFI from post #2 above ( See note1 below for updating bootpack for HS if there isn't one for your model in post #2) UEFI: Install for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP UEFI Drivers\Recommended Drivers ApfsDriverLoader AptioMemoryFix AudioDxe DataHubDxe FSInject HFSPlus SMCHelper (leave off if you have VirtualSMC.kext in bootpack) Additional drivers PartitionDxe Themes (Optional) Install Clover Preference Pane (Optional - only available on installed disk, not installer) Legacy: Install Clover in the ESP Boot Sectors Install boot0af in MBR Clover for BIOS (Legacy) booting CloverEFI 64-bits SATA BIOS Drivers, 64 bit\Recommended Drivers ApfsDriverLoader AudioDxe FSInject HFSPlus SMCHelper XhciDxe Themes (Optional) Install Clover Preference Pane (Optional - only available on installed disk, not installer) (3) Boot with the USB installer, start Disk Utility and initialize your SSD as an APFS drive. Close Disk Utility, select Install MacOS. If you DO NOT want APFS, then select HFS+ format instead. Then Close Disk Utility and follow step 4, otherwise continue to Step 5 (4) Open the terminal (on the menu bar click Utility>Terminal), and launch this command /Volumes/"Image Volume"/"install macOS High Sierra.app"/Contents/Resources/startosinstall --volume /Volumes/"HighSierra" --agreetolicense --converttoapfs NO Note: HighSierra = name of the drive you're targeting (5) System will auto reboot after files has been copied (6) Boot with USB installer, select "Boot macOS Install from HighSierra". Installation will continue installing and reboot (Might have to do this rebooting a couple of times) (7) Boot with USB installer, finish the customization (8) Follow post install steps from Post # 1 NOTE1: Updating the Sierra Bootpack to be use for High Sierra unless there's a High Sierra bootpack already 1) Edit config.plist from Sierra Bootpack (I recommend using Clover Configurator 4.59 or newer) and activate FixHeaders option under Acpi: 2) Update USB port limit for High Sierra where applicable, if current Sierra Bootpack doesn't have it, then you don't need this. Either disable 10.12 (Red) and add 10.13 (Green - 9 or 100 Series) or modify 10.12 to 10.13 port limit Update: New USB port Limit patch for 10.13.4(5) and 10.13.6 credits to PMHeart 3) Under SMBIOS, update the definition so that Firmware Features and Firmware Feature Mask is now populated 4) [Recommended] Update the Sierra kexts under /EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other/ Common links for new kexts: https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/releases https://github.com/vit9696/Lilu/blob/master/KnownPlugins.md https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/ Upgrading to High Sierra and keeping HFS+ format If you want to keep HFS+ format, run this command instead of launching the "Install MacOS High Sierra.app" /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ Sierra.app/Contents/Resources/startosinstall --agreetolicense --converttoapfs NO If you want to install or upgrade to a different partition/drive /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ Sierra.app/Contents/Resources/startosinstall --volume /Volumes/"targetdrive" --agreetolicense --converttoapfs NO Note: Repair permission and rebuild cache if you lost audio after upgrade. You must upgrade Clover, Config.plist and kexts as noted in NOTE1: Updating the Sierra Bootpack to be use for High Sierra When posting for HELP, please include full system specs and attach debug files. If you're not able to start the installer, then attach the Clover folder and include screenshot(s) of the error / KP by booting with verbose + debug 0x100 mode5 points
Clover Bootpacks I'll be adding more bootpacks when I have them confirmed working by members of this forum... Don't forget to check the Update section below (post #4) for updated files and information!!! Note: Sierra bootpacks already have the updated files listed in post #4 Note: Bootpack (EFI) consists of combining the Generic EFI + the model you're downloading!!! Instruction: 1) Download the Generic EFI folder. Generic EFI Folder EFI_v5119.zip 2) Download model below and add the contents into the Generic /EFI/Clover <- folder Latitude UEFI Only - GUID Scheme - Kabylake (OS X 10.12.6 and Up)- (See Note2 below) Mojave 7480_Mojave.zip For Optimus models, add to /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched DisableDiscreteGraphics.zip Sierra / High Sierra 5480_HD620_v1.6.4_HS.zip 5480_HD630-Optimus_HS.zip (BIOS 1.9.3) - Skylake (OS X 10.11.4 and Up)- (See Note2 below) El Capitan E7x70.zip - latest Sierra / High Sierra bootpack here Sierra 5480_BIOSv1.5.2.zip E5470_1.17.3_HS.zip High Sierra E5470_1.18.6_HS.zip - Broadwell - (See Note2 below) El Capitan E7450_update.zip - latest Sierra /High Sierra bootpack here E5450_HD5500.zip E5550.zip Sierra E5550_A15.zip E5550_A15_Disable_GT820M.zip E5450_HD5500_A15.zip 3450_A13.zip High Sierra E5450_HS_A19.zip - Haswell El Capitan E7440.zip E6540.zip E5540.zip E5450_HD4400.zip 3550.zip 3540.zip 3440.zip 3340.zip Sierra E7440_A20.zip E6540_Optimus_A17.zip E6540_HD4600_Only.zip E6440_A14.zip - based off Hervé's work E5540_Sierra.zip E5440_A13.zip 3550_HD4400_A12.zip High Sierra E7440_HS.zip E6440_A14_HS E5440_A21_Disable-Nvidia.zip Mojave E6440_HD4600_Only_Mojave.zip - IvyBridge El Capitan E6230.zip - 1366x768 E6430.zip - 1600x900 and above E5530.zip - Rename Config/DSDT depending on display resolution Sierra E6530_HD4000_Only.zip 6430u_1366x768.zip - BIOS A06 See here for 6430u HiRes (1600x900) file E6430_A12.zip - check Readme.txt inside bootpack E5530_A12.zip E6330_A11.zip - check Readme.txt inside bootpack E6230_A11.zip E6230_HD3000.zip -> this has SandyBridge CPU High Sierra E6230_A11 Legacy - GUID Scheme - See Note1 below - SandyBridge El Capitan E6420.zip - 1600x900 E6x20_NVS.zip E6220.zip - 1366x768 E5420.zip Sierra E6220_A13.zip E5520_A14.zip - check Readme.txt inside bootpack E5420.zip - check Readme.txt inside bootpack E6420_HD3000_A23.zip- check Readme.txt inside ACPI/Patched folder E6420_Optimus_A23.zip - check Readme.txt inside ACPI/Patched folder E6520_Optimus_A19.zip - check Readme.txt inside ACPI/Patched folder High Sierra E6520_Disabled-NVS_HS.zip E6220_A13_HS.zip Inspiron UEFI Only - GUID Scheme - Broadwell - (See Note2 below) El Capitan 5458.zip Inspiron_5548.zip 5558_HD5500_Only.zip 5558_HD5500_DisableNvidia.zip Sierra 3543_A08.zip 5548_HD5500_Only.zip 5548_m270-Disabed_A07.zip 5558_920M-Disabled_A14.zip High Sierra 5558_920M-Disabled_A14_HS.zip - Haswell El Capitan 5558_HD4400.zip 3542.zip Sierra 3542_A12.zip High Sierra 5558_HD4400_HS.zip Precision UEFI Only - GUID Scheme - Skylake (OS X 10.11.4 and Up)- (See Note2 below) El Capitan 