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Stuck at PCI Configuration


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I have a D830 that is stuck at PCI Configuration. Read a lot about it on the forums and did everything I could think of...starting with certain flags and everything.


I made an install according to the Myhack guide. Everything went good. What could be the problem though is that I did not do a full Fix...forgetting about it. So after several failed attempts and a lot of reading, I came across a post that recommended that. So I went back and did that...but still to no avail.


I was able to install from the usb to the harddrive with the flags of -v -x -graphicsenabler=yes. I had to use the -graphicsenabler=yes because I was getting the black screen on the install.


I now have the install on the hard drive and no I am getting the PCI Configuration problem. I am getting that far by using the -x -v -graphicsenabler=yes flags. If I don't use them I get to the Apple screen with the spinning icon that just spins, stops, spins, stops....


Should I replace certain files on the USB. Once again, I used the Extra for the D830 Nvidia and I after some time did the Full Fix. Should I replace any other problematic files on the usb? I have a fully working D620 Lion Install so I can do things quite easily, but I would like to learn how to do things by the command line too, so any help there would be greatly appreciated too.


I appreciate your help very much.

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Sorry:) I guess I should have given the specs eh:)


I am trying to install Mountain Lion on a D830 with Nvidia 135m graphics. I bought Mountain Lion the day it came out, so I am assuming that is 10.8--no updates.


I am running native graphics at 1280 by 800. I am on Bios A15 and I have bios settings as specified in the sticky under D830 (at the top), though it specifies A16.


I also just replaced the IO80211Family.kext and now it seems like I don't have to use the -graphicsenabler=yes now to install it on the Hard Drive.


I am still having the problem of it getting stuck at PCI Configuration.


Hope this helps you guys:) I really do appreciate the help, and I know that eventually we will get it working. Just takes time, patience, experimentation and a lot of help from you guys.


Thanks again.

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Try and boot with the following options:

USBBusFix=No npci=0x2000


If you manage to boot, give us the contents of your Chameleon boot plist (it's best to use Chameleon Wizard for that). It'll look like this:


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Thanks for the replies Herve.


Those flags didnt work. On all flags do I start the line out for each flag with a dash "-". Such as


-v -x -USBBusFix=No


And does capitalization matter too, to where I copy the flag exactly, even capital and lowercase.


Any help is greatly appreciated. I cant wait to have this thing up and running::))

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Boot flags begin with a '-'. Eg: -x -v -f. Boot options do not. Eg: USBBusFix=[Yes/No] cpus=1 arch=[i386/x86_64]


For instance, type (literally):

-x -f -v USBBusFix=No npci=0x2000


You can type '?' after pressing [ENTER] at bootloader delay bar to get a list of flags and options (it's not necessarily the complete list). Follow the casing.

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I used those command lines, and it is still hanging up at the PCI Configuration. Im at a loss. What could be the problem. You think I should make another USB install disk up. Or are there other files that I need to replace that could be hanging me up at the PCI Config.


Thanks very much for the help::)

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There are no files to replace at all to begin installation, not even the IO80211Family kext that you mentionned earlier (that can be done post-installation if you have a DW1395 Wifi card). I've installed ML on a D830 nVidia 135m just a couple of weeks ago and had no issue whatsoever. I was also using the very 1st release of ML 10.8 (a legit' copy, source unknown = you're on your own!). Once EDP is installed, you can update to 10.8.2.


Just make sure to create your myHack 10.8 USB installer properly, mounting the 'install ESD' image located inside the ML package and add the D830 nVidia bootpack afterwards. That's it, no need for a full fix at that stage.


If you get that done, ML installation will go through without hiccups. Boot your installer with option 'USBBusFix=No' to avoid lengthy/slow boot off installer media.

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I've got that D830 back right now. It has:


  • Intel T7250 2.0GHz Core2Duo CPU
  • 2Go DDR2-667 RAM
  • 120Go SATA HDD
  • DVD +/-RW in Modular Bay
  • nVidia Quadro NVS 135M (128Mo) video controller (Video BIOS v060.
  • WXGA (1280x800) LCD
  • Sigmatel 9205 Audio
  • Conexant HDA D330 MC modem (not that this matters...)
  • Dell DW1490 Wireless card
  • Dell 360 Bluetooth adapter
  • BIOS A16

The BIOS settings are configured as per my related post in D8xx section. HDD is GUID dual-partitioned: 1st partition is ML (Mac OS X extended (journaled) formatted), 2nd one is Win7 (NTFS formatted).


I can boot my ML USB installer (=myHack v3.1.2 10.8 installer with legit' retail Mac OS X 10.8 + myHack Create Extra with OSXL D830 nVidia bootpack) without problem and proceed with installation. The only boot option I use is 'USBBusFix=No', although it's not mandatory.


Are you guys 100% certain of your ML copy or are these just downloads???


That D830 was finalised with EDP v4 r29. Chameleon bootloader (re-installed from EDP) was updated to v2.2 r2110 and Chameleon boot plist settings are exactly as shown above. SMBios was set to MacBook Pro 3,1. It's not running on the best FSB800 C2D CPU, but it runs ML 10.8.2 just perfectly. Boots in 60s, shuts down in 20s flawlessly.

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