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Everything posted by Leon

  1. This is a tutorial on how to continue using Onenote on your desktop even on your mac platform by converting the web app into a handy desktop application using a program called Fluid. Thats right, no need to install multiple Operating Systems just create a handy link on your desktop. Note however that the Onenote web app will only work when connected to the internet. This is fine if your computer is usually hooked up and keep in mind that cloud computing is most likely the way we are heading. Also note that the web app is very new and still under development. Do not expect this to have all the features of the full, paid version of Onenote. Steps Sign up to create a Windows Live ID and you will be directed to the SkyDrive page, or if you already have one (if your a user of Hotmail or Messenger), sign in and you will find yourself at the ninemsn start page. For some reason there is no direct link from here to your SkyDrive (the cloud where you can access these web apps) so you will have to: >>Click on the Hotmail or Messenger links on the bar at the top of the page. Then you will see you are in Windows Live and you can click the link in the toolbar which says SkyDrive. Maybe bookmark this. If you can't find it just click here. View and organise your documents in the cloud. On top of the file browser you will see the word 'Create:' then the Microsoft suit icons. These are the links to the web apps so click the Onenote icon (the purple one on the far right) and try it out. Now for the mac bit; download Fluid from its website. For this purpose you could download the free version although for just $4.99 it has some great features. After the download and installation, run it and a window will come up. This will activate a process to turn the apps website into a desktop application. Now you have an option. For the url box either add the url of the Files - SkyDrive page so you can access your files and all the apps easily or put in the url of the tor app while inside your notebook. Mac-style icon The other boxes are self-explanatory, but for the icon, if you leave it it will become the SkyDrive cloud icon so save any of these to your computer and in the drop-down choose 'Other...' and navigate to where you saved it. Click create, wait for the magic to work and you have yourself your very own Mac Onenote app. Now all to do is to is sync your old data to SkyDrive and to start using it! Source: http://www.wikihow.com/Run-Onenote-on-Your-Mac-Desktop-Using-Fluid
  2. Actually, we have voodoopstate integrated in EDP allready together with voodoopmenu .. we call it "Emulated speestep" .. however, some of our team members SSDT patching for as a paid service in case you want it done Just contact [email protected]
  3. There is plenty of awesome eletric sports models around... https://www.google.com/search?q=sports+electric+car&aq=0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=YPDyUN3PE5Lc4QS6-YHIDw&biw=1555&bih=783&sei=YvDyUK_nBaKH4gSAi4GgBA
  4. Hi, Wanna make the world a better place ? take part of these talks and bring forth your ideas. Here is something to get you started. 1. Patents age limit: After a 5-7 years and a patent will expire and the knowledge will belong to the world - for everyone to benefit from, this will force companies to keep a creative level and not just lean back harvest the fruits of a 15 year old patent. 2. Medical Industry change: Medical research, devleopment, care and threatment is free for all and under goverment / non-profit organ Those not under the non-profit organ or running as a non profit organ have to be forced to invest 50% of their profit for cures - not threatments 3. Schools Schools have to be 100% tax funded, private companies can not affect what students thinks or do - further more 4. Fossil fuels Fossil usage such as cars should get a 2000% tax, while energy green cars will have no tax at all 5. Fobid lobying Political intervention by companies is forbidden, companies or special/weird orgnazations do not make the low - people do. 6. Tax system Same tax system everywhere in the world, no diffrence, no tax evation, same system for all, simpel rules 7. Relegion Religion is seperated from state: Religion is a belief, not a law - religous systems is on the same level as a company/co-operation and will pay taxes as such 8. Banking A govermental bank will be created, it is not allowed to carry profit and its only job is borrow money to house owners and the lowest interest rate posebil 9. Micro goverment The world will work forward micro goverments that spend time on leading the open-source/non-profit organzations that handels the actual task 10. No politican is allowed more than a maximum of 10 years within politics - further more, A minister of farming, should have a farmer education, same goes with militray etc.
  5. Credits for this goes to Conti from Sojugarden Quick summary: Connect your n70hd to a windows computer, make sure USB Debugging is enabled. Download and extract this file: N70HD.zip Run the n70dc_jelly_bean_script_v0.5.bat script from the JB Script directory. Run the following options in this order, ignore the rest: 1. Rooted (this roots it) 2. Full market (this modifies it so it appears as a different device on the market) 3. Remove chinese app (this removes the chinese apps that come pre-installed that we'll never use) 6. Change Jelly Bean bootmaion (this changes the boot animation to the nexus X) 7. Reboot (This reboots the n70hd which will complete the modifications) Then install that market unlocker application, the settings in there are self explanatory. Then install android 'adfree' to block all the ads. You can edit the .prop file to adjust the 'scale' of the display
  6. I think your keyword here is SSDT tabels .. i could be wrong.. but i'm pretty sure you need to get the voltage under control to get it right. Exampel, i have the Samsung 900x3c .. it have a Core i5 1,7ghz, its a vpro cpu that can go up to 2,4ghz via turbo-boost, with ssdt tabels patched its now using the turbo boost as part of the normal p-state range.. meaning by machine is much faster in osx than in windows where there usually would be a delay before it activated TB
  7. A smart trick it so verify with coolbook and use the coolbook-fix - coolbook uses another method of extracting p-states. Also, what is important to understand is that p-states will take you alot of the way, but if you want to really cool down your machine you need to look into patching for c-states (voltage) aka SSDT
  8. I'll like to thank everyone invovled in making sure we got added this to EDP - good work boys
  9. For those who needs to run Windows XP Apps on Windows 8 this should help you along. 1) Download WindowsXPMode_en-us.exe from Microsoft. You'll need to run the validation tool to prove your copy of Windows is valid. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download ... px?id=8002 2) Then use 7-Zip or another archive tool to open the EXE file as an archive. 3) Within that archive, find the "sources/xpm" file within it, and extract that folder to your hard drive. 4) Finally, in the extracted xpm file, you'll find a file called VirtualXPVHD. Rename it with a VHD extension 5) make a VM with XP setting and mount the vhd as the HHD SOURCE: http://lifehacker.com/5965889/how-to-ru ... -windows-8 Notes: Offcourse, one could also just install hyper-v role and install a windows xp
  10. Hi, A small update on EDP and plans for january. From now one we will post a news letter regarding EDP at the start of the month with a bit of EDP news - you can also use this thread (either on the forum or on facebook) to request new features etc. In December we released the following features/bug fixes: Support for detecting version number of a kext; this feature will allow us to structure data better in the future New fix for AppleACPIPlatform.kext (The kext used to allow booting of pre-SL systems and give battery support on others) Beta-Support of Dinesh's Elan v4 kext More updates for the Samsung 900x3c Updated the Samsung R530 JT02 pack with native speedstep (SSDT). Fixed resolution in the Dell Latitude D620 DSDT. Added support for Dell Latitude D630 with 1440x900 resolution. (Intel GMA) You can goto Google code and read more: http://code.google.com/p/osxlatitude-edp/source/list So.. tell us.. whats on your wishlist ?
