Hey. I managed to make the brightness adjustment work through Fn + F2 / F3 keys using the DSDT patch and ACPIKeyboar.kext (although the brightness keys did not appear in the keyboard settings in the keyboard shortcuts, probably the monitor is somehow wrong, but it’s not important).
into method label _Q10 replace_content
// Brightness Down\n
Notify(\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.PS2M, 0x0205)\n
Notify(\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.PS2M, 0x0285)\n
into method label _Q11 replace_content
// Brightness Up\n
Notify(\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.PS2M, 0x0206)\n
Notify(\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.PS2M, 0x0286)\n
(From there: https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/305030-guide-how-to-fix-brightness-hotkeys-in-dsdt/)
There was a desire to patch all F keys with similar patches for DSDT in order to hang on them almost all the functions of the original F keys from a Macbook.
I think I can recognize which "_Qxx" methods in DSDT are called when I press the F key, but I don’t know which codes 0x02 ???? means the native functions of the F keys in a Macbook. Can anyone tell me this?
Also, the DSDT patches from oldrest for my HP laptop also turned on the brightness adjustment on the F keys. Here are the links:
I turned on the Fn key in BIOS and in macOS all the F key functions (brightness, sound, media) work together with FN, but pressing F11 without FN works as if I were making a touchpad gesture to display the desktop.