5510_HD530_Disabled-Nvidia.zip Sierra 5510_HD530_1.2.25.zip 7510_HD530_1.12.4.zip - (See more info here) Vostro UEFI Only - GUID Scheme - Kabylake Sierra / High Sierra Vostro_3468_Biosv01.07.00_HS.zip Vostro_3468_2.3.0_HS.zip XPS UEFI Only - GUID Scheme - Haswell Sierra / High Sierra XPS 12 9Q33_A07.zip Note1: For Exx20 (SandyBridge models), use Legacy - GUID Scheme. Not UEFI Install Clover with the following settings in 1: Prepare Bootable USB Drive step 26 above: Legacy: Install Clover in the ESP Boot Sectors Install boot0af in MBR Clover for BIOS (Legacy) booting CloverEFI 64-bits SATA BIOS Drivers, 64 bit\Recommended Drivers ApfsDriverLoader AudioDxe FSInject HFSPlus SMCHelper XhciDxe Themes (Optional) Install Clover Preference Pane (Optional - only available on installed disk, not installer) Note2: Systems with Broadwell / Skylake / Kabylake CPU such as Latitude E7450 and Inspiron 5548, you'll need to set the DVMT prealloc to 96MB in order to bypass KP and to enable full graphics with full QE/CI. For more info, see here. /!\ New Development: If you don't want to mod the BIOS as it might be difficult for some models, you could skip this step by adding 2 new kexts to /EFI/Clover/kexts/Other Lilu.kext & Whatevergreen Notes3: To prevent artifacts with HD 4000, the following models should not exceed BIOS A11. Downgrade to A02/A03 and then upgrade to A11 if it has exceeded: E6x30, E5x30 Latitude 6430U should stay at A06 Fix can be found here, no longer need to use old BIOS5 points
Last update: 13 Nov 2023 This 2nd inventory comes to complement our original one created back in 2013 which is now restricted to cover wireless cards under Snow Leopard 10.6 to El Capitan 10.11. This new list will provide the equivalent for macOS versions (Sierra 10.12 and later) given that it's getting complicated to keep everything under a single text table and Apple has been increasingly dropping support for wireless cards since the introduction of macOS Sierra in 2016. I invite everyone to bring his/her own contribution and it'll be added to the list. This post will be updated as contributions come along in order to keep the list under control. Hardware specifications can be verified here: https://wikidevi.wi-cat.ru. A few OS X/macOS-related wireless cards buying guides also exist where summarised chipset support is available. Please use your preferred search engine to look these up, we won't provide links since this would infringe our own posted rules. Note: OOB = Out of the Box /!\ Sierra 10.12 dropped support for old Broadcom BCM431x and BCM4321 cards. There is no workaround, they have to be replaced. /!\ /!\ Mojave 10.14 dropped support for Atheros cards. The workaround is to install the Atheros40 kext from an earlier release like High Sierra 10.13.6, i.e. copy to /L/E + repair permissions + rebuild cache. /!\ 10.13.6_AirPortAtheros40.kext.zip /!\ Catalina 10.15 no longer supports injection or caching of High Sierra's AirPortAtheros40 kext. Instead, install High Sierra's IO80211Family kext, i.e. copy to /L/E + repair permissions + rebuild cache (leaving /S/L/E untouched) or, if that does not work, replace Catalina's IO80211Family kext in /S/L/E by High Sierra's. /!\ 10.13.6_IO80211Family.kext.zip /!\ Catalina 10.15 dropped support for BCM4322 (14e4:432b). AirPortBrcm4331 plugin kext of IO80211Family kext was abandoned. This affects cards such as DW1510. Workaround is to simply install Mojave's (or High Sierra's) IO80211Family kext, i.e. copy to /L/E + repair permissions + rebuild cache (leaving /S/L/E untouched) or, if that does not work, replace Catalina's IO80211Family kext in /S/L/E by Mojave's (or High Sierra's) but this will need to be done again after each update because vanilla kexts will be re-installed. /!\ 10.14.6_IO80211Family.kext.zip /!\ Intel wireless: some recent models may now enjoy support thanks to development detailed on OpenIntelWireless Github repo. /!\ Big Sur dropped support for BCM4331 (14e4:4331) and BCM43224 (14e4:4353). A patched version of Catalina's IO80211Family kext may be used as workaround (only AirPort4360 PlugIn is retained). Kext can then be called from OC config by setting minimum kernel to version 20. See here for details. /!\ /!\ Atheros cards previously supported in High Sierra and earlier (eg: AR928x, AR9380) can be supported under Big Sur with a patched version of High Sierra's IO80211Family kext . Kext can then be called from OC config by setting minimum kernel to version 18. See here for details. /!\ /!\ Monterey 12.x does not support patches/workarounds for dropped cards such as Atheros or Broadcom BCM4322. Same for Broadcom BCM4331 or BCM43324. Such cards have to be replaced by models supported in Monterey. /!\ Sonoma drops all official support for Broadcom "legacy" cards that were natively supported up to Ventura (chipsets BCM4350, BCM4360, BCM43602). OCLP patcher is now required for all non-Intel wireless cards that were previously supported. Unsupported: Vendor Model Format Ven-Dev Chip Rate Si HS Mj Ca BS Mt Vt OOB Kext/comment Intel - - - - - - - - - - - - N See here Atheros AR5BXB6 Mini PCIe 168c-001c AR5424 A/B/G N N N N N N N - - AzureWave AW-CB161H ½Min PCIe 10ec-8821 RTL8821AE A/B/G/N/AC N N N N N N N - - AzureWave AW-CB209NF NGFF/M.2 10ec-8821 RTL8821AE A/B/G/N/AC N N N N N N N - - AzureWave AW-CB210NF NGFF/M.2 14e4-43ec BCM4356 A/B/G/N/AC N N N N N N N - - AzureWave AW-NB155NF NGFF/M.2 14e4-4365 BCM43142 B/G/N N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1390 Mini PCIe 14e4-4311 BCM4311 B/G N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1395 Mini PCIe 14e4-4315 BCM4312 B/G N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1490 Mini PCIe 14e4-4312 BCM4311 A/B/G N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1505 Mini PCIe 14e4-4328 BCM4321 A/B/G/N N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1397 ½Min PCIe 14e4-4315 BCM4312 B/G N N N N N N N - (=DW1395) Dell DW1501 ½Min PCIe 14e4-4727 BCM4313 A/B/G/N N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1503 ½Min PCIe 14e4-4727 BCM4313 A/B/G/N N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1504 ½Min PCIe 14e4-4727 BCM4313 B/G/N N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1530 ½Min PCIe 14e4-4359 BCM43228 A/B/G/N N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1540 ½Min PCIe 14e4-4359 BCM43228 A/B/G/N N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1701 ½Min PCIe 14e4-4727 BCM4313 B/G/N N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1704 ½Min PCIe 14e4-4365 BCM43142 B/G/N N N N N N N N - - Dell DW1810 NGFF/M.2 168c:0042 QCA9377 A/B/G/N/AC N N N N N N N - (=QCNFA435) Dell DW1820 NGFF/M.2 168c:003e QCA6174A A/B/G/N/AC N N N N N N N - (=QCNFA344A) Qualcomm QCNFA435 