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Everything posted by Conti

  1. You would be able to download attachments the moment your account is approved if you can meet the requirements of the introduction thread, which you have failed to do. Please read THIS again - carefully - before trying again.
  2. Good common sense tips. I'd say with #5 though you should first test the flags by entering them manually at the chameleon boot prompt, if they work as expected, then you may add them to the chameleon boot plist. I would also add #6 Avoid software which installs kexts or chameleon for you, very few of these have undergone the testing that myHack/myFix has undergone and if you are using myHack some of these applications will break some of the significant benefits that things like myFix have to offer. Manual installation or myHack/myFix methods are the only methods that I personally endorse as they are the only methods that I know inside and out and have good documentation and support available.
  3. Just inject the device into your dsdt for now, we're working to improve the code we have added to chameleon for graphics enabler support, if you want you can PM me and I will send you a beta version of myhack with our latest improvements for you to test if adding the IGPU device data to your dsdt proves to be too difficult for you.
  4. You have a working OS X system yes? Why not just reinstall from a clean myHack USB installation disk? I mean you have the general knowledge now of what extensions you'll need so setting up the Extra's shouldn't be too difficult. Alternatively - You shouldn't need a preboot/postboot img once you've actually achieved an installation - those are only there to help you get up and running using a swap cd. You should be able to just remove them and ensure you have what you need in /Extra and just run myfix -t / then reboot.
  5. Please repost your questions in one of the other forum categories, so that it will be indexed and picked up by search engines etc - I will respond to you there. The installation category would be appropriate for what you've asked here. Welcome to the forums.
  6. Can you use the usb key to boot your OS X installation? (select usb key at bios boot menut -> hit tab at the chameleon boot prompt -> select your internal hdd that you installed OS X on and hit enter). From there open myHack app, select 'Install Chameleon' option and target your / partition. This should fix the problem, if it does not you could try using myHack from the utilities menu on the OS X Installer, run "install chameleon' option, target the volume that contains your OS X installation. If neither of the above fix your bootloader on the internal partition let me know I could send you a beta that contains an updated Chameleon bootloader as well as some new installation routines that may help to resolve the issue if it persists.
  7. Remove natit.kext, voodoo*.kext, and platformuuid.kext, from the preboot.dmg /Extra - use the following boot flags: GraphicsEnabler=No GraphicsMode=1024x768x32 -v CPUS=1 Once you get to the installed environment create a new usb installer with myHack so you have some sort of recovery environment as you poke around further - remember myhack 3.1.2 still has a bug with 10.6 installer creation under a 10.6 os - rename your / volume to zz-name to avoid the bug. From there I will need to know what graphics are on your notebook to find a better solution than natit... if there is one.
  8. I can't download that zip file but all I'd really need to see is an ls -l /Extra to have a better picture. Usually sleep related issues are linked to cpu power management - you could use 'sleepenabler.kext' while still using nullcpupowermanagement.kext to achieve sleep but you would not have proper pstate's which is still important for energy savings. To get functional power management on that i5 Sandy Bridge system is quite trivial though I showed an example here: http://myhack.sojugarden.com/2012/08/my-new-hackintosh/ I have done that on both Sandy Bridge Mobile and Ivy Bridge Desktop processors without problem. If it doesn't work right off the bat you may need some minor tweakage to your dsdt to allow sleep to function.
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