All right folks. Am quite happy with my handiwork. Brightness/Backlight/Controls work. SLEEP works! Laptop will go to standby on lid close. On lid open it does not, but I can hit power button and back comes the display. Marvelous. On top of that USB works before and after sleep/wake. Nice especially if i need usb for wifi
So Right now all I need is reference to wifi card that works with this laptop. I already purchased a BCM card that was not Dell branded (like DW 1520) but that also did not work. The laptop will not even go to BIOS and tells me I have incompatible device. So if someone can please refer me to a BCM or ATH wifi card.
PS - One hitch. Instant wake from sleep was from HDEF and ECH2, which I think is my WebCam/Mic and SD Card. The latter I don't care about, but losing Camera makes me sad. On resume from sleep, Camera and Mic don't work until I reboot. Not a biggie since how many times does one keep using both. However if anyone can help with that would appreciate it.
Attaching my files if someone can offer assistance.