NGFF/M.2 168c-0042 QCA9377 A/B/G/N/AC N N N N N N N - - Qualcomm QCNFA344A NGFF/M.2 168c-003e QCA6174A A/B/G/N/AC N N N N N N N - - Ralink RT5390 ½Min PCIe 1814-539b RT5390 B/G/N N N N N N N N - - Supported: Vendor Model Format Ven-Dev Chip Rate Si HS Mj Ca BS Mt Vt OOB Kext/comment Intel - - - - - - - - - - - - N See here Atheros AR5B91 Mini PCIe 168c-002a AR9281 B/G/N Y Y * * * N N Y * See above for Mojave Atheros AR5BXB72 Mini PCIe 168c-0024 AR5418/5133 A/B/G/N Y Y * * * N N N patch Atheros40 Atheros AR5BXB92 Mini PCIe 168c-002a AR9280 A/B/G/N Y Y * * * N N Y - Atheros AR5BXB112 Mini PCIe 168c-0030 AR9380 A/B/G/N Y Y * * * N N Y - Atheros AR5B22 Mini PCIe 168c-0034 AR94621 A/B/G/N Y ? * * ? N N N FW + Atheros40 patch Atheros AR5B93 ½Min PCIe 168c-002a AR9283 B/G/N Y Y * * * N N Y - Atheros AR5B95 ½Min PCIe 168c-002b AR9285 B/G/N Y Y * * * N N N DSDT/Atheros40 patch Atheros AR5B97 ½Min PCIe 168c-002e AR9287 B/G/N Y Y * * * N N N DSDT/Atheros40 patch Atheros AR5B195 ½Min PCIe 168c-002b AR9285 B/G/N Y Y * * * N N N (=AR5B95+BT3.0) Atheros AR5B197 ½Min PCIe 168c-002e AR9287 B/G/N Y Y * * * N N N (=AR5B97+BT3.0) Atheros AR5BHB92 ½Min PCIe 168c-002a AR9280 A/B/G/N Y Y * * * N N Y - Atheros AR5BHB112 ½Min PCIe 168c-0030 AR9380 A/B/G/N Y Y * * * N N Y - Atheros AR5B125 ½Min PCIe 168c-0032 AR94851 B/G/N Y ? * * ? N N N FW + Atheros40 patch Atheros AR5B225 ½Min PCIe 168c-0032 AR94851 B/G/N Y ? * * ? N N N FW + Atheros40 patch AzureWave AW-NB037H ½Min PCIe 168c-002b AR9285 B/G/N Y Y * * * N N N (=AR5B195) AzureWave AW-NB048H ½Min PCIe 168c-002b AR9285 B/G/N Y Y * * * N N N (=AR5B195) AzureWave AW-NB290H ½Min PCIe 14e4-4357 BCM43225 B/G/N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N DSDT/kext patch AzureWave AW-CE123H ½Min PCIe 14e4-43b1 BCM4352 A/B/G/N/AC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N DSDT/kext patch AzureWave AW-CB160H ½Min PCIe 14e4-43a0 BCM4360 A/B/G/N/AC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Dell DW1502 ½Min PCIe 168c-002b AR9285 B/G/N Y Y * * * N N N (=AR5B95) Dell DW1506 ½Min PCIe 168c-0032 AR94851 B/G/N Y ? * * ? N N N (=AR5B125) Dell DW1510 ½Min PCIe 14e4-432b BCM4322 A/B/G/N Y Y Y * * N N Y - Dell DW1515 ½Min PCIe 168C-002a AR9280 A/B/G/N Y Y * * * N N Y (=Atheros xB92) Dell DW15202 ½Min PCIe 14e4-4353 BCM43224 A/B/G/N Y Y Y Y * * * Y/N MBA5,2/Brcm4360 patch Dell DW1550 ½Min PCIe 14e4-43b1 BCM4352 A/B/G/N/AC Y Y Y Y Y Y ? N DSDT/kext patch Dell DW1601 ½Min PCIe 168c-0034 AR94621 A/B/G/N/AD Y Y * * ? N N N (=AR5B22) Dell DW1702 ½Min PCIe 168c-002b AR9285 B/G/N Y Y * * * N N N (=AR5B195) Dell DW1703 ½Min PCIe 168c-0032 AR94851 B/G/N Y Y * * ? N N N (=AR5B225) Dell DW1705 ½Min PCIe 168c-0036 AR95651 B/G/N Y Y * * ? N N N FW + Atheros40 patch Dell DW1560 NGFF/M.2 14e4-43b1 BCM4352 A/B/G/N/AC Y Y Y Y Y Y ? N DSDT/kext patch Dell DW1707 NGFF/M.2 168c:0036 AR95651 B/G/N Y Y * * ? N N N FW + Atheros40 patch Dell DW1802 NGFF/M.2 168c-0034 AR94621 A/B/G/N Y Y * * ? N N N (=AR5B22) Dell DW1820A3 NGFF/M.2 14e4-43a3 BCM43503 A/B/G/N/AC Y Y Y Y * * * N DSDT patch/injection Dell DW1830 NGFF/M.2 14e4-43ba BCM43602 A/B/G/N/AC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Fenvi BCM94360NG NGFF/M.2 14e4-43a0 BCM4360 A/B/G/N/AC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Asus USB-N10 USB 2.0 0b05-1786 RTL8188SU B/G/N ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N RealTek's v2.0.1 Asus USB-AC51 USB 2.0 0b05-17d1 MT7610U A/B/G/N/AC ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N Asus's driver CSL Nano V.2 USB 2.0 0bda-8176 RTL8188CUS B/G/N Y Y Y Y Y Y ? N ? D-Link DWA-121 A1 USB 2.0 2001-3308 RTL8188CUS B/G/N Y Y Y Y Y Y ? N ? Lafalink LF-D10 Nano USB 2.0 148f-7601 MT7601 B/G/N Y Y Y Y ? ? ? N Ralink's v4.2.9.10/RT2870 Driver Lafalink LF-D12 Nano USB 2.0 148f-5370 RT5370 B/G/N ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N Ralink's v4.2.9.2 NetGear WNA3100M USB 2.0 0846-F001 RTL8192CU B/G/N ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N Realtek's v2.0.1 On-Nwrks N300 USB 2.0 0846-F001 RTL8192CU B/G/N ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N Realtek's v2.0.1 Tenda W522U USB 2.0 148f-3572 RT3572 A/B/G/N Y Y ? ? ? ? ? N TP-Link/Ralink TP-Link TL-WN725N v2 USB 2.0 0bda-8179 RTL8188EUS B/G/N Y Y Y ? ? ? ? N TP-Link's driver TP-Link TL-WN723N v3 USB 2.0 0bda-8179 RTL8188EUS B/G/N Y Y Y ? ? ? ? N TP-Link's driver TP-Link TL-WN823N v1 USB 2.0 0bda-8178 RTL8192CU B/G/N Y Y Y ? ? ? ? N TP-Link's driver TP-Link TL-WN823N v2 USB 2.0 2357-0109 RTL8192EU B/G/N Y Y Y ? ? ? ? N TP-Link's driver TP-Link TL-WN823N v3 USB 2.0 ????-???? ???? B/G/N Y Y Y Y ? ? ? N TP-Link's driver Asus USB-AC56 USB 3.0 0b05-17d2 RTL8812AU A/B/G/N/AC ? ? ? ? ? ? ? N Asus's driver Asus PCE-AC66 PCIe x1 14e4-43a0 BCM4360 A/B/G/N/AC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Asus PCE-AC68 PCIe x1 14e4-43a0 BCM4360 A/B/G/N/AC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - TP-Link TL-WN781ND v1 PCIe x1 168c-002b AR9285 B/G/N Y Y * * * * * N DSDT/Atheros40 patch TP-Link TL-WDN4800 PCIe x1 168c-0030 AR9380 A/B/G/N Y Y * * * * * Y - TP-Link Archer T9E PCIe x1 14e4-43a0 BCM4360 A/B/G/N/AC Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - NB: Patching means adding the PCI ids of the listed card to the Info.plist file found inside the listed kext. In rare cases, binary patching may also be necessary. For some cards, DSDT Patching can be a suitable and permanent alternative to kext patching (no need to repatch a kext after OS X updates and upgrades or new installations). For instance, in the case of the Atheros AR5B95 card (chip AR9285 168c,2b), adding compatibility with a chip known to be supported OOB such as AR9380 168c,30 or AR9280 168,2a (as found in the vanilla Atheros40 kext) in a _DSM method for the identified DSDT device does the trick once and for all since it'll make the OS load the associated kext: Device (<YourDevice>) // Identified wireless device through IORegistryExplorer (usually: ARPT) { ... ... ... Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // Device Specific Method for the wireless card { Store (Package () { "model", Buffer (0x1E) { "Atheros AR5B95 b/g/n Wireless" }, "device_type", Buffer (0x08) { "AirPort" }, "built-in", Buffer (One) { 0x00 }, "name", Buffer (0x10) { "AirPort Extreme" }, "AAPL,slot-name", Buffer (0x09) { "Internal" }, "compatible", // Declares compatibility with a device Buffer (0x0B) { "pci168c,30" // PCI id of device supported OOB } }, Local0) DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0)) Return (Local0) } } ` In the same respect, in the case of the Broadcom BCM4322x cards (e.g.: chip BCM43225 14e4,4357) or BCM4352 cards (14e4,43b1), adding compatibility with a chip known to be supported OOB such as BCM94360 14e4,43ba or 14e4,43a0 (as found in the vanilla AirPortBrcm4360 kext or AirPortBrcmNIC) in a _DSM method for the identified DSDT device does the trick once and for all since it'll make the OS load the associated kext: Device (<YourDevice>) // Identified wireless device through IORegistryExplorer (usually: ARPT) { ... ... ... Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized) // Device Specific Method for the wireless card { Store (Package () { "model", Buffer (0x23) { "AzureWare AW-NB290H b/g/n Wireless" }, "device_type", Buffer (0x08) { "AirPort" }, "built-in", Buffer (One) { 0x00 }, "name", Buffer (0x10) { "AirPort Extreme" }, "AAPL,slot-name", Buffer (0x09) { "Internal" }, "compatible", // Declares compatibility with a device Buffer (0x0B) { "pci14e4,43a0" // PCI id of device supported OOB } }, Local0) DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0)) Return (Local0) } } ` Broadcom BCM43224-based cards with id 14e4:4353 (e.g.: DW1520) are subject to whitelisting in AirPortBrcm4360 kext. Wireless will only work if using the SMBIOS of a supported Mac model or after binary patching the kext to inject the Mac board-id of the desired SMBIOS. See our patching guide on the matter. ________________ 1 AR946x (168c,34), AR9485 (168c,32) and AR9565 (168c,36) work to some degree (i.e. not 100%) with alternative (re-written) Atheros40 driver as posted at InsanelyMac by Chunnann. Further patching facility posted here. These cards appear very poorly supported to plain unsupported from High Sierra. They are NOT recommended. 2 DW1520 (14e4,4353) is known to suffer from frequent and repeated wireless disconnections when plugged into mini PCIe-only slot and built-in Bluetooth is enabled. This may even lead to wireless turning off. This has been noticed on Dell Latitude E6x20 and E6x30. Wireless works Ok once built-in Bluetooth is disabled in BIOS or, as stated by wl_michael, if the card is fitted into combo PCIe/USB slot such as WWAN. 3 DW1820A and other BCM4350-based cards are supported. See our BCM4350 guide for these cards. * See top of post for Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey and Ventura.4 points
'working on my Clover setup and manage to significantly reduce the freezes though not entirely. Sometimes, system still freezes a few seconds after reaching desktop. But it seems to run pretty stable most of the time. Graphics acceleration is acceptable at this stage though not bug free: occasional slow movements on screen and some contents leftovers after closing a window for instance. Or unrecoverable limping system of complete freeze after attempting to watch a Youtube video in Safari. But, hey, what can we expect out of a KBL framebuffer on a Skylake system? Other than than, everything appears to work properly on the E7270: graphics acceleration: Ok with some defects and reduced/degraded performance brightness control: Ok touchscreen: Ok HDMI output: Ok mini-DP output: Ok audio (incl. DP audio): Ok LAN: Ok wireless & Bluetooth (BCM9460CS2): Ok touchPad: Ok USB ports: Ok sleep & wake: Ok SD card reader: Ok Whether this ends up sustainable in the long run for Skylake laptops remains to be seen but you never know... Is it usable for the time being? Clearly not. Edit: Instant wake issue on sleep and HDMI output now sorted. EFI_Clover_r5146_E7270_13.0.b1.zip EFI_Clover_r5146_E7270_13.0.b1_v2.zip EFI_Clover_r5146_E7270_13.0.b1_v3.zip EFI_Clover_r5146_E7270_13.0.b1_v4.zip4 points
As suggested by @aben at IM, I experimented with KBL framebuffer settings on my Skylake/HD520 Latitude E7270. I also updated all add-on kexts to latest versions (Lily & PlugIns) and replaced good old ACPIBatteryManager + FakeSMC by their VirtualSMC equivalent. This allowed me to boot Ventura b1, complete 1st boot setup and reach desktop; the laptop still freezes shortly afterwards so something's still iffy but at least I can boot and with apparent full graphics acceleration: I don't know about older generations but there seems to be hope for Skylake laptops.4 points
Dell Latitude E5550: Intel Broadwell i3-5010U @2.10GHz Intel HD5500 graphics 8GB DDR3L RAM Intel I218V LAN Intel AC 7265 Wireless OpenCore 0.7.3 and Clover r5138 with up-to-date kexts at time of writing. Updated: Dell Latitude E5550.zip Working: Full graphics acceleration HDMI output Wifi and Bluetooth LAN Audio (speakers, headphones & HDMI) Sleep with lid off and > Sleep Brightness control Multimedia button Keyboard and touchpad (ALPS) SD card reader USB2.0 & USB3.0 ports (USB remapping required macOS installation because my laptop doesn't have camera so I've not remapped yet) Battery Indicator and charger Not working: VGA output (unsupported)4 points
Specifications: BIOS Version: 1.16 (Latest) (needs SATA in AHCI mode, not Intel Optane or disk won't be seen) Intel 8th gen i5 8265U, 1.6GHz CPU Integrated Intel UHD620 15" 1366x768 HD non-touch LCD 16 DDR4-2400 RAM (Up to 32GB) M.2 2280 PCIe Gen3x4 256GB RTL8111 Gigabit Ethernet Realtek ALC255 WiFi Card - Originally came with a Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377A-5, but this model it's not supported by macOS, so it was replaced by a DW1820A - CN-0VW3T3 card (Key A/E, size 2230) 802.11ac combo wireless card + Bluetooth 4.1. Integrated HD User Facing Chicony Electronics, webcam (USB internal) Integrated Realtek Card Reader RTL8411B (PCI ven id 0x10ec, dev id 0x5287) 1 x 3.5mm universal jack (combo audio) 1 x USB 3.1 gen1 port Type-A (with PowerShare) 1x USB Type C port 3.1 2x USB 2.0 ports 1 x HDMI port Working: All the components!! UPDATE: Bluetooth working now using masking 5 pins of the card, I did exactly what this user did: Post with photo - By @Naidis Methods used: To install macOS: Hackintosh Guide - Install MacOS with Olarila Image, Step by Step, Install and Post Install, Windows or Mac To activate my WiFi: Broadcom BCM4350 cards under High Sierra/Mojave/Catalina Full DSDT patches: DSDT patch requests Screenshots: Credits: @Hervé he gave me the WiFi card (T77H649) and helped me to active it. @MaLd0n he as always helpd me with the DSDT and keep my Hack stable as a real Mac! And I'm thank all the community to get this machice working, the Clover guys, @headkaze with his awesome Hackintool app also. Your hard work guys, will be always appreciate by me. My EFIs folders with Full DSDT patched OpenCore 0.7.1 OC 0.7.1.zip Clover 5136 Clover - 5136.zip4 points
