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E6440: trouble with Azul framebuffer


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the one for you ig-platform-id = 0600260A. But won't hurt if you do all 3


0600 260A 0103 0303 0000 0002 0000 3001          layout id (usual layout for mobile HD4600 Hackintosh)

0000 6000 0000 0060 D90A 0000 D90A 0000          framebuffer index
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0800 0200 0000          ???
3000 0000 0105 0900 0004 0000 8700 0000

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10.12.4 vanilla Azul FB kext is v10.24.45. If you open the binary kext file found in Contents\MacOS subfolder with, say, HexFiend, you'll find the mobile layout 0x0a260006 at offset 1380464:


0600260A 01030303 00000002 00003001
00006000 00000060 D90A0000 D90A0000
00000000 00000000 00000800 02000000
30000000 01050900 00040000 87000000     // line to patch
02040900 00040000 87000000 FF000000
01000000 40000000 0F000000 01010000
04000000 00000000 0E000000 00000000


To get HMDI output, you would normally patch that layout as follows:

0600260A 01030303 ........ ........          // ** unmodified
........ ........ ........ ........          // ** unmodified
........ ........ ........ ........          // ** unmodified
........ 01051200 00080000 ........     // patched line
........ ........ ........ ........          // ** unmodified
........ ........ ........ ........          // ** unmodified
........ ........ 0E000000 00000000          // ** unmodified

and that's it (you leave all the ........ sequences unchanged).


I attach 10.12.4's vanilla Azul FB kext v10.24.45, patched kext v10.24.45 and patched  kext with version upped to v910.24.45. 'beats me if you still cannot get HDMI to work...





2 options:

  1. you use patched version v10.24.45 to replace the vanilla version in /S/L/E.
  2. you use patched version v910.24.45 in /L/E, leaving the vanilla kext untouched in /S/L/E.


With 1st option, repair permissions in /S/L/E with Terminal commands:

sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E*
sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E*
sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E*

With 2nd option, repair permissions in /L/E with Terminal commands:

sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E*
sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E*
sudo touch -f /L*/E*

Thereafter and whatever the option you've gone for, rebuild your cache with Terminal command:

sudo kextcache -Boot -U /

If the kextcache command returns an error message "xxxxxxx 77", re-type the touch + kextcache commands.

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Thanks for this sorry for needing such spoon feeding help, I learnt a lot  .
But both options don't work and I tried to edit the vanilla kext as described also doesn't work, 
when I plug an HDMI cable screen goes black and external display detects that there is a 1080p/60 signal but both laptop and screen stay black. If I remove the hdmi cable and cycle the laptop from sleep to wake display comes back on  much better than freezing as I was experiencing before.
Not sure if this could be the cause but when I am running the sudo kextcache -Boot -U /. I get the below among the other entries: 

kext-dev-mode allowing invalid signature -67061 0xFFFFFFFFFFFEFA0B for kext AppleIntelFramebufferAzul.kext
AppleDataSetManagement.kext - dependency for com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIBlockStorage lacks valid OSBundleCompatibleVersion.
AppleDataSetManagement.kext is missing dependencies (including anyway; dependencies may be available from elsewhere)
AppleDataSetManagement.kext - dependency for com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIBlockStorage lacks valid OSBundleCompatibleVersion.

I am not sure if this is the cause.

I appreciate all the help guys this one has been racking my brain since Monday very annoying.

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The invalid signature message is normal with any patched kext.


For the rest, I'd advise you to remove the IOAHCIBlockStorage patch, especially as Apple provides a dedicated command trimforce enable to support non-Apple SDD.

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meet the same problem on exactly same laptop


however i found a temporary solution:


if I start with lid closed and hdmi connected, then it displays normally.

btw, the dell icon shows on boot, seems to me the bios use the hdmi output as default displayer, and nothing about macos.

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So if you boot with the lid closed it displays via HDMI? , which o fthe above solutions did you use as I cannot get HDMI to work at all.


After re-applying option 1 



With 1st option, repair permissions in /S/L/E with Terminal commands:

sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E*
sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E*
sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E*


I am able to get hdmi output if I boot with the lid closed same as @mhaoyi  , this is great , dual displays would have been ideal but this is also better than nothing! Thanks guys

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Quick question @Jake Lo or @Herve


Would the system identification perhaps cause this HDMi output problem , I know with El Capitan  my system would display as Macbook Pro Early 2013


but after this 10.12.4 installed it displayed as below



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