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[SUCCESS] Dell latitude 3490 i5-8250u Catalina


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Hello! I'm new on this forum and in hackintosh laptop world, and I'm happy to ask on this great forum.


I need help from some super hackintosh user (i know that I'm in right place😄) my dilemma is below:


I've choose a Dell Latitude 3490 14" with intel 8th gen (i5-8250u), I was search and check on Google for specs, and i think that this 3490 is very similar to the 7490. 






I've found a partial EFI from 7490 with config.plist, ACPI patches and appropriate kexts (the attachment)

What do you think about this?

Can I use standard bios settings and standard uefi driver in clover reccomanded on forum in 3000 series section guides?

The hardware will work (I'm worry about trackpad)?


Please help me🙏 

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It's not a partial EFI, it's the set of Clover files that are applicable to the 7490, the rest being what Clover will install according to the version of Clover you install. The pack therefore comes to complement the Clover version provided in the guide you got the pack from.


If your 3490 specs are very close to the those of the 7490, then you may proceed with the same guide and setup, except the DSDT of course.

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Thank you very much HervĂ© for your fast reply! Could you to advise me some appropriate link for learn something about DSDT, how I can make right DSDT for my model? sorry but I'm new, I don't want find something wrong searching by my self. (I can't find anything about this model trackpad specs, I hope that this trackpad will be the same of the 7490)đŸ€ž

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Files from Hervé bootpack should work, you don't and should leave out the DSDT.aml. The only patch added is for the Fn key for Brightness. That can be accomplish in another way.

Once you have the system up and running, we could assist with the Fn key.

I believe all newer models comes with I2C touchpad, but Alps I2C Touchpad has minimum support as with the 7490. You'll probably only get basic mouse movement. 

Read Hervé's guide, there're details about it.



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Hello,  my pc is arrived, I followed the 7490 HervÚ's guide (bios settings,  Catalina clover pack, and guide's steps) I'm esclude the DSDT file out EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched and the installation is finished successfully (THANK YOU VERY MUTCH!!!!!!!!!!!). Now I'm finished the post installation and i found only 3 issues:


1 (for me is very important)  microphone input and headset output won't work (latest AppleALC and CodecCommander Layout id 11)


2 I need remap some keys, cause the ALT is on Command/Windows place, and brightness fn+f11/f12 don't work


3 The system don't recognize any trackpad (i've only basic mouse movement)  fix solution is copy all kext in L/E and rebuild the kextcache 


In the attachment my EFI (i've only update the lilu, whatevergreen and applealc kext). Thank you in advance for your help.🙏





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My 7490 guide details the DSDT patch I applied to get brightness control out of Fn-F11/Fn-F12. You may try and apply the same to your own extracted DSDT.

For Command/Option, just use the Keyboard PrefPane to swap the keys...

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Hello Hervé, i've read more thing about DSDT patching, and now i've already extracted the DSDT.aml to DSDT.dsl by aisl. Now I'm in serious trouble cause in your guide   I see that i have to search for this:

    Method (EV5, 2, NotSerialized)
        \_SB.PCI0.IGPU.BRT6 (Arg0, Arg1)


 but in my DSDT i have this:

    Method (EV5, 2, NotSerialized)
        \_SB.PCI0.GFX0.BRT6 (Arg0, Arg1)


This is the same for me:

        Method (BRT6, 2, NotSerialized)
            If (LEqual (Arg0, One))
                Notify (LCD, 0x86)
            If (And (Arg0, 0x02))
                Notify (LCD, 0x87)


And with first and second step I really don't know how to procede (inject Darwin in PCI0._INI Method) and (check for Darwin in XSID Method) :

    Scope (_SB.PCI0)
       Method (_INI, 0, Serialized)  // _INI: Initialize
            If (CondRefOf (\XOSI))
                If (LOr (XOSI ("Darwin"), XOSI ("Windows 2009")))      // Darwin OS injection
                    Store (0x07D9, OSYS)


    Scope (_SB)
        Method (XSID, 0, NotSerialized)
            If (LEqual (ACOS, Zero))
                If (CondRefOf (\XOSI, Local0))
                    If (LOr (XOSI ("Darwin"), XOSI (WIN7)))     // Darwin OS check
                        Store (0x80, ACOS)


With third and last step, i think i have to edit the strings in my DSDT like this:

        Method (BRT6, 2, NotSerialized)
            If (LEqual (Arg0, One))
                Notify (LCD, 0x86)
                Notify (^^LPCB.PS2K, 0x0366)     // Fn-F12 = Brightness up
            If (And (Arg0, 0x02))
                Notify (LCD, 0x85)
                Notify (^^LPCB.PS2K, 0x0365)     // Fn-F11 = Brightness down


Now, i have this (and now my shortcuts for brightness is Fn+s for brightness down and Fn+b for brightness up) :

        Method (BRT6, 2, NotSerialized)
            If (LEqual (Arg0, One))
                Notify (LCD, 0x86)
            If (And (Arg0, 0x02))
                Notify (LCD, 0x85)


Please help me, I believe i can do it!



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Indeed, you can do it. With minimal research, you'd find that GFX0 and IGPU are interchangeable ACPI device names and that renaming GFX0 to IGPU is actually recommended for Intel iGPUs. It's one of the many ACPI patches offered by Clover Configurator...


If you do not want to patch your DSDT, then lookup the alternative posted by Jake Lo; it's based on dedicated supplemental SSDT tables.

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