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  1. And airdrop, handoff, etc. works?
  2. Sure, I will upload it later (as I’m writing this from my ipad right now). I didn’t experience any slowness or something. Something surely to check out. Question: do you have wifi working and how did you do that?
  3. I upgraded my 850 G3 to Sonoma. Changed the model from MBP 14,2 to 15,1 and I was able to install Sonoma (I used ocAuxiliaryTools.app to update Jake's OC 85 EFI to OC 95). Sound worked, Network too. I don't know about bluetooth. Wifi didn't and here is when it gets tricky I made an attempt with OC Legacy Patcher but it didn't find the DW1560 wifi card. @Jake Lo, do you think you can build a Sonoma configuration for the 8x0 G3 series?
  4. Dortiana doesn’t have much on hibernation. But I did some experiments and was able to initiate hibernation (with hibernationfixup.kext). However, the victory was short lived, as I ended up with Rtc error on wake up. And… you guessed it, as with hibernation, not many people bothered to investigate in depth what regions are troubling.
  5. @Jake Lo do the sleep settings need adjustment too or does hibernation work? I would like to enable it. What I tried is adding hibernationfixup.kext and switching from mode 3 to 25 and I also tried setting womp to 1, but it just sleeps regular.
  6. Everything is up and running, thanks I also checked my bios settings and there are three I don’t understand as they’re contrary to the recommended state in on other guides: Power Management Options Extended Idle Power States checked Deep Sleep checked Power Control unchecked What’s the effect of these, in particular the last one? Nevermind. Found it https://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c06114605 cheers, Eddie
  7. @Jake Lo thanks for the Ventura update. I appreciate it very much. Because Ventura officially doesn’t support Skylake processors, do we need to generate a new serial number? (as Apple’s serial numbers are associated with the model). cheers, eddie
  8. I’m happy to help. I can send the EFI later (not at my computer right now). I used Jake’s version 0.7.9 and updated the kexts and OC to 0.8.1 What model do you have?
  9. Actually I had to add one extra (I found out that after insert/ejecting an USB drive I got the Post error again), so it becomes: rtcfx_exclude=54,58,59,DF
  10. Yeah, I checked those out with MaciASKL, I see how much could be reduced. Thank you Do you know if tdisabling the RTCFix patch and with installing the RTCMemoryFixup.kext and adding rtcfx_exclude=58,59,DF as boot-args it's all good?
  11. Thanks @Jake Lo for your guide for running opencore 0.7.9 on the 840 G3. I was able to install Monterey 12.4 with OC 0.8.1 My 850 G3 has the latest BIOS v1.55 (April 2022). I have only one error visible: Post report on reboot. Setting DisableRtcChecksum to Yes, didn't work. So I disabled RTCFix patch and with installing the RTCMemoryFixup.kext and adding rtcfx_exclude=58,59,DF as boot-args I don't see the error anymore. I noticed that you don't use the suggested SSDT by Dortania, don't we need those? (SSDT-EC-USBX-LAPTOP.aml SSDT-IGPU.aml SSDT-PLUG-DRTNIA.aml SSDT-PNLF.aml SSDT-USBX.aml SSDT-XOSI.aml) Also your SSDT-840G3.aml is a lot smaller than the other files with the same name out there, was there so much bloat in the other files? How do I know if my system is working ok? I don't SEE any errors... Thanks for the assistance. Eddie
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