Hi, In the light of celebrating the 10th year anniversary of OSXL - I decided to dig through the waybackmachine. Check it out! Back in 2011 when we launched our first official page, it was with a clear vision of creating a new forum, free of ads, fast and reliable - To some, OSXL was just a nerdy bunch who put together something called EDP that for the most part.. worked.. but as EDP grew so did OSXL. In 2012 iMick took charge of the design and pushed OSXL to a brand new direction - shiny and nice - wordpress was still on the front but the backend is now IPboard (and have been ever since) The year is 2013 and a new design saw the light of day - it was a a nice refresh and brought a more "flat design" - between us, i never liked the "flatness" of things - keep that in mind when you think about the 2020 design - "Return of the angry dane" 2014 brought more updates to the site - among other, the compat. chart for EDP which actually used the database build into EDP - behind the scenes it was some cool shit there. The 2014 design lived with us for a long time with only minor changes along the way... but 2017/2018 brought a new design - sticking to the "flatness". ... and here we are in 2020 - a new fresh design - still running IPboard - still the same vision, a free place on the internet for macOS nerds to hangout, meet and hack the hell out of their machines. I would like to take a minute to say thank you to all of the users of OSXL who have made this journey worth it - but also to the outstanding crew of OSXL - you guys are amazing! Ps. Back in 2010 when OSXL was founded - one of the first machines that was hacked up was a "Dell Latitude D430" - here is the very first screenshot I ever uploaded from that machine.4 points
Last update: 16 Sep 2020 Here are BIOS settings that are known to work on the 7490 (8th gen. Kaby Lake R CPU with Intel UHD620 graphics) under Mojave and Catalina. These settings were tested and verified with BIOS 1.8.0 / 1.9.3 / 1.10.0 / 1.11.0 / 1.12.2 / 1.13.1 / 1.14.0 / 1.15.1 / 1.16.0. General . Boot Sequence: * Boot List Option = UEFI (-> Boot Sequence list will be set accordingly) . Adanced Boot Options: * Enable Legacy Option ROMs = On (required to boot legacy external devices such as USB media or SD cards) * Enable Attempt Legacy Boot = On . UEFI Boot Path Security: * Never (or whatever other value) System Configuration . Integrated NIC = Enabled . SATA Operation = AHCI . Drives: * SATA-2 = On * M.2 PCIe SSD-0 = On . SMART Reporting: * Enable SMART Reporting = On or Off . USB Configuration: * Enable USB Boot Support = On * Enable External USB Port = On . Dell Type-C Dock Configuration: * Always Allow Dell Docks = On . USB PowerShare: * Enable USB PowerShare = On . Audio: * Enable Audio = On * Enable Microphone = On * Enable Internal Speaker = On . Keyboard illumination: * Bright = On (or any desired value) . Keyboard Backlight on AC: * Any desired setting . Keyboard Backlight on Battery: * Any desired setting . Unobtrusive Mode: * Enable Unobtrusive Mode = Off . Miscellaneous Devices: * Enable Camera = On * Secure Digital (SD) Card Boot = On * Enable Secure Digital (SD) Card = On * Secure Digital (SD) Card Read-Only Mode = Off Video . LCD Brightness = Whatever settings you prefer Security . Admin Password = not set (or whatever) . System Password = not set (or whatever) . Internal HDD-0 PW | M.2 SATA SSD-2 Password = not set (or whatever) . Strong Password = Off . Password Configuration = default settings . Password Bypass = Disabled . Password Change: Allow Non-admin Password Changes = on . Non-Admin Setup Changes = Off . UEFI Capsule Firmware Updates = On . TPM 2.0 Security = Off or On with whatever desired settings . Absolute(R) = Disabled (or whatever desired settings) . OROM Keyboard Access = Enabled . Admin Setup Lockout = Off . Master Setup Lockout = Off . SMM Security Mitigator = Off Secure Boot . Secure Boot Enable = Disabled . Secure Boot Mode = Deployed Mode . Expert Key Management: * Enable Custom Mode = Off * Custom Mode Key Management = PK Intel Software Guard Extensions . Intel SGX Enable = Software Controlled . Enclave Memory Size = not configurable Performance . Multi Core Support = All . Intel SpeedStep = Enabled . C-States control = On . Intel TurboBoost = Enabled . HyperThread Control = Enabled Power Management: . AC Behavior: * Wake on AC = Off . Enable Intel Speed Shift Technology = On . Auto On Time = Disabled . USB Wake Support * Enable USB Wake Support = On or Off * Wake on Dell USB-c Dock = On or Off . Wireless Radio Control: * Control WLAN radio = Off * Control WWAN radio = Off . Wake on LAN/WLAN = Disabled . Block Sleep = Off . Peak Shift = Off . Advanced Battery Charge Configuration = Off . Primary Battery Charge Configuration = Express Charge (or any other choice) . Type-C Connector Power = 7.5 or 15 Watts POST Behavior . Adapter Warnings = Enabled . USB-C Warnings = Enabled (item only available in later BIOS versions) . Keypad (Embedded) = Fn Key Only . Numlock Enable = Enabled . Fn Lock Optio: * Fn Lock = On * Lock Mode Disable/Standard = On . Fast Boot = Minimal . Extend BIOS POST Time = 0 seconds (or any other choice) . Full Screen Logo = On or Off . Warnings and Errors = Prompt on Warnings and Errors . MAC address Pass-Through = Passthrough MAC address Manageability . Intel AMT Capability = Enabled (item only available in later BIOS versions) . USB Provision = Off . MEBx Hotkey = Enabled Virtualization Support . Virtualization = Enabled . VT for Direct I/O = Disabled . Trusted Execution = Off Wireless . Wireless Switch: * WWAN = On * WLAN = On * GPS (on WWAN Module) = On * Bluetooth = On . Wireless Device Enable: * WWAN/GPS = On * Bluetooth = On * WLAN = On4 points
Hello all! Here my configuration. Maybe someone will need it. Dell Latitude e7440 (no Fingerprint version) CPU: Haswell Intel Core i7-4600u dual core 4th gen IGPU: Intel Graphics HD 4400 Ram: 16GB DDR3 SSD M-SATA: 256GB Bios: A28 Mac Os: Catalina 10.15.4 Working: full graphics acceleration on Intel HD4400 iGPU, including brightness control (Fn+F3 Brightness up Fn+↓ Brightness up) (with Lilu v1.4.2 + Whatevergreen v1.3.7) multi-display with HDMI audio, including HDMI, (no microphone input) and headset output (with AppleALC v1.4.7 & No Inject audio) GigEthernet LAN connection (with IntelMausiEthernet 2.5.0 kext) wireless and bluetooth with any compatible card (a BCM94352HMB with Airportbrcmfixup.kext v2.0.6, BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext 2.5.1, BrcmFirmwareData.kext 2.2.10, BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext 2.5.1, BrcmPatchRAM3.kext 2.5.1, FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext 1.3.15, FakePCIID.kext 1.3.15) All USB ports (3.0) integrated webcam sleep & wake battery management (with ACPIBatteryManager v1.90.1) keyboard and touchpad, max 2 finger multitouch(with VoodooPS2ControllerR6 v6.0.0) SD Card reader Not working: Nothing For Bios settings follow this perfect guide by Hervè (set like this all option that you can find) For create bootable usb/Installation/Post Installation