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  1. Hell rakibulmuhajir,

    do you use now opencore and Big Sur?

    please provide me with your EFI I can't get the internal 4k display to work. 

    1. lamatta17


      Have a look here

      Dell Precision 5510: Unable to use 4k built-in screen

  2. At last. graphics are fixed. This is what i did after what i did above changed DMVT from 64 to 128(i dont think it made any difference though). used config from this github repo. with only boot flag nv_disable=true @Jake Lo could you please see whats the difference so i can improve config provided by you. CLOVER.zip
  3. Given up on catalina. Creating Mojave installer. What changes do I need for my clover folder?? I should mention that I'm very thankful for your efforts to make things easier for us guys.
  4. Dvmt value changed. Still same error. Could you please send a copy of your working clover with liteon patch applied?
  5. its vanilla downloaded with gibmacos. made a new installer from hackintosh(not vm this time) and did a clean install. same issue without -igfxvesa the screen is stuck at ioconsoleusers: gioscreenlockstate 3, hs 0, now 0
  6. Followed This guide and tested all framebuffer values, almost all of them give error gioscreenlockstate.
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