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albert e

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Everything posted by albert e

  1. Yes, it does have QI/QE. I have the the older version of that (NVS 280) on my old HP7600 Pentium D 945 running OS X 10.6.8.
  2. I had an upgrade error when I tried to buy the OS X Mountain Lion at the AppStore. See attached. Just wondering why? I used the generic smbios.plist for D630. AppStore Upgrade Error.tiff
  3. Not exactly promising, cause the recorded input(line-in mic) sound was distorted.
  4. Are you ready for the cat? It's coming. http://gizmodo.com/5928744/os-x-mountain-lion-is-definitely-out-tomorrow-july-25
  5. Read on and check the requirements for AMD's: http://www.osxlatitude.com/how-to-install-snow-leopard-on-your-amd-system/
  6. Internal mic works but line-in mic does not. When I plugged in & out a mic in the line input, it is being asserted as displayed in the sound preference/input mode.
  7. I was assuming you use the Extra bootpacks & myHack 3.1.2 on building your OS X ML install disk? Assuming you did, you missed one step after (1). replacing ACPIPlatform.kext on your Install disk. If you have a separate working OS X Lion partition, (2). performing a myFix/Quick on your install disk. This is a MUST!, what is does is that it copies the kext (ACPIPlatfrom.kext) into myHack.kext/Plugin that resides in S/L/E. If you are successful in installing OS X ML (hooray!), then, you must perform step 1(on your OS X ML partition not install disk) this time & step 2 also. (3). Install EDP 3.x. Good hacking and success comes to those who have patience.
  8. "i used myhack 3.1.2 to create the 10.8 GM install disk, D630's bootpack in /Extra during installation and then install chameleon via myHack.app after installation before runing EDP to configure the D630 previously, are these the correct steps?" Yes, that is what exactly I did. Happy hacking and have lots of patience!
  9. Enabled sleep on my system, it works, but the keyboard(option 1) didn't work for me but the trackpad works. Everything seems to work. Tested "sleep/wake" functionality and I can confirmed it worked on my D630.
  10. To potatohead, Update: 7/20/2012 9:55PM Here's my D630 configuration process(attached). I have a question for you, when you said it didn't work for you, how did you tests the "sleep/wake" functionality? myD630configuration.rtf
  11. I mean, 1. Use KextWizard to install the kext (see Example) KextWizard-Installation.tiff
  12. Here, try this. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Graphics Mode</key> <string>1024x768x32</string> <key>GraphicsEnabler</key> <string>Yes</string> <key>Kernel</key> <string>mach_kernel</string> <key>Kernel Flags</key> <string>npci=0x3000</string> <key>PciRoot</key> <string>1</string> <key>Timeout</key> <string>5</string> <key>UseKernelCache</key> <string>No</string> <key>arch</key> <string>x86_64 -v -f</string> </dict> </plist> Worked for me after OS X ML GM install. Download EDP 3.x and select your configuration.
  13. I'll try to replicate the configuration(too bad, there's no log of the selected configuration after the configuration process, is there?) that or I'l get the kext in my E/E folder.
  14. This kext (attached) works for me (D630-nvidia). Sleep/wake works! Use KextWizard to import it to E/E folder. Run myFix/Quick, reboot, voila "peanut-butter" sandwich.! SleepEnabler.kext.zip
  15. On OS X ML GM, on EDP 411 a. D630-nvidia b. yes c. no, the default kext KP's d. 1 e. yes f. yes g. yes h. default yes i. no Note: 1.The default audio kext for D630 (STACxxxxxx) have sound assertion failure (AppleMickey?????.kext) 2. I attached the SleepEnabler.kext that works on my D630. SleepEnabler.kext.zip
  16. Sound assertion problem failure on AppleMickey?????.kext using this audio configuration(D630). So that microphone is not working? Can anyone confirm that the microphone was working using this audio kexts?
  17. I meant to say run "./edptool.command" to load another configuration. But it seems that you just need to run myFix/Quick to reconfigure cache if that is what you are suspecting. I had the same failure with restart/shutdown, so I reconfigure(try another configurations to optimized your system (D630, D830 whatever system you have). in this forum, there is no proposed configuration for D630/D630/etc. system. We're still trying to figure it out. Sharing is important in the forum and if members don't share the best optimized system for D630/D630/etc. then those that are struggling will keep on 'hacking". There's no end. So, I hope members SHARE!. I am in the middle of testing I believe the best configuration for D630 but holding on till I have done extensive tests before I share them. I've found a kext for SleepEnabler.kext that works on my D630 so far, I will share later on. On my configuration/tests, graphics acceleration was not acceptable on this OS X ML GM; I will submit Xbench tests later. At the moment. keep the patience and keep on 'hacking" and then share.
  18. Try another configuration, I have the same system D630 + nvidia. And run myFix/Full because it's another configuration (kext's).
  19. Yes, AirParrot will do the job. It actually work. If you run Activity monitor, you'll see the CPU workload. AirParrot should be the only application running. That is why it's better to get demo first to see if it works for you.
  20. Finally,my D630 was up-to-date with the OS X ML GM; thanks to EDP 3.x guide. I just follow it by the letter and the EDP was installed up to 358. I still think that the GM will not be the final release because I noticed that iPhoto (hanging up) was having a problem or it just might be iPhoto (9.31) version. I think they still have few bugs to fix (my opinion). I don't know, they just might release it and fix the bugs later:-)
  21. Unfortunately NO, per OS X ML requirements, only early 2011 or newer Apple products (h.264 decoding in the GPU) are allowed in Airplay Mirroring. The GPU handles most of the processing and less for the CPU, thus cooler products. You can use AirParrot application for $10.00 in the Mac AppStore that does the same functional as AirPlay Mirroring. BTW, the temperature, it's the CPU/GPU that does the workload! I used it and yes, it does the work. Try the demo and then buy it.
  22. I did not install EDP because SleepEnabler.kext creates Kernel Panic. in my Extra folder are the Generic kext that I choose during the installation plus BCM5722D.kext, VoodooBattery.kext, VoodooHDA.kext & VoodooPState.kext and the dsdt.aml for my system D630. I installed PStateMenu application and put in my startup application. And that's about it. Will install EDP later on finality.
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