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Nguyen Tu

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  1. Chào bạn, mình cũng đang tìm cách cài hackintosh lên laptop E6530 của mình.

    Không biết bạn có thể share giúp mình folder EFI mà bạn đã cài cho máy của bạn được không?

    Mình đang mày mò mà vẫn bị lỗi khi install, cài được 1 lúc thì bị stuck ở đoạn

    AppleStoreKey: :start: _sep_enabled = 0


    Cảm ơn bạn nhiều

  2. You will try this my DSDT. It working with my machine ( E6530, NVS A20). Card reader, bluetooth ...work perfect. Use it with brcmpatchram2.kext and BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext Goodluck!!! DSDT_A20.zip
  3. Thank you so much , But it's not working on my laptop. I'm looking for another way.
  4. Hi everyone. I'm a newbie in hackintosh. I have a Dell lattitude E6530 ( Intel Hd + Nvidia ) . I try create USB boot macos High sierra but not working. there is a trouble : Disk I/O error. So , i hope all of you will help me fix the trouble I need a EFI folder to refer and test. Thankyou so much !!! P/s : my english is not good. I'm so sorry ^^. Thanks
  5. Hello Everyone I'm a newbie with hackintosh. I have a Dell latitude e6530 with mac os sierra 10.12.6 but, after install, my machine have a lot of trouble i try fix DSDT, but not working. So, i'm here. i hope all of you help me fix DSDT. Thank you very much !!! Thank you for reading for reading my topic My machine have : intel core i7 3520M, Bios A20, USB 2,0 and 3.0 7 series , Nvidia 5200M ( i hope Disable discrete card) DSDT.aml.zip
  6. You can give me your EFI folder. Please !^^. my audio micro not working. Thank you so much !!
  7. Hello everyone ! I have a Dell Latitude e6530 : core i7 3520M, Hd4000 and Nvidia NVS 5200M, BIOS A20 I tried install macos 10.12.6. USB, wifi,sound, ....are working. I want to disable Nvidia card by DSDT to save battery. I tried disable Nvidia card but it's not working Help me, please !!! "I'm sorry, my English is bad" DSDT.aml.zip
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