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Everything posted by WhenMusicAttacks

  1. Hello, if i update JakeLo original EFIs using 1.0.2 opencore. i get stuck at [EB|LOG:EXITBS:START] That is Default 0.8.4 boots Monterey fine, just wanted to use OpencoreConfigurator to edit the config
  2. i think only 64mb makes any difference, higher value do nothing, but i might be wrong here that wass for sure what i needed to get 2k 144hz on my 7400 before
  3. for 8th gen it should be: setup_var.efi 0xA10 0x02 but always better to test first (or get ready to disconnect cmos battery if fails) another guide is here: https://github.com/dreamwhite/bios-extraction-guide/tree/master/Dell
  4. I can confirm undervolt is working with : setup_var.efi 0xDA 0x0 -n CpuSetup and FF0F0000 for CSR, using VoltageShift I am currently testing my 10310u, my 8365u was doing 100 70 100 55 70 70 as stable offsets, these values are crashing now so testing 80 60 80 40 60 60 -- EDIT: also TDP setting works, i can put any value as long (PL1), it was 15 by default. I still have to mod the cooling to actually take advantage of this
  5. I have some issues with igpu on Monterey, mostly using Firefox. The S7100X is a powerhouse with modded vbios. I need to release the vbios modding tool somewhere. I got the card for 20 euros and use it on windows with modded drivers to play some Battlefield 2042 Ventura should work with patches from OCLP for the dgpu 2015 15" mac (the radeon card should be the same chip) EFI_Precision_m6800_Firepro7100_oc9.7.zip
  6. Hello guys, i love the work you are doing here. Did you enable undervolt with Voltageshift? It gives a HUGE boost in performance + battery life. DIsabling CFG Lock and Overclocking Lock fwith setup_var is required. https://github.com/sicreative/VoltageShift Also, i found that enabling Dell Sensors kills realtime performance for audio. I guess some sensor polling takes resources. I want to make my 5410 perfect for audio production, will try to get Thunderbolt for my UAD audio card working. My current 7400 has no issues, but the battery is dead and the keys are working bad, i figured out i might aswell try a new machine with much bigger battery.
  7. Hello, i am working on a updated 5410 EFI, i want it to be great as it will be my main computer in the coming year. I have used your ACPI as starting point, as i found some previous EFIs around the web rebooting at load. Are you still running this ACPI configuration ? Thanks!
  8. With MXM gpus, you can get the dGpu to work as CUDA or METAL accelerator with the iGpu enabled - if you need the GPU for internal display 3d render though, you have to get it working on the actual display itself i have k2100m in my m4800 working fine with some older folder and High Sierra, i'm now working on switch to OpenCore also because i have broken audio on the machine and i might aswell start new.
  9. Thank you very much for your answer. C States are supposed to be idle states and should improve battery life, that was my guess, and they sure did no hurt when i did these (igpu issue was already there). I removed them anyway and also the acpi drops, CPU still idles at 800mhz. But the issue with igpu remains, every system i ever did with intel GPU idles at 0mhz, even with older Ivy Bridge hd4000, so something is definitely wrong on that side. I used the 7x40 bootpack on this forum to setup the machine, it all works good (except for hdmi at more than 1080p but that's not an issue here). I could try to raise the stolen memory to 128mb to see if that changes anything. things i tried : remove the connector patches under devices (not the stolen memory patches) disable the dock patch in kexts to patch disable all the C states checkboxes (actually made no difference in idle pkg consumption) gonna remove PNOT (i got that in the bootpack..)
  10. Hello! I am running e7240 with Mojave using files from bootpack (and maybe some tuining here and there) . I have huge battery drain compared to windows though. I did a couple of things to get around this, gotten better runtime but still maybe half than what i get in windows: - disabled card reader in bios - undervolted cpu gpu cache with voltageshift - disabled turbo boost i noticed with intel power gadget that the igpu is always at 0.55ghz and only going up, but never going down even when idle. Isn't it supposed to be at 0 when under no load? I see a couple of ACPI errors when loading the system. I tried to debug with "sudo kextload AppleIntelInfo.kext" but got " /Users/vanilla/AppleIntelInfo.kext failed to load - (libkern/kext) not found; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8)." CLOVER.zip
  11. Hello, writing from my 5540, a good way to increase the performance a bit are undervolt with voltageshift - sudo chown -R root:wheel VoltageShift.kext - my settings are " ./voltageshift offset -80 -80 -80 " but you should start maybe with -50 -50 -50 and then drop a bit after each day of use to check stability - https://github.com/sicreative/VoltageShift disable Apple services in background - https://gist.github.com/pwnsdx/d87b034c4c0210b988040ad2f85a68d3
  12. How so ? What version of macOs did you install ? Did you create a patched ssdt or a usb kext?
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