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Everything posted by Conti

  1. I'm not sure about the wireless either, you will have to look that up. Do what I've suggested so far above and then report back before myself or others post any more details, I should be able to help you with your power management as well, it may be as simple as using a patched kext as I did on my own sandy bridge notebook and ivy bridge desktop but it may also require some dsdt work. Audio will require you use a patched AppleHDA.kext + DSDT modification *OR* voodoohda as you have already, just keep in mind - to use voodoohda you must remove AppleHDA.kext from /System/Library/Extensions/ otherwise it will cause panics.
  2. For your ethernet try placing the RealtekR1000SL.kext in /Extra/Extensions and then run myfix. I will attach the file to this post. If that does not work let me know and I will give you another one to try (the other one will probably work but it is of poor quality compared to this one so it should only be used as a last resort). RealtekR1000SL.kext.zip
  3. That crash you get on OSX boot (in the first picture) is due to the ApplePolicyControl.kext - Run the "Remove Problematic Extensions" function in myHack and it will remove the extension and solve that problem. Might help with the rest too, it may somehow corrupt the initialization of the nvidia graphics until the next cold boot.
  4. I don't have time to read the entire novel you just wrote lol, but I will come back to it later. For now I can say that GPT is supported, UEFI is not, because of chameleon. Chameleon is a boot-132 based bootloader, not an EFI bootloader. Though there are some EFI bootloaders for osx out there they are all still in their alpha phase of development and take a bit more know how to achieve functional installs with so I would not suggest them to the novice nor would I suggest them to anyone with a system that requires more 'hacking/modifications' to get functioning correctly, like most notebooks.
  5. I didn't know that Beta, it's been a while since I've had a look at netkas' blog, good to know.
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