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Posts posted by v3ct0r

  1. I run the software update (from the little apple at the upper left corner of desktop). As soon as it says that i have to reboot to complete the upgrade i click cancel, then i run kextwizard to install updated kext. After this i resume the update. After reboot a little window appear but when the bar is about to finish it says that installer encountered in an error.





    Yes, this may happen. It really did succeed though (or at least it should've). Reboot and check the version number in "About this mac"

  2. Again with 10.8... i tryed to reinstall it... on the installer logs i found this warnings:

    NSSoftLinking-The Librarian Framework's could not be loaded frm (null)

    NSSoftLinking-The function `LBCurrentProcessHasUbiquityContainer` can't be found in the Librarian Framework

    [NSImage CompositeToPoint:fromRect:operation:] is deprecated in MAC OS 10.8 and later. Please use [NSImage drawPoint:operation:fraction] instead

    Keyboard Layouts: duplicated keyboard identifier -16899

    Keyboard layout identifier -16899 has been replaced with -28673

    Keyboard Layouts: duplicated keyboard identifier -16900

    Keyboard layout identifier -16900 has been replaced with -28674


    Can my issue be a keyboard layout issue? I have an Italian Keyboard.




    I do not think that the layout would be an issue, although it very well could be. I simply do not know enough about that.

    In fact, I think you should make your own thread to ask others, as they may know much more than I do, and will be able to help you better.

    It seems like you are extremely close to completing your install and I hope that you get this issue resolved soon...

  3. Patel,


    I haven't done my install yet. I was busy and waiting for some progress. The thread has gotten fairly busy with different branches from the first guide.


    I'd like to make a few recommendations. Start new threads for: 10.8 ML E6410 guide, 10.8.1 ML E6410 guide, 10.8.2 ML E6410 guide and also 10.8 ML E6410 troubleshooting, same for 10.8.1 and 10.8.2


    The discussion is becoming a mess and confusing. Since Katta, Jon, you and I are the main readers, what does everyone think?


    I don't know about everyone else, but I can say that I do not think that making a thread for each version of ML would be a good idea...


    As for the troubleshooting, I think a troubleshooting thread may be a good idea. We'll just have to move the conversation happening here to it once it's created (which shouldn't be too hard).

  4. Bios upgraded to A12 bud didn't fix the issue.

    It is really strange. Also during the installation, on welcome screen i have the same issue. Mouse remains with the colored circle for 6 mins and in the meanwhile i can't press the arrows to go forward. This happens with both 10.8 and 10.8.2 installer.






    If it happens in the installer, then try booting with GraphicsEnabler=No


    What really gets me though, is that you have the same configuration I do, and mine works almost perfectly!


    Is your mouse and/or keyboard Bluetooth? Or are you using the internal ones?

  5. OK, thanks.


    Noting the spelling above I did "rm -rf AppleIntelHd*.kext" and "rm -rf AppleIntelHD*.kext". Neither commands prompted any errors.


    On restart (USB inserted but selecting the HD to boot from) it hangs. When I select -v option I get the same error message, as per attachment.


    What is AppleUSBEHIC ?? Is this video or HD related or simply a core USB driver?




    Also, Ive now upgraded the BIOS to version A13 (latest), figured it couldn't hurt and something between A09 and A12 could have been stopping it... it wasn't:)






    To be honest, I don't know what AppleUSBEHIC. All I know is that I've seen it before and that it comes right before "Still waiting for root device"


    As a last resort, I remember having this same problem on an E6400. Nothing would fix it (at first), and then only thing that did was for me to clear the Lion partition on the same drive (the two partitions were interfering with each other). So if you have another OS X partition, I would delete it (after backing everything up) and then try reinstalling Mountain Lion.


    Lastly, I would like to say I am deeply sorry that this has been as complicated as it is. It takes a lot of patience to do this and that is something that you seem to have a lot of!

  6. No problem.


    Since you have Intel Graphics, you will have to delete the two kexts mentioned above by


    1. Booting off of the USB drive

    2. Navigating to terminal

    3. Entering the following:


    cd /volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Extensions

    sudo rm -rf AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext

    sudo rm -rf AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext


    6. Lastly, restart and you should be able to boot into your Mountain Lion e6410 using the same commands as the usb installer.


    As always, if you cant, boot into verbose mode and post the error/hang point here.


    Fingers crossed that this works :-)!


    PS. There may be typos as i typed this on my tablet...in the commands, i am basically refering to the two kexts you deleted originally off the usb drive...

  7. Thanks for the -R tip. That worked a treat.


    Now, the machine won't even start to boot without the USB loader plugged in. When I use that and select the HD a a boot devie it hangs in the same way as it did before, using -v shows "AppleUSBEHCI" at fault and then I see the same message 'the IOUSBFamily gave up enumerating a USB device after 10 retries.


    I'm stuck again!




    Hey Jon,


    Did I ever ask you to post your harware specs? If so I don't remember them, but do you have an Intel or Nvidia Graphics card? The reason I ask is because (in all my experiences) the "Still waiting for root device" message is an indication that the system doesn't recognize the graphics card properly, and therefore won't boot.


    If you have an Intel, then you will need to remove the AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext and the AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext. Let me know and I will post instructions on how to do that.

  8. Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what am I doing wrong?


