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ELAN, FocalTech and Synaptics (Smart Touchpad) Driver


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I'm using the Version v4.7 beta 5 installed as kext in efi/clover/kexts with my Zenbook ux303la Elan Touchpad under Mojave 10.14.1.

The use of the "real" fn key doesn't work excet Fn+F7 (mute display).

However the shift + F* Keys work (in mode 1 with F2 and F3 as backlight). I tried to edit the config.plist in ApplePS2SmartTouchpad kext as described here: 


First I choose Mode 3 and Asus, but that didn't really fit. so I changed to Mode 2 and fine tuned it there (F5,F6 for Display Brightness,..)

But it doesn't take the changes I made.

Now both modes work at the same time.

Context Button + F10 mutes Volume but I don't have Brightness within the Context Mode. with Shift F2 I can lower the display Brightness.

How can I get Mode 2 work correctly as setup in the plist? 


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i finished install mojave all things work ,but when move pointer by tarkpad or mouse
i see not sensitivity and inexactness and Deviation in motion


i am used app cursersence for make mouse and tarckpad better 
my mose is better now 
but i cant found tarckpad in list devices in app to change setting for it 
plz help me


Screen Shot 2019-02-01 at 9.36.02 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-01-29 at 7.51.54 PM.png

Screen Shot 2019-01-26 at 8.50.14 PM.png

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Im a find a way to fix two_fingers scrolling trackpad was very slow, and now is super fast....

Im change info.plist from VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext



Im modified VoodooPS2Controller.kext

Im remove this ApplePS2Smartouchpad.kext that cause conflict with Voodoo...

Who knows about the future will get in better...

Im get 3 buttons on trackpad and everything is fine now!!!


VoodooPS2Controller.kext MOD MAX WORKS SROLL.zipUnavailable

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