Hello all ,
I followed this enoch version of the E6230 guide for Sierra installation...
I skipped using the FakePCIID_XHCIMux (no USB 3.0 devices to test with), the CapriFB (I get mirrored desktop over HDMI, going to test the rest later), but the 3 things that bug me are:
Laptop boots up and goes immediately to sleep (spending 1 minute to do so). I can wake it up fine and use it. It can be avoided sometimes by moving the trackpad before entering the video graphics mode.
Upon wake, the webcam doesn't work
EAPDFix.kext+CodecCommander.kext doesn't solve the headphone issue (no sound on headphone)
I skipped using the patched AppleHDA.kext, but I used Clover on-the-fly binary patching (supposedly will support the next version of AppleHDA when it comes). I used AppleHDA_IDT92HD93.kext as per the instructions.
I also used the FixHeaders option in Clover to avoid the initial kernel panic
Does anyone have the E6230 working 100% with High Sierra?