follow this perfect guide by Hervè (just download latest Catalina 10.15.4 from Apple Store) Is better to use the latest clover release, for download it click here You can also follow these steps, starting from the installation of the clover in the usb stick (after the media creation tool process in terminal is done) : Run Clover r51xx.pkg and select USB (Install Mac Os Catalina) as destination Just flag in true on Clover for UEFI booting only, Install Clover in the ESP, UEFI Drivers - Racommended drivers - Install Open terminal and paste: diskutil list Choose your usb EFI partition and type (for example disk1s2): sudo diskutil mount disk1s2 Open Finder and open mounted EFI Replace the EFI folder with this: EFI 10.15.4 e7440 V2.zip Boot from USB and install Mac OS For post-installation repeat the same steps with these differences: Run Clover r51xx.pkg and select your SSD/HHD as destination Just flag in true on Clover for UEFI booting only, Install Clover in the ESP, UEFI Drivers - Recommended drivers - Install Remove all usb sticks and others disk (leave only the target Mac Os disk) and just type : sudo diskutil mount EFI Open Finder and open mounted EFI Replace the EFI folder with the USB EFI Change your serial number in clover configurator SMBIOS section Enjoy your hack! Clover Configurator.app.zip4 points
I was contacted by member @plastikman about a potential universal fix for the troublesome DW1820a cards. Hugotai posted again at Voldemort's place early december 2019 about a property injection that apparently fixed the stability issues encountered with so many DW1820a on so many laptops. Said property is pci-aspm-default and the value to inject is 0. Hugotai explained that he derived the solution from this guide he found on the Net and in which the author explained that, in order to use the DW1820A card, he had disabled PCIe ASPM power in BIOS. A quick search on the Net revealed to me that ASPM means Active-State Power Management and relates to PCIe devices. Basically it's a protocol that offers dynamic power management through different possible states ranging from idle to powersave or performance. I also understand there is a default state which usually means power is controlled by BIOS, not the OS/kernel. This is totally unknown territory until I read more about it but setting ASPM default state to 0 probably means ASPM is disabled. On reading a little further, I came across writings that mentioned potential conflicts between idle timers or that ASPM compliance varied according to device. So, the troubles experienced by so many people may indeed come from that. Anyway, I tried the property injection with the other 2 x DW1820a/BCM4350 cards I still possess and that did not properly work in my Latitude 7490: the 096JNT model (subsystem 1028:0021) and the T77H649 (subsystem 17aa:075a). Results were as follows: 096JNT: Without injection of ASPM property CPU load up to the roof after a few minutes, system freeze as expected and experienced before. IOReg reveals pci-aspm-default parameter natively set to 0x102 under the wireless card's ACPI device. With injection of ASPM defaut set to 0 All Ok, was able to use the laptop without any issue, performance degradation of wifi problems for well over 1hr. IOReg confirms pci-aspm-default parameter set to 0 under the wireless card's ACPI device. T77H649: Without injection of ASPM property CPU load up to the roof after a few minutes, system freeze as expected and experienced before. IOReg reveals pci-aspm-default parameter natively set to 0x102 under the wireless card's ACPI device. With injection of ASPM defaut set to 0 All Ok, was able to use the laptop without any issue, performance degradation of wifi problems for well over 1hr. IOReg confirms pci-aspm-default parameter set to 0 under the wireless card's ACPI device. I remind everyone that all I use, in order to declare compatibility with Broadcom chips 14e4:4331 or 14e4:4353, is the Clover property injection detailed in post #2; no AirportBrcmFixup plugin kext, no bcrmfx-driver boot argument and no pin masking. So, it would seem we now have a definitive solution for DW1820A/BCM4350-based cards. I've updated the above posts to reflect on the good news. All credits to the author of this guide that caught the attention of Hugotai who derived the property to inject as a fix.4 points
Hi, Running OSXL have always been a mission we have been proud of - from the early days of D4x0 we could never have imagined that OSXL would grow to what it is today - a safe and nice place where hackintosh and macOS nerds can meet, have fun and play around. But running OSXL also have costs.. hosting.. the forum software.. mail service.. dns .. it cost.. and it never gets cheaper - so faar donations usually covers less than 5% of our operating cost. So.. what todo ? OSXL have always been against showing commercial ads our site - mostly because it slows down the site and ruin the user experience - personally .. i hate a slow website. So, we always explore new options (specially if its fun.. like the seedbox partnership) Anyway, today Brave browser launched - brave browser is (besides being a really nice web browser) - is a browser that allows its users to earn $BAT (a crypto currency) and donate those earned Bat(s) to websites they visit. We have enabled donations to the site - both automatic - but also by using the browsers build-in functionality. Wanna test brave browser? .. head over to: https://brave.com/osx926 (Btw, brave gives us 5 USD for each download, so you having fun testing a new browser, is also helping us and by that yourself) ... and may this be a hint of more fun stuff with cryptocurrencies coming your way //OSXLteam4 points
Nawcom disappeared from the Hackintosh scene long ago but tribute can still be paid to him and his great tools. It sure is dated today but it did the business back in the days and greatly so. These may still be useful for those novices who want to setup a Hackintosh on a platform capable to run Snow Leopard but have no access to a Mac or an existing Hack. Snow Leopard remains the Mac OS X version from which many platforms can upgrade to subsequent OS X/macOS versions as long as their profile (SMBIOS) meets the requirements. Provided one has the Snow Leopard retail DVD or a USB key with retail SL restored to it, Nawcom's modCD or modUSB can be very useful to setup a temporary basic SL installation to work from. It does not have to be fully tuned up... Nawcom's tools are hard to find on the Net today, so here are copies it. I hope (and think) Nawcom would not mind... OSX86_ModCD-032311-151021.zip -> rename from .zip to .iso and burn the image to a CD/DVD (can be done from Windows or Linux) OSX86_ModUSB.pkg.zip -> unzip this Mac app and run from OS X to create a bootable USB installer (cannot be used in Windows/Linux) For those who wish to know more about the tools, here's a recap written by the man himself back in 2010: Nawcom_tuto.pdf.zip4 points
