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esmith1966 last won the day on February 20 2023

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  1. My Dell BIOS is latest version... Following these instructions to determine the correct UEFI variables to set so that I can enable 4k@60hz and to disable CFG lock 1. Download your BIOS flash program via Dell (search for your model, then click Drivers and Downloads and filter for BIOS) - Completed 2. Dell_PFS_Extract: Select folder containing your Dell .exe file (This will extract the raw BIOS .bin file) - Completed 3. UEFITool_NE_A58: Open 1 System BIOS with BIOS Guard vx.x.x.bin and export the Setup IFR section - Cannot figure this out... Stopped here cause I can't figure it out... 4. Ifrextractor: Use Section_PE32_image_Setup.sct as input file and write output to Section_PE32_image_Setup IFR.txt - Cannot figure this out... 5. Find variables by their name in the .txt file via Ctrl + F (e.g. DVMT or CFG or Thunderbolt) - Cannot figure this out... These are the extracted Bios Files https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/94pcxyxvotpm081r4aa7t/Latitude_5X11_Precision_3551_1.31.1.exe_extracted.zip?rlkey=rudezr9w5zzg6iwm8ulvlg3zu&st=t4pmip2h&dl=0 Can someone help me regarding this... All of this is from this site where 4k etc was enabled... https://github.com/MokkaSchnalle/macOS-Dell-5411-5511
  2. Got a Dell Latitude 5411 Unsure where to begin with the EFI process. Didn't see any posts with this laptop. Did see this : https://github.com/MokkaSchnalle/macOS-Dell-5411-5511 But its Monterey. Ran into i2cwr device error - unsure what that is. Need some help...
  3. Was able to install Sequoia on E7470... But no trackpad support... the keyboard works... No intel wifi support yet... airportitlwm kext is not updated... Unsure what to do about the trackpad...
  4. using this guide for the Sonoma install on my E7470: Put an intel WiFi card into the computer These four kext were copied in... AirportItlwm.kext BlueToolFixup.kext IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext IntelBTPatcher.kext And made the adjustments to the config file (took out theAirportItlwmVentura.kext file and added AirportItlwm.kext). Still seems 'unstable' and the Boot took a long time.
  5. This is just a plain E7270, 2.8 ghz cpu says i5, 16 gb RAM, HD Graphics 520, 1080p display, 1 TB ssd This is a Sonoma install using a Clover EFI You have a Sonoma install guide located elsewhere on the site...
  6. Followed the install method in the Guide Section... Getting this screen... then the system hangs... Also using attached Intel WIFI card (but didnt put the kexts in yet) Unsure what to do System has stayed her for around 20 mins... SO I think its stuck...
  7. This EFI folder will boot a Ventura install on a E6530 laptop BUT it seems unstable. Am not able use migration assistant as it seems to crash... Also, booting to an install USB does not seem to work. BUT I am able to get to desktop on a Ventura install on a HD... Could someone look at this EFI and see what can be remedied. EFI.zip
  8. We were using the E6230 package. Will check the original bootloader config. It boots to the installer... so will start with that... Have been using Open Core... Will see if Clover works... it should
  9. Did a clean install… used the ACPI files from my existing Big Sur install The screen still turned black during the boot process… apparently when the video driver kicks in… unsure what to do next…
  10. There might be issues with the Ventura 13.3 beta and OCLP... Installing using 13.2.1
  11. OK... I will try this tonight with a clean install... IS there a way to boot a patched system without invoking the patches? I could not figure that out...
  12. Yes to all. Unsure about that... I am using the exact files that are in the zip package... only the serial numbers are modded... attaching the config file and the boot screenshot EFI.zip I am wondering if the OCLP patch went through OK... When I ran OCLP... it downloaded some big package that had "pk" in the name that was not seen when I did this on the E6230
  13. I installed using the same method as the e6230 i get all the way until the patching stage i ran the patcher with the same settings the screen shows a logo with a progress bar then it goes blank Seems like this happened when the graphics driver is supposed to kick in What do I do now?
  14. Has anyone attempted to install Ventura on a E6530 using the method in the E6230 guide? This uses open core legacy patcher to get HD4000 working again...
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