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    Germany NRW

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  1. Hi, Ist there an update? Can you post what the contens is of your efi partition? Ich bitte um Feedback. regards, madmax
  2. Hi, what is your e5520 hardware config. I own one myself and would be interested to find a way to install Sierra as well. Iam running Yosi right now. All attempts to install even el captian end up afther installing fine ine a not bootable condition. Please post your config maybe in your signature. regards, Madmax
  3. Hello, did someone have success with this and the clover method? regards, madmax
  4. Hi, thats great to hear. I am glad that it worked out. I hope you open a bottle of old cognac (maybe in compainion with a good cigar) and lean back ( for 5 minutes ) regards, Madmax
  5. So close before El Capitan we need the forum. So, as suggested before, I vote for paying them and prepare the move to a diffrent software. regards, Madmax
  6. I would go with rapidlords suggestion. Get them off your neck right now and try to find a diffrent Formum software. It gives you some time. I hope more members donate to: [email protected] regards, madmax
  7. Hi, I just donated 50€ I hope this helps. Get the license and go on. I support you. Thanks for all work of the team. regards madmax
  8. Hi All, the MAC OSX Update 10.10.3 went well on my E5520 running clover. All working without repairing anything. regards, Madmax
  9. One thing that I noticed today is that the webcam is gone. It was supported bit its not detected anymore.. Anyone an Idea? Please advise. Madmax
  10. Hi, great, Thanks a lot. I just changed the 24 to 27 and it worked the Update went away after the appstore refreshed. Thanks again. Madmax
  11. Hello, a new EFI Firmware update 2.7 is showing up on the Appstore. I obviously should not run that as I have a dell. But the update is getting on my nerves. How can I get rid of it? Rightclick and hide the update is not working... Someone an idea? regards, Madmax
  12. Hi, I just updated to 10.10.1. All Ok. regards, madmax
  13. Hi, yes it works like a charm. I used this thread: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/298027-guide-aio-guides-for-hackintosh/ beginning with post 4. Please pay attention to the settings in SMBIOS in clover. USe the numbers that worked in Mav. To create a config file I used the vietnam tool. imessage and facetime is as well a^topic to pay attention to: Please work thru the entire guide: http://www.tonycrapx86.com/general-help/110471-how-fix-imessage.html have fun. madmax
  14. Hi, I did install Yosemite usinmg the ( or most bits) from here: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/298027-guide-aio-guides-for-hackintosh/page-2 The testing has begone... The next weeks will show what is working and what not. madmax
  15. Hi, Did someone already try to install Mavericks or Yosemite on the e5520 using Clover? I am interested to hear what your experience is? Please share your information regards madmax
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