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Do you still think my wifi card will work? Please share what you did. Thanks
I followed typical dw1395 but not working
You mean the fix script? I cannot find it...
I found this Some discussion about my BCM4312
System Info does show the wifi card, but the system acts like not see it. As I sayed, swap a hdd with windows, the wifi works fine and so no problem with Bios and slot. The other slot is for WWAN, But it looks just like the WLAN slot, it that switchable?
Thanks Rhyker, DW1395 is printed on the physical card, but I don't see broadcom lable though. So you reinstalled and it recognized the card? Thant sonds great! Here are copied my wifi cards info. I don't know how to take photo for these small prints: WLAN MAC:001FE2818973 REV A02 DW 1395 Made in China CN-0JR356-13740-86N-097P-A02 T77H021.00 LF 42014456-03 WLAN MAC: 001FE182E12B REV A01 DW1395 Make in China CN-0JR356-13740-85H-0f0O-A01 T77H021.00 LF 42014086-02L1 I have 2 D430 U7700, the same kind of wifi card, I swap hard drives but their behaviors are the same(sadly). I'm ready to do more re-installations anyways. Bronxteck suggested that by booting on that usb pen, the wifi light should already on, but this never happen to me: feel bad
Thanks a lot robi62! Is it possible to restore the carbon copy to 3rd partition instead of the 1st one?
Thanks Bronxteck. My iMac gets unstable recently with very normal usage. This time it says version mismatch or no model number that I don't get it... Anyway, should not be a big damage. It can still boot to win7 (bootcamp)
Yesterday I tried to put Broadcom43XXFamily.kext into /Extra/Extensions, it not help at all but make mouse freeze, and rebuild EDP cause kernel panic. Here is the way I save the installation: boot to usb installer, use installer's terminal to delete directory /Extra, file boot reboot with usb installer, then choose boot to hdd installation, then install EDP and build extensions, then install bootLoader I think having two partitions for osx is a good idea, move /Users and any time consuming custom data/app to another partition, that way one can install, re-install os with less cost.
Look at the picture in my last post, it says MacBook Air Mine is a working DW1395. I also got a DW1390 from ebay for $6 (free shipping, probably coming tomorrow). But seem won't help since the problem is in the installer. Anyway to obtain some other SnowLeopard installer img? My iMac is crashed, i've to bring it to apple store this weekend. It cannot finish making installation usb, so I reboot the machine, but it keeps getting kernel panic since, and disk repair doesn't help.
I guess so. Once I did mbr partitions, installed xp, win7 and then a hack version of osx10.5.x, and then ubuntu. after ubuntu installation is done, the boot menu shows windows, macos and lunux, if choose windows, i get sub boot menu for xp and win7. The partition is in mbr. The problem is that my usb osx installer refuse mbr partitions but the old hack version of osx10.5 accepts mbr partitions. I guess the 10.6.0 img is from a particular installer for macbook air. That's why it'll not support my wireless card...
So we are really in the same situation now. The 10.6.0 img I downloaded from <link removed> iss the only working source for me to create the usb installation pen. And the wifi issue seems related to this image. I have OSX 10.6.4 DVD from apple but haven't successfully created usb instl pen from it (according to the wiki). I guess eventually I have to get the usb installation pen correctly first so that I can really follow those without wifi problems. Rhyker with what img you get DW1395 work OOTB? I have the AirPort info here But WWAN info here (can also see hardware list without the DW card)
I tried this few days ago. OSX requires partition in GUID rather than MBR, thus windows xp installation cd became not bootable? I'll try once more tomorrow.
Thanks Bronxteck and Rhyker. I should read and follow wiki more. I put another hard drive with windows xp to my D430 U7700. wifi worked just fine then. So bios and the card are all right themselves. I downloaded Broadcom43XXFamily.kext and put it into the extension folder, reboot, still no good. There is a post somewhere on the web talking about edit some system config to force load the card. I'll give it a try. I also like to try some older EDP, say 1.6...
i've read the instruction but not sure this works for both win7 and xp. i'll give it a try. Many Thanks Rhyker
Thanks a lot Rhyker, the trick works! There are cases(not generally true that) sleep worked without set system password, am i right?
On iMac, one can use parallel to install win2k, winxp and other OS's as VMs, but this is not an option for D430 since it got limitation of 2GB ram, and the cpu and temperature could also not ok with VM
Just out of curiosity, is it possible dualbooting osx and xp on D430? I think D630 is ok but D430 has ide HDD that could make things harder.
I have a D630 c2d 2.2gh, 3Gb mem, intel 1440x900. Had various trouble install any hackintosh before I found this site. The laptop is now multiboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) with win2k, xp and ubuntu and I have a 250gb hard drive for trying osx out. I'm completely open for any version of osx and like to know your recommendations. I tried to create usb installer from my 10.6.4 dvd from apple but failed, it boot to a black screen... I also used the downloaded sld430 installer, the same thing: boot to black screen... Could anyone give me some advices for getting started? Thanks a lot
I tried with both EDP1.9 and 1.9.2, still not working. .. Don't know if this has anything to do with the order of EDP install/config and OS update...
I tried all but only 1 works for me since I use track point a lot
Thanks a lot Rhyker. Mine is DW1395, and I just tried EDP1.9 with usb installer by SLD430USB.img, updated to 10.6.8 with xcode, but still don't see wifi, and sleep does not working. ethernet is fine for both EDP1.9 and 1.9.2 Dont know what wrong with my D430 U7700... will a working config backup help in my case?
But after a re-installation of the whole thing, it stop working now:( Really a mystery thing for me