Give this a try, replace into /EFI/Clover E5530_Mojave.zip4 points
- First create 2 partitions Extended Journal when installing OS X. Make sure to jot down the size so you won't wipe out the wrong partition when you install Windows on it later. Hint: don't make both the same size - Use Disk Utility to prepare a Mac OS X Extended partitions (don’t ever use Fat32, Disk Utility will mess up your drive) - After installing OS X, everything all setup. Then install Windows - Create a FAT32 usb drive, extract Windows 10 64-bit iso there (done on a Windows system) - Boot to Win10 usb drive, select custom install, locate the partition that is not OS X, delete it. Then select it (unallocated space) format it to NTFS, install Windows there. - Windows will automatically boots back to Windows. Install all drivers...etc. - Now to fix the boot option - Go to BIOS, create boot option. Browse to /EFI/Clover/Cloverx64.efi, give it a Name. Now move the Clover boot entry to top. - Save and reboot. Now you'll see the option to boot Windows or OS X from the Clover GUI. To fix the time in Windows, launch regedit navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\TimeZoneInformation] create a DWORD (32 bit) value, name it RealTimeIsUniversal. Set the value to 1. Exit Boot to OSX, then reboot to Windows. You should see time is correctly sync'd up.4 points
Beta1 installs in the exact same manner as High Sierra. The difference is that 10.14 requires Clover r4517 or higher to install successfully. https://github.com/Dids/clover-builder/releases So far, Ok on my Ivy Bridge/HD4000 Latitude E6230 with same EFI/bootpack as High Sierra 10.13 and Clover r4521. I made a quick and basic, not fully tuned, installation: Apple stated that Mojave will only support GPUs compatible with Metal so HD3000 and older 1st gen Intel HD graphics are effectively dropped (and there are no kexts for these). Support for Intel iGPUs now starts at Ivy Bridge HD4000. So, I won't be trying Mojave on my E6220 nor on my ancient D630 (support for nVidia Tesla architecture dropped too)... We'll see if this gets to evolve in the following beta versions but not much of a hope I guess. APFS conversion seems to be mandatory too. Despite my modification of the minstallconfig.xml file of the 1st reboot temporary installation in which I had set the ConvertToAPFS parameter to false, my target Mojave partition ended up converted! Not a problem in itself on my SSD (and APFS is reportedly Ok on mechanical HDD now) but that means a definitive goodbye to Chameleon/Enoch for the time being. Inescapable eventuality I guess... List of officially supported Mac models is as follows (as per /S/L/CoreServices/PlatformSupport.plist) MacPro6,1 iMac17,1 iMac16,2 iMac16,1 iMac15,1 iMac14,4 iMac14,3 iMac14,2 iMac14,1 iMac13,3 iMac13,2 iMac13,1 Macmini7,1 Macmini6,1 Macmini6,2 MacBookPro12,1 MacBookPro11,5 MacBookPro11,4 MacBookPro11,3 MacBookPro11,2 MacBookPro11,1 MacBookPro10,2 MacBookPro10,1 MacBookPro9,2 MacBookPro9,1 MacBook9,1 MacBook8,1 MacBookAir7,2 MacBookAir7,1 MacBookAir6,2 MacBookAir6,1 MacBookAir5,2 MacBookAir5,14 points
Hi all, I am very excited to finally hack this world famous GPU mining motherboard and pleased to share with you all the clover bootpack. Specifications Asrock H81 BTC Pro Ver 2.0 4th Gen 3.5 GHz i3-4330 8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz Memory Intel Graphics HD 4600 HDMI output on 24-inch LED Monitor (1920 x 1080) OpenCore Bootpacks Big Sur Support for Mac OS Big Sur 11.0.1 (OpenCore 0.6.3) OC-11.0.1.zip Clover Bootpacks Big Sur Support for Mac OS Big Sur 11.0.1 (Clover 5126) CLOVER-10.15.7.zip Catalina Support for Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7 (Clover 5126) CLOVER-10.15.7.zip Support for Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4 (Clover 5116) CLOVER-10.15.4.zip Support for Mac OS Catalina 10.15.1 (Clover 5070) CLOVER-10.15.1.zip Support for Mac OS Catalina 10.15 (Clover 5070) CLOVER-10.15.zip Support for Mac OS Catalina 10.15 Beta (19A471t) (Clover 4945) CLOVER-10.15 Beta (19A471t).zip Mojave Support for Mac OS Majave 10.14.6 (Clover 4945) CLOVER-10.14.6.zip Support for Mac OS Majave 10.14.5 (Clover 4934): CLOVER-10.14.5.zip Support for Mac OS Majave 10.14.4 (Clover 4910): CLOVER 10.14.4.zip Support for Mac OS Mojave 10.14 Beta 4 18A326h (Clover 4586): CLOVER 10.14 Beta 4.zip Support for Mac OS Mojave 10.14 Beta 18A293U (Clover 4517): CLOVER 10.14 Beta.zip High Sierra Support for Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6 (Clover 4635) CLOVER 10.13.6.zip Support for Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.4 (Clover 4428) CLOVER-V4.zip Support for Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.2 (Clover 4360) CLOVER-V3.zip Support for Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.1 (Clover v4293) CLOVER-V2.zip Support for Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.1 (Clover v4293) with Intel Graphics: CLOVER-Intel.zip Support for Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.1 (Clover v4293) with ATI Graphics: CLOVER-ATI.zip Credits goes to Jake Lo and Bronx Teck OpenCore & Clover Notes on Mac OS Big Sur 11.0.1 (1) Everything works (2) Updated all kext to latest version Clover Notes on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.7 (1) Everything works (2) Updated all kexts to latest version Clover Notes on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4 (1) Everything works (2) Updated Lilu.kext, VirtualSMC.kexts and Whatevergreen.kext to latest version Clover Notes on Mac OS Catalina 10.15.1 (1) Everything works (2) Updated Whatevergreen.kext to latest version Clover Notes on Mac OS Catalina 10.15 (1) Everything works (2) Updated clover, efi drivers & kexts to latest version (3) Swapped from FakeSMC to VirtualSMC Clover Notes on Mac OS Catalina 10.15 Beta (19A471t) (1) Everything works (2) Whatevergreen.kext requires graphics injection from Clover Clover Notes on Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5 (1) Everything works (2) Mac OS 10.14.5 Update Installer now complaints "Cannot Find Installer Resources". A very crude workaround is to remove all other hard drives except for the Mac OS hard drive. Let me know if anyone find a solution to this without having to open the casing each time we want to update. Clover Notes on Mac OS Mojave 10.14.4 (1) Everything works (2) Whatevergreen.kext now autodetects the graphics card. Make sure no graphics injection is done in Clover. Clover Notes on Mac OS Mojave 