That's exactly what I meant.
1) In method _Q66, add this code between the 2 x lines NEVT () and Return (Zero):
^^^^AMW0.WED0 (One)
Mid (^^^^AMW0._WED (0xD0), Zero, 0x06, Local2)
If (LEqual (Local2, Buffer (0x06)
0x02, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00
Notify (PS2K, 0x0365)
If (LEqual (Local2, Buffer (0x06)
0x02, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x48, 0x00
Notify (PS2K, 0x0366)
2) In method _BCM of IGPU->LCD device , add this code before the Name (BRT3, ...) line:
If (LGreater (OSID (), 0x10)){}
3) in method BRT6, all the 2 x LPVB.PS2K notifications under the LCD notifications as follows :
Notify (LCD, 0x86)
Notify (^^LPCB.PS2K, 0x0366)
Notify (LCD, 0x87)
Notify (^^LPCB.PS2K, 0x0365)
That should do it.