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  1. Yah, I think this is fastest way to get working modem. I have tried Legacy_QMI.kext for Sierra OS.  The DW5811 modem is visible in system report - position usb and wwan. I tried set modem to USBCOMP=6 under Win10 to swithch modem to QMI mode. But modem stil dosnt work under Mojave while under Win10 it works well. Perhaps its possible to force it wokr under Mojave but it require qite some time and effords.
  2. I have checked WWAN modem. It doesn't work. DW5811e Snapdragon is even not recognised by system as WWAN.
  3. I can see 4G DW5811e Snapdragon device is connected to USB port. But I newer tried to use it. I will try it next week, cause I am curious now. I'll let you know.
  4. In VooDoo I2C topic author told that multi gestures supported only for limited number of I2C touch pads. For the rest of devices kext simply emulate a mouse like for our Alps touchpad. As I understand it is a very little chance that someone will write a preppier kext for out touch pad.
  5. I confirm that earphones output works with AppleALC v.1.3.5 + layout 21 on my system. As for backlight brightness control, just noticed that backlight control + AppleBacklightFixup.kext works after sleep. I guess I need to read carefully discussion at tonycrapx86 forum to troubleshoot it.
  6. I can't just use his config. His Latitude has KabyLake processor and hence HD620 graphic card while mine 7480 has SkayLake processor with HD520 graphics. By the way, I have checked my earphones output. It doesn't work as well. I didn't paid attention earlier cause I don't use it often.
  7. I want to share my observations about touchpad issues. I used a bootpack from this tread to boot Mojave 10.14.3 on my SkayLake based Latitude 7480. Unfortunately I don't remember build version of Mojave. The trackpad did not worked until DarwinFix was applied in Clover config. I installed Mojave update version 18D109 later. After update I got Touchpad broken. After some time I removed DarvinFix and got the touchpad functionality back . So, to me the track pad issues (when VoodooI2C kext work for some peoples while it doesn't work for others) is also depends on OS build version and ACPI patches in clover. Now I wonder if you guys managed to get backlight adjustment work properly. I use AppleBacklightFixup.kext but the best I could get was 100% brightness, with a non-working slider :-(. Actually the backlight has 2 states depends on the slider position - Full brightness and no backlight at all. I have followed AppleBacklightFixup instructions down to the letter but no success.
  8. This issue with touch pad is qite strange. I have Latitude 7480, i5 6200. Initially it took me a month to get my DSDT patched for I2C to get touchpad work with Voodoo I2C kext + High Sierra. I have updated bios + reinstalled High Sierra because of sleep issue (laptop dosnt go to seleep instead it just hangs). The reinstallation did not solved the sleep issue, but touchpad works straight ahead. I have not made any DSDT patches for I2C nor for GPO pining. Just have placed I2C kext it to the Clover forder, and get working touchpad.I wonder if its because of bios update or because of new releace of High Sierra.
  9. The keyboard works with VoodooP2s kext. To start touchpad and trackpoint I have installed VoodooI2C kext and patched my dsdt. Now I have a situation when upon laptop initial boot touch and trackpoint does not work. If laptop goes to sleep mode touch and track point do work after laptop is woked up ! Any thoughts how to fix it ?
  10. Did you managed to start touch pad ? I have 7480 latitude keboard and tauch pad dosnt work with high sierra 10.13.3
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