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Dell Inspiron 3542 - need help with battery and brightness


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So I installed yosemite on my dell inspiron. everything seems to work maybe not in the way i want. but works. I just wish i could fix the brightness and battery pack on this and i would be happy. I just installed maciASL and im fairly new to this. So if you could bear with me and help me figure out how to get the battery and brightness to work that would be awesome!!!!! Thanks guys. Also youll have to give me a descriptive way of how to do it. since i am a noob right now.

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You can use installation tools such as Kext Wizard or manually install them. For the latter:

  • copy your kexts to /System/Library/Extensions or /Library/Extensions
  • repair kexts permissions with the following Terminal commands
sudo chmod -Rf 755 /System/Library/Extensions (or /Library/Extensions)
sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /System/Library/Extensions (or /Library/Extensions)
  • rebuild cache
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions (or /Library/Extensions)
sudo kextcache -Boot -U /
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