Hi racing,
I have ALC269VC in my ASUS laptop as well. I followed EMlyDinEsH's AppleHDA Binary Patching guide and got sound working on 10.8.5, but when I upgraded to 10.9 I had fits. I then stumbled on to the alc269-vc2 kext you reference. I tried it and it did not work, no sound at all. Then I decided to take the Info.plist (from AppleHDAHardwareConfigDriver), Platforms.xml.zlib, and layout28.xml.zlib from that post and drop it in to the stock 10.9 AppleHDA.kext. I then patched the stock AppleHDA with bcc9's script. I installed all of this and not only do I have sound, it also works after sleep. I use Clover to boot and I also use EMlyDinEsH's Elantec driver with EAPD sound fix. It works with CodecCommander too; however, I found that CodecCommander has to be loaded after boot up or else the sound driver fails to load. Let me know if you want my complete 10.9 patched AppleHDA.kext for the ALC269VC and I'll upload it.