What I want to do
- I want a MAC OS
- I want a Windows 7
What have I
- Asus k55vm / Core i5, 8 GB Ram , HDD 750 GB, 8 GB flash drive with mac os x 8.0 for install hack
How do I install
- boot usb with hack installation
- create GUID with 4 part
disk0s1 efi [hidden]
disk0s2 Mac - HFS
disk0s3 Win 7 - msdos
disk0s4 Data - HFS
disk0s5 DATA - msdos
- Install windows 7 on disk0s2
- Install Mac OS X on disk0s1
- boot from usb -x
- delete NVidia drivers
- install Clover
BIG PROBLEM where save dsdt .. etc
in /Volume/Mac/EFI directory or EFI part or directory and part
How run windows with EFI ?
Where find driver for wifi and touchpad for MAC
What should I do if I want to have MAC Win Linux ?
I not need windows if wifi work in Mac
p.s. sorry my English is poor....