10.14 Beta 4 18A326h (1) Everything works (2) Updated from Mac OS Majave 10.14 Beta 18A293U via Software Update in the System Preference. Clover Notes on Mac OS Mojave 10.14 Beta 18A293U (1) Everything works including sleep. (2) Dedicated GPU Radeon Pro 560 not displaying on monitor. May need to wait for WhateverGreen.kext to be updated with support for this Mac OS version. Clover Notes on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.1 (1) Everything works including sleep. (2) Updated all kexts to latest versions (3) Added IntelGraphicsFixup.kext and Shiki.kext (4) Combined all ATI & Intel GPU configs & kexts into single bootpack for multi GPU support (5) For those that need to update 10.13 to 10.13.1, you will need to install the latest clover (version 4293 is the one I used). If there are error messages, you may try to remove EmuVariableUefi-64.efi from Clover EFI temporarily, clear NVRAM using sudo nvram -c in terminal, download the update directly from apple website and install. Clover Notes on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.2 (1) Everything works including sleep. (2) Updated all kexts to latest versions (3) For those updating from 10.13.1 to 10.13.2, you will need to install the latest clover and lilu including plugins (or download latest bootpack above) as well as download and install the update directly from apple website. Updating via App Store doesnt seem to work for me as I get the mkpg not found error message after reboot. Clover Notes on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.4 (1) Everything works including sleep. (2) Updated all kexts to latest versions (3) For those updating from an earlier version of 10.13 to 10.13.2, you will need to install the latest clover and lilu including plugins (or download latest bootpack above) as well as download and install the update directly from apple website. The OS X installer will reboot several times. Clover Notes on Mac OS High Sierra 10.13.6 (1) Everything works including sleep. General Notes (1) The UEFI Bios does not detect Clover EFI natively. For first boot into Mac OS, you will need to boot Clover EFI using the Installer USB. In order to add Clover EFI into UEFI Bios, you will need to manually add it using the Clover UEFI shell using the following command:- (a) bcfg boot add 3 fsX:\EFI\CLOVER\CLOVERX64.EFI "Clover" (You will need to replace X with the location of your Clover EFI partition. This is shown in the list when you first enter the UEFI shell) (b ) Lastly, do bcfg boot mv 3 0 to move the Clover boot order to the first. (2) I found that this motherboard is very compatible with Mac OS and patched DSDT / SSDT is not required. Notes on Mining (1) As all you miners know, this motherboard can take up to six (6) GPUs, I have yet to test additional GPU on the PCIEx1 slots. At the moment, the single GPU that i'm using is installed on the PCIEx16 slot. I will test it once I have opportunity to get additional GPU. In the mean time, for those miners who already have this motherboard in their rig and are already using Windows or Linux, Mac OS may be a good OS to try since some miners (like ethereum's ethminer) are also released for Darwin and both NVIDIA and ATI have provided drivers for their latest GPUs. This does open up a good possibily of using Mac OS for GPU mining! (2) I was able to use the dedicated RX560 GPU for both as primary display as well as for mining. However, it causes the system to slow down and created artifacts when I rebooted / shutdown. I was able to make the system more stable by using the integrated HD4600 GPU as primary display and the dedicated RX560 GPU for mining. In order to use both integrated GPU and dedicated GPU, both Intel and ATI need to be injected by Clover. In the case of ethereum miner, ethminer was able to recognized all GPU but I only selected the RX560 for mining. This made the system more stable. (3) [10-11-2017] I just installed a third old AMD Radeon HD 7750 GPU on the first PCIEx1 slot and am very happy to see that Mac OS recognized it straight away. In the case of ethereum miner, ethminer was able to recognized all GPU. Attached pictures below:- (4) One of my main concern is I am still not able to get HWMonitor to show GPU temperature which is very important to monitor the current health of the GPUs. We would not want the GPU to overheat due to unforeseen reasons. Let me know if you are able to solve this issue. (5) During my discussion with crew member Rhyker, we were discussing on ways to tune the GPU from within Mac OS. As you know, currently the manufacturer only provide tuning software for Windows and to a limited extend Linux. We were thinking of running Windows under a virtual machine to access the GPU tuner to tune the GPUs. However, based on my last attempt, accessing native GPU from a virtual machine is still not possible although there are projects that are attempting to do this. Let me know if this idea is workable. Let me know if the clover bootpack works for you.4 points
Troubleshooting Clover rebooting early If you encounter any of the bullet below and rebooted, make sure that your 1 DIMM be on slot A. OsxAptioFixDrv: Starting overrides for System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi Using reloc block: yes, hibernate wake: no +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OsxAptioFixDrv: Starting overrides for System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi Using reloc block: yes, hibernate wake: no Error allocating 0x#### pages at 0x####... alloc type 2 Error loading kernel cache (0x9) Boot failed, sleeping for 10 seconds before exiting... OsxAptioFixDrv: Starting overrides for System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi Using reloc block: yes, hibernate wake: no Error allocating 0x#### pages at 0x####... alloc type 2 Could not allocate runtime area Boot failed, sleeping for 10 seconds before exiting... Core Storage 1) From terminal, enter diskutil list. Note the virtual drive in red. >diskutil list /dev/disk0 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *256.1 GB disk0 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_CoreStorage Macintosh SSD 63.5 GB disk0s2 3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3 /dev/disk1 (internal, virtual): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: Apple_HFS Macintosh SSD +63.1 GB disk1 Logical Volume on disk0s2 75DADC16-4B7F-4C7D-9660-10A1C2A9FC02 Unencrypted 2) From terminal, run diskutil cs revert /dev/disk1 3) Reboot with USB Installer and select the Installed drive 4) Continue with 3. POST-INSTALLATION Credits to peluko iMessage and FaceTime https://github.com/camielverdult/Ramblings-of-a-hackintosher-High-Sierra/blob/master/iMessage.md4 points