  11. The Magic Trackpad is an awesome accessory for your Mac desktop. It is so awesome that some companies have made their own PC versions of it. But what if you want to use the official Apple trackpad with a PC desktop/laptop? There is a solution! Before we begin: Make sure you have integrated Bluetooth/a Bluetooth 2.1 dongle in your PC. If not, you will not be able to pair your trackpad with the PC. Step 1. Download drivers from http://www.support.apple.com/downloads and download the Magic Trackpad software. DO NOT attempt to open the exe. Step 2. Download 7-zip from http://www.7-zip.org/ so you can extract the exe file. Step 3. Install 7-zip. Step 4. Extract the exe you downloaded from Apple with 7-zip. Step 5. There should be a new file could BootCampUpdate32.msp or BootCampUpdate64.msp. Go ahead and extract our new file. Step 6. Open the newly extracted folder BootCampUpdate32/BootCampUpdate64 Step 7. Open the eighth folder with the phrase BootCamp3135 at the end. Step 8. Search for the file Binary.AppleWirelessTrackpad_Bin. Step 9. Rename this file to Binary.AppleWirelessTrackpad_Bin.exe. Step 10. Run the file and continue to install. Step 11. Go to Control PanelStep 12. Power on the Trackpad. Step 13. Look for "Bluetooth Mouse" or "Apple Wireless Trackpad" in the Bluetooth window. Step 14. Let the device install. Step 15. Trackpad works! There are limitations with using the trackpad on a PC. Gestures that work: 2 finger scrolling 2 finger tap to rightclick Tap to click Click buttons Gestures that DON'T work: 3 fingers to go back/forward 4 finger swipe up/down/left/right I hope this tutorial worked, enjoy your trackpads! Source: http://www.betaarchive.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=26906
  12. Hey mate, Still got this model ?.. i just ordered one.. so if you are still interested i can help you in a few days.
  13. Bootpacks have been updated, please download a new bootpack and try again
  14. You will need to get a patched DSDT: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1945-dsdtssdt-patching/
  15. the notification about bluetooth keyboard/mouse can be disabled under bluetooth settings
  16. hmm.. could be bios settings... i sadly dont have the e6220 anymore.. have a e6320 now.. wich is the core i7 big brother.. guess i need to install osx on it again..
  17. from another mac, install this chameleon to the usb: http://www.osxlatitude.com/files/Chameleon.pkg
  18. Hey mate, I have the same model as you but dident have time for much more than the basic stuff - but feel free to test it out
  19. Should be resolved, thank you for reporting
  20. Reload your cache and check again please
  21. Something is weird with that script.... root@x:/home/lsb# ./ssdtPRGen.sh ./ssdtPRGen.sh: 17: ./ssdtPRGen.sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected .. running it under bash .. root@x:/home/lsb# bash ssdtPRGen.sh 17 2500 sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/hw/logicalcpu: No such file or directory ssdtPRGen.sh: line 264: let: logicalCPUs=: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "=") sysctl: cannot stat /proc/sys/hw/cpufrequency: No such file or directory ssdtPRGen.sh: line 266: let: frequency=: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "=") ssdtPRGen.sh: line 267: let: frequency=( / 1000000): syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/ 1000000)") (standard_in) 1: syntax error ssdtPRGen.sh: line 269: let: turboStates=: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "=") ssdtPRGen.sh: line 47: [: 0: unary operator expected ssdtPRGen.sh: line 76: let: frequency=: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "=") ssdtPRGen.sh: line 77: let: max_ratio=(/100): syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/100)") ssdtPRGen.sh: line 79: [: -gt: unary operator expected ssdtPRGen.sh: line 216: [: 1: unary operator expected
  22. Actually.. tested on ubuntu 10.x+12.x and CentOS .. get the same error on both. Would you mind: 1. Send me (or attach) the version of the script you were using.. thinking the one you attached to the post might be corrupt 2. What linux distro did you use ?
  23. Hey, I'm getting this: root@halo:~# ./ssdtPRGen.sh 17 3500 ./ssdtPRGen.sh: 17: ./ssdtPRGen.sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected What linux distro did you use ?
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