    I can navigate to the "Patched Kexts" folder in Terminal, but when I enter the cp command line I get an error to say that AppleAHCIPort.kext is a directory and cant be copied. Sure enough, when I interogate the USB it is actually a directory with stuff inside it (there is a file called AppleAHCIPort in /Contents/MacOS - do I just need to copy that file into the /System/Library/Extension folder or something else?


    I suspect I may have extracted the files from the downloaded zip file incorrectly and transferred the files rather than the kext container to the USB??? Problem is Im not near my mac now, only a PC and a half dead hackintosh with Terminal! Is there a way to do it from the patch component files and folders or is it better to wait until I get back to the mac and re-copy the kext?






    No, that would be my fault. I forgot the -r after cp. So really, the terminal commands should look like this:



    cd "/Volumes/myHack OS X Install Disk/Patched Kexts"

    cp -R AppleAHCIPort.kext "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Extensions"

    cp -R IOAHCIFamily.kext "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Extensions"


    I am very sorry for this. It was a stupid mistake on my part.

  9. That's great! (I think) you installed Mountain Lion! The installation failed error is a part of the process sometimes; sometimes it says succeeded.



    Anyway, I believe you have to replace the kexts on the HDD with the patched ones...I'll help you with this later (I gotta get to work).


    Okay, so to replace the kexts on the HDD with the patched ones from the first post here, the easiest way for you to do this would be to throw the patched kexts (after being unzipped) onto the USB Installer, boot from the installer, and use Terminal to install them.


    To begin:

    1. Make sure you did not rename your myHack installer drive; if you did, replace anywhere you see "myHack OS X Install Disk" with the name you renamed the flash drive to
    2. Unzip the patched kexts to a folder (I will call the folder "Patched Kexts" in the instructions; replace it with whatever name you called yours) and copy that folder to the root of your flash drive
    3. Boot the computer from the USB flash drive and use the same kernel flags (if any) to boot.
    4. Click Continue and Agree and then in the menu bar (on top) click Utilities, and then Terminal
    5. The commands you will use in Terminal are (replace the names of folders/disks in red to whatever you may have named it):

    cd "/Volumes/myHack OS X Install Disk/Patched Kexts"

    cp AppleAHCIPort.kext "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Extensions"

    cp IOAHCIFamily.kext "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Extensions"

    1. Exit Terminal and click on Utilities in the menu bar (on top) and open myHack.
    2. Select Run myFix
    3. Select Full
    4. When it finishes, restart and hope and pray that it boots without a problem (as always, if it doesn't, restart again with "-v" (without quotes) and post the error/line it hangs at here).

  10. Ran a full fix of my laptop. Nothing changed. I stil have to wait about 6 mins before can write the password to login.

    The grey wallpaper with the apple in the middle stay for 1 min. After that i have login screen but i can't use mouse or keyboard before 6 mins :(


    I have installed 10.8.


    Other stuff works perfectly.


    Try updating to 10.8.2 using the 9/4/2012 edit instructions (but remember NOT TO REBOOT AFTER YOU INSTALLED THE UPDATE! APPLY THE PATCHED KEXTS FIRST!)


    That should solve that problem and I'll be stumped if it doesn't.

  11. Ok, so finally got the installer to run again (after lots of switching on and off again!!).


    It went through the 20-40 minute excercise and when it got to the end it gave me the picture in the attachment!


    I could still run myHack from the menu at the top and then navigated to install Extra (myOwn and Extra folder). This completed.


    When I try to restart the computer now, it wont boot from the HD and nothing seems to happen.




    thoughts please.







    When I use the USB stick to boot and use the -v option I now get to the following before it stops.. Is this a HD controller kext?




    The BIOS is definitely set to AHCI.


    That's great! (I think) you installed Mountain Lion! The installation failed error is a part of the process sometimes; sometimes it says succeeded.



    Anyway, I believe you have to replace the kexts on the HDD with the patched ones...I'll help you with this later (I gotta get to work).

  12. What BIOS release are people running on the E6410? Im currently running A09. Would changing make a difference?


    My only concern about upgrading is that its a work laptop that Ive taken the HD out of and it must be able to boot Windows7 when i put the original disk back in!


    Also, my machine has only got 4Gb RAM. Is that enough for Mountain Lion?





    I am on (what should be) the latest and greatest A12...in fact, I totally forgot about this even though I mentioned it to others in a different thread! laugh.gif


    Anyway, yes, updating the BIOS can make a HUGE difference!


    Also, 4GB of RAM is plenty (it's the same amount I have), .and it makes Mountain Lion SNAPPY!

  13. Also, if I boot from the USB without the "-v" option, the machine hangs on the grey screen with Apple Logo on it and the little spinning cursor keeps spinning... No USB or HD activity.




    Yea I've had that happen when first trying to get Mountain Lion on this...


    It's a lot easier to sort out once the OS gets installed! Basically, this is the pretty much the hardest part (just getting it to boot to the installer).


    After you can get it to boot from the installer, booting from the disk should be much easier.

  14. Hi Patel,



    I downloaded 10.8.2 Mountain Lion and rebuilt the USB image using the E6410 10.8.1.zip, following your guide to the letter. I then deleted AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext and AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext from the /System/Library/Extensions folder and ejected from the Mac.


    I installed using the "-v" option and the Dell shows all the files loaded on the grey screen & white text. Its goes further than it did yesterday and then swaps over to a black screen with white text, this screen also goes further than it did yesterday and comes to a halt as shown in the attached image.


    At this point there is no USB or HD activity.


    Any further thoughts?





    I don't see your attached image...

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