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Posts posted by v3ct0r

  1. OK, so latest Mountain Lion Installer (I shall download that later), plus th eE6410 ML 10.8.1zip file.


    Do I need to do anything with the kexts, or just follow the guide to the letter?





    Follow the guide to the letter and then (as the very last step before rebooting from the USB Drive) remove the AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext and AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext.

    I hope this works! :)

  2. Ok, so I downloaded the (pre 24/8/12) E6410ML.zip file, dragged the kexts from S/L/E folder into kext wizard, selected "Backup kexts that will be replaced", clicked on "System/Library/Extensions" and selected the correct Target Disk, then clicked install. After that finished I went to the Maintenenance Tab, clicked on "Extra" and "System/Library/Extensions", selected the right target disk and then clicked Execute. After that finished I went to MyHack and selected a myFix (Full). This is where it started to go wrong...


    It started off OK and then took all night with the USB activity light flashing and nothing else happening. This morning I tried to boot from the USB in the laptop and got the same errors as before (different numbers after USBF: xx.yyy and Addr:3, EP:) this time instead of 4,0 last time).


    Did I do something wrong?


    I still have the AppleIntekHDGraphics.kext and AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext missing from the USB drive since I deleted them (unless doing the above put them back?).


    Suggestions please.






    Hey Jon,


    It doesn't seem like you are doing anything wrong...


    Try making sure that the BIOS settings are correct (the SATA Configuration setting should be AHCI, not anything else)...


    If that doesn't work for you, I would try and rebuild the USB drive again, but this time by using the 10.8.2 Mountain Lion installer which was just put out by Apple today. Note that you need to use the "E6410 ML 10.8.1.zip" (found in the first post under the 9/4/2012 edit) and NOT the "E6410 ML.zip" with the guide instead.

  3. That definitely is a lot of help! But next time, after you see Still waiting for root device, you can shut down :-)


    Anyway, try using the patched kexts for 10.8.1 from the first post using kext wizard, and then run a myFix (Full) on the flash drive. I may have uploaded the wrong e6410 ml 10.8.1.zip which doesn't contain those two kexts...


    Please let me know how that works for you.

  4. Great guide!

    My E6410 boot succesfully into OS X ;)


    Just 1 things: OS X boot successfully but it takes something like 5-6 minutes before i can put my password to login (login screen appears after 1 minute but mouse and keyboard starts working after 5 mins)


    Any suggestion?


    Hi katta,


    Did you install the chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) bootloader during the setup?


    Also, what are your machine's specifications (ex. CPU, Graphics, etc.)?

  5. Hi Patel,

    I too have IntelHD graphics and downloaded my Mountain Lion yesterday from the App Store, so have also downloaded the 10.8.1 myhack, E6410 ML 10.8.1.zip.


    I have followed your initial guide and above suggestion to the T and still get the same problem as before - The machine starts to boot, i see the grey screen with Apple logo, then the activity light on the USB stops and a minute or so later I get a circle with a line through it appear over the top section of the apple logo, where it hangs until I turn off the machine.


    Any help greatly appreciated.





    Hey Yorkshire_Jon,


    At the bootloader/screen where you see the hard drive icons, can you please hover over the partition/disk with Mountain Lion and type "-v" (without quotes) and then enter? Then, all you need to do is post the last few lines that it hangs at here.

  6. Congratulations! That's really great news!


    To answer your unifail question, I am not entirely sure why it doesn't work, but I do know it is the way that myHack creates the USB installer. It seems to use a custom version of chameleon (the bootloader) and adds all kexts S/L/E by creating a myhack.kext and taking the ones from /Extra and adding them plugins to that specific kext.


    I am sure there is much more at play there but I just don't know what. All I can say is that Conti is amazing :-)

  7. Hey Patel, 1st thanx for working on this laptop for mountain lion. Just ran across this now as i wish to install moutain on this bad boy. The E6410 I feel is a great machine to run OS X on outside the minor change or changes...(wifi, video..not for me though i have NVM3100 B) ). Don't got a webcam though :huh: ..funny how Dell makes these models in so many revisions. Anyway, I'm about to try out your install for Mountain Lion on the E6410 right now and I will post back and let you know my results.


    From what I've read thus far though, great guide.


    (just gotta find a spare jump drive. Its one around here somewhere)


    Good luck! I hope all goes well!


    I would love to know how it goes!



  8. So I follow the guide to the very end, then perform these steps? Thanks.


    Follow the "Creating the Installer" section completely (but remember to use the E6410 ML 10.8.1.zip if you downloaded the Mountain Lion installer after August 23, 2012; not the E6410 ML.zip), and then follow the instructions in my last post when finished following just that section.


    Good luck!

  9. Oh okay,


    Sorry; I didn't understand your previous post very well..


    First, if you've downloaded the Mountain Lion installer after 8/24/2012, you need to use the E6410 ML 10.8.1.zip with the guide.


    Once you have made your USB Installer, since you are on intel graphics, try and delete the AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext from System/Library/Extensions by doing the following:

    1. On a working mac/hackintosh with your USB Installer plugged in, open the flash drive to reveal its contents in Finder
    2. Open the System folder
    3. Open the Library folder
    4. Open the Extensions folder
    5. Delete AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext by dragging it to the Trash from Finder
    6. Delete AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext by dragging it to the Trash from Finder
    7. Use Kext Wizard to repair permissions and rebuild caches (Open Kext Wizard, Navigate to the "Maintenance" tab in the bar at the top, select the USB Installer from the drop-down, select /Extra and /System/Library/Extensions (all check boxes should now be checked), and then click Execute)
    8. Eject your USB Installer from the working mac/hackintosh and try booting to the installer on your E6410 (press F12 at the Dell logo screen/BIOS to enter the One time boot menu and then select the USB Storage Device from the list


    Let me know if you have anymore questions

  10. Dear Patel,


    First thanks for your work and guide! I have the same setup as MArc with IntelHD graphics.


    First I downloaded the latest E6410 ML 10.8.1 as I've downloaded my retail ML copy this morning.


    When you wrote below, what 2 kexts need to be removed from S/L/E? I haven't installed and want to try with the correct fresh kexts? If it wouldn't be too much trouble could you add the proper kexts in a separate zip for those with Intel HD graphics and indicate which steps in your guide change for these graphics?


    This may save you a lot of questions. Another route would be to create a separate thread for the guide for Intel HD graphics and I'm sure Marc and I can post our successes there. Thanks!


    "Anyhow, try removing these two kexts from S/L/E and rebuild your caches/repair permissions with Kext Wizard if you haven't already after putting those other two kexts back:




    Hey richbutler1,


    I will definately upload a second pack for intel graphics and modify the guide, but before I do so, I would like to confirm what works and what doesn't under it.


    Since I don't have a 6410 with intel graphics to test with, Marc and yourself are a big help to me and everyone else in getting mountain lion to work with 6410s with the intel graphics.

  11. thank you i will do this

    would the fact i have intel gpu and not the nvidia be an issue? i was thinking this was not a factor until after the install was done


    i am really looking forward to seeing mac os x running on my pc! ! !


    Hahaha! That would in fact be the problem! I thought you had an Nvidia all along!


    For now, put all the kexts back where they belong that you removed as this will not solve your problem.


    I will get back to you later...

  12. i did remove the file you requested and it still stopped at the same place?????

    should i re-build with out that ktext??




    Try removing AppleIntele1000.kext from S/L/E on the flash drive and see what happens. If its the same error again, put the kexts back...


    I will be on vacation this weekend so I am sorry in advance if I can't get back to you as quickly.

  13. sorry took so long to get back new job has been fun but busy like well anyway


    last this on the screen is

    IOAPIC:version 0X20 vector 64:87

    and now the usb shuts off??


    thank you for the help!!


    Okay Marc,


    Try and remove the DSDT.aml from the /Extra folder on the USB drive and try booting...


    If that doesn't work, post your system specs (CPU, Graphics Card, etc.) and the verbose mode (-v) message where it hangs...

  14. i have followed this guide but seem that on first boot to install i get the boot loader and choose install mac os x the screen is black for a few seconds then turns gray apple appears in the middle the circle spins and thumb drive flashes a bit then turns off a few seconds later its back on and nothing else happens i let it sit for a good 20 minutes and nothing????????? thought i might have made the thum wrong so i started over and re-did the entire thing same results


    any would would be awesome





    Hey Marc,


    At the bootloader, try typing in "-v" (without quotes) and let me know where it hangs...

  15. That's a normal thing (takes longer depending on how much RAM you have) In BIOS, try setting the Boot Time to Minimal.


    I get the slow POST every time I button-mash F12, even with the Minimal boot on...


    The trick for me is to wait until it says "press f12 to enter one time boot now..." in the top right and then I press it ONCE.

  16. the reason that myhack takes longer is because it is building a kernel cach and moving your extra into s\l\e while correcting permissions... you should not mix the methods. faster does not mean better.


    But Kext Wizard also rebuilds the kernel cache and repairs permissions, and that doesn't take long for it to do. So I guess moving the kexts from S/L/E is what's taking a while? I know that when myHack moves the kexts, it really just adds them as plugins to the myHack.kext, but that shouldn't take 30-45 minutes... Should it?

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