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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/23 in all areas

  1. MyHack v3.3.1 carrying bugs for Snow Leopard installations; use older version v3.1.2 instead. myHack_v3.1.2.zip myHack-3.3.1.dmg.zip NB: Those versions can only be run on OS X versions up to Mavericks. They cannot be run on Yosemite and later.
    1 point
  2. Nawcom disappeared from the Hackintosh scene long ago but tribute can still be paid to him and his great tools. It sure is dated today but it did the business back in the days and greatly so. These may still be useful for those novices who want to setup a Hackintosh on a platform capable to run Snow Leopard but have no access to a Mac or an existing Hack. Snow Leopard remains the Mac OS X version from which many platforms can upgrade to subsequent OS X/macOS versions as long as their profile (SMBIOS) meets the requirements. Provided one has the Snow Leopard retail DVD or a USB key with retail SL restored to it, Nawcom's modCD or modUSB can be very useful to setup a temporary basic SL installation to work from. It does not have to be fully tuned up... Nawcom's tools are hard to find on the Net today, so here are copies it. I hope (and think) Nawcom would not mind... OSX86_ModCD-032311-151021.zip -> rename from .zip to .iso and burn the image to a CD/DVD (can be done from Windows or Linux) OSX86_ModUSB.pkg.zip -> unzip this Mac app and run from OS X to create a bootable USB installer (cannot be used in Windows/Linux) For those who wish to know more about the tools, here's a recap written by the man himself back in 2010: Nawcom_tuto.pdf.zip
    1 point
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