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Everything posted by Bigman

  1. Hi guys! It is such a nice thing to see people being so giving...Wow let us all keep this up. THANKS!
  2. Jake Lo Once again i thank you for your response. But i am so scared to mess up what now seems to be a perfect system minus the iMessage and stuff. The instructions on the link to me is very vague and as such i lack the confidence to even attempt it. keep up the excellent work guys... Quick question though, if CI/QE works in windows is it then possible that soon there will be an answer for QE on this machine or is it a dead issue. Kinda hard to swallow since so many geniuses keep popping out every day...
  3. Good Morning good people. Just stop by to see if anyone got Imessage to work. It would be nice.
  4. Ok i finally got a chance to implement Jake Lo fix and by golly a fix it turned out to be. I actually did not have to redo the whole thing at all. I just did as Jake Lo instructed and my E6410 is now awesome! whohoo! Thanks guys. Now i am going to install it on my SSD Drive now i am sure it is working. I had used a spare drive to try my luck incase it did not work i would have my original ML still intact. you guys are the best. Update: just noticed my graphics is sometime jittery. any ideas...
  5. Hi Jake Lo Ok i will do the fix you suggested then we will see where i go from there. i just need a system for my DJ system so the best fix will suffice. I will let you guys know how i make out later.
  6. Thank you Jake Lo for coming to my rescue. I just got in and will be trying this asap. Did we have Core Image in mountain lion? I don't remember at all. Once again guys thanks and have a wonderful day.
  7. OK thanks anyway Patel and Congrats on making it to Admin/Crew status. I finally made the plunge and installed Maverick with the usual Intel issues...one question, has anyone managed to get a 6410 with Intel gpu running on Mavericks at all. Compared to the functionality we had on Mountain Lion. I do not want to be an idiot by asking a question that has been asked 100 times so far. But most response here I think are for people who knows what they are doing and as such cause noobs like my self to ask questions that are sometimes unesassary. I just wish the people who find fixes would take the time to explain in detail how to apply fixes to the extent that you take time to make your process as idiot proof as possible.
  8. I guys sorry for the Haidas i was so distracted plus recently moved. Still not settled in yet...Hate moving!!! I noticed the Mav guide is for Nvidea whats up with intel GPUs
  9. Quick question to admin; Are you guys anywhere close to publishing an official EDP for the Dell E6410? It would sure be nice as these machines are TANKS. Ok enough yaking on my part. Once again thank you Patel for your dedication and hard work i am sure it has helped a lot of us.
  10. Hey Patel Remember me? lol Well I have a progress report for you. I have been busy for a while. Just got a chance to do an update since my last post. Well as it was my E6510 just crossed a major milestone. I realized my video was choppy and jittery along with the notification bar being pixelated and jumpy. I did some research and found out i did not have CI Core Image or QE Quartz Extreme functions. Well I stumbled around and found these Kexts that Gave me CI Core Image. This is after trying for QE and CI together then i had to dig the QE stuf out and re-installed the CI Core Image Kexts using Kext Wizard. Ok i then repaired cashe and permissions and rebooted. My core image works perfectly now to my surprise. To prove it I went to System Preference / Screensaver and chose the first at the top left. If you see the pictures in the preview window then it is proof that CI Core Image is functioning. I think someone posted the link to the QE/CI Guide earlier in this forum so i wont repost. Plus i dont think i have or dont know how to attach the Kexts here. Do you think it is possible to get QE going on this E6410 at all? If not i am quite happy with things the way they are now. I have the E6410 intel Grahics i5 8gig mem and 320Gig HD. I am actually writing this post on the machine right now.
  11. Herve I think this site is the best thing since SLICED BREAD...lol I did the E/E thing you suggested earlier and i all good. thanks a million sir.
  12. yuri624 One of my D630 used to do that but i just bought a new Bluetooth card and installed it and all was ok. The blue light and everything worked after that.
  13. My ethernet does not work on my D630 ML is a beast on it. Plus the info says Macbook Air. Is that normal?
  14. Huh what Thermal squares? cant i just use Thermal paste? Di need to manually setup the bios... any info on that.
  15. Hi Patel I wish it would make me smarter to slap myself...I just did as you instructed and PRESTO! my sound is good. I too just used Chameleon as my bootloader with no problem at all. I have never even thought to chimera (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) at all. Now i have a Hacbook Pro 8,1 complete with Bluetooth, Wifi, Sound and video working perfectly. I am very happy as whatever don't work i don't need anyway...lol. How about creating a EDP for this site officially. as I think you have managed to perfect this Install for the E6410. Don't forget I have the system with Intel Graphics. Yipeeeeeee! this thing is sosoooo snappy. Do you think if i changed the Processor to i7, would it cause any troubles. PS. I am still timid about the Update... Thank you good sir!
  16. Hi Patel, I am very grateful to you sir for your efforts. I just realized that my sound does not work. My system says it is installed but no output or input. Help! everything else work but for sound. Did i miss a step for the sound not to work. hehehe biting my nails here...kinda....just happy to see ML on my E6410
  17. Hi Patel I am happy to have come across your guide i too was having trouble with my E6410 i5 8Gig Intel GPU. I took the time to read almost the whole thread to get my machine up and running. At first my machine would not allow the Mouse and Ethernet to work. But after trying different combos, I realize that you have to choose the extra from the stick and not the generic one that my hack tries to install. So when the install ask you choose just choose "My own" and navigate to the extra that is in the E6410 folder that Patel provides. Now all my stuff works. Plus it is not calling my machine a iMac anymore but a Macbook Pro 8,1 in System Information. I AM SCARED TO UPGRADE 10.8.2 THOUGH MR Patel do you think it is safe to do so? lol
  18. I am thinking of just sending my machine to you Sir Mr. Patel4Prez
  19. Hi guys i am so new here but as a result i am running a D630 with everything functioning including Bluetooth, Wifi (Via Broadcom bought from Ebay), Sleep works perfectly even with lid. This thing is in every way a Lattbook (punn intended). I used ihack to make a SL stick and after setting up a bunch of stuff (most i dont remember now), I then ran the auto EDP as it said it needed the internet to work. I really dont know much but after i rebooted i had a perfect working D630. After a few days a got the nerve to to run the SYSTEM UPDATE from apple live: and BAAAAM i have a fully updated macbook...i mean Hacbook. My video is the intell X3100...think it said 965 in the beginning. Happy to be a part of this comunity. I forgot to mention that i did install win7 and flashed the bios to A18 then went and did the OSX thing which removed Windows. I am happy to be able to use this as a dedicated DJ Machine to run Virtual DJ and Serato for my System. Works fine. And yes i have a Apple logo on the back that starts a lot of conversations lately.
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