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  1. Great, the system shows both Nvidia and Intel HD but If I opened big images and heavy graphical application (medical radiology application) the system will use both? or just intel HD?
  2. OK, will try to use external wifi card or change it for native NVidia, could you tell me how you installed it? I tried many way all goes with black screen
  3. I would to thank you for your help and efforts My machine is Dell Precision M4800 and installed Mojave 10.14 I used your files to install Audio and Bluetooth but I had to run permission fix then reboot. My problems now these drivers can not be installed: 1- Nvidia K1100M Tried to use web-driver "WebDriver-387." for High Sierra but I got version not compatible error when tried to run it. 2- WiFi card Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 can not find it yet any advise please?
  4. can not install NVIDIA Quadro K1100M (tried webdriver Nvidia 10.13 but I got an error version not compatable) and the WIFI not working too
  5. Hello @Franckenstien, I followed your guide for M6800 & M4800: thank you for this, but drivers didnt work for me? what i am missing ? is there any step you didnt